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Combat Medic - Leveling


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Hi Commando Community.


From a lot of reading I have been doing here, (and everywhere else) I'm hearing a lot of bad things about commando's healing. I chose my commando because I wanted the flexibilty to switch from DPS/Healer when needed should I join a guild. I'm currently leveling as a Healer to which I have to say I'm finding it a lot of fun doing. Specially when trying to heal FP/WZ. Granted I don't know the class 100% yet and I'm only level 27 but I like the challenge when healing in FP's.


I'm an old skool wow player at heart and my main was a druid healer and i played in the times when you could constantly top people off. I'm liking the challenge that when in FP's its almost a stuggle to keep people up. So used to using mods like healbot I've gotten lazy in my approach.


Can anyone give an tips on healing as in how you go about it yourselves. I'm not particually looking at tactics or what buttons to press but more-over advice on how you heal, do you click portraits? Keybind? Point and click on nameplates. What do you find easiest and most efficent. I'm always willing to learn and would appreciate the comminuties input.


Thank you in advance for reading and for any replys.

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Hi Commando Community.


From a lot of reading I have been doing here, (and everywhere else) I'm hearing a lot of bad things about commando's healing. I chose my commando because I wanted the flexibilty to switch from DPS/Healer when needed should I join a guild. I'm currently leveling as a Healer to which I have to say I'm finding it a lot of fun doing. Specially when trying to heal FP/WZ. Granted I don't know the class 100% yet and I'm only level 27 but I like the challenge when healing in FP's.


I'm an old skool wow player at heart and my main was a druid healer and i played in the times when you could constantly top people off. I'm liking the challenge that when in FP's its almost a stuggle to keep people up. So used to using mods like healbot I've gotten lazy in my approach.


Can anyone give an tips on healing as in how you go about it yourselves. I'm not particually looking at tactics or what buttons to press but more-over advice on how you heal, do you click portraits? Keybind? Point and click on nameplates. What do you find easiest and most efficent. I'm always willing to learn and would appreciate the comminuties input.


Thank you in advance for reading and for any replys.


By default F2,3 & 4 are binded to target friendlies in the group. Very useful on FP's. But on warzones I click the nameplates on the left (group/ops group tablet). I modified them a little so I can see their health bar more easier by making the health bar larger and added text & total % of their health.


The less clicking the better.

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cool thanks for the reply. didn't realise that F2/3/4 we're friendlies, i've been clicking/mis-clicking a lot and its annoying me. this is a great tip so thank you for that. I will be looking into adjusting the name plates to show health and percentages too.


do the F2/3/4 keys correspond in order going down the list as in F2 is top group member, F3 is middle and F4 is bottom or the other way around? This will help me greatly in healing my allies :) thank you

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This is where you will see a lot of difference between healers and i find it quite interesting all the different ways to achieve the same outcome.... hopefully.


I use a combination of my mouse/keys to move and on all my toons, my number keys and "F" keys are set to my actions. I have a cheap and nasty mouse with only 2 buttons on it, so i have my kolto bomb set on my mouse for ease of placement and i will spam it on every cool down if the group allows. Fantastic heal if you can hit 3 or more with it.


As for the raid, i have all my groups set to "raid" groups and have the health bar solid and as large as possible. I tried putting the percentages in there but didn't like it as i found it distracting to begin with, so never bothered to get used to it. There's nothing that the commandos use to heal that needs and exact percentage to use, so i didn't see the point. I have a BIG red bar, that lets me know the stat of my team mates. But its all personal preference, i notice that a lot of healers use it. I use my mouse to click on the member to heal (in the ops frame) and then hit the corresponding key for the heal i want.


So my mouse stays hovered over the ops frame unless moving or using my kolto, clicking feverishly between raid members, while hitting my keys to heal. If i need to move and heal at the same time, kolto is easy, i just switch to move with my keys and drop a kolto down. Same if i change targets, then back to moving with my mouse and spamming heals with my keys.


It sounds complicate when i try to explain it, but after some practise it works pretty well.

Edited by WooduckAUS
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If you understand the ammo system and the regen rates you will do better with heals. Knowing the lower your ammo gets the less you regen is important. Once you get used to managing the ammo regen rate then the use of SCC will be the next item to learn to manage for peak performance. Solo questing this is your dps and in groups it is your spike damage reducer. Where commando heals are lacking is AE healing so stupid group members can really cause you to eat through the ammo. If you have a group you regularly run with they will learn to stand to maximize your kolto bomb but pugs can be dumb at times. It's not sage heals but it's still viable.
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I usually just click on the portraits. In PvE, Commando healers don't really have to move much until later, so you don't really need to pay attention to what is going on, just who needs healing. Also, make sure you make your ops frames bigger or it can be hard to tell who needs cleansing.


For healing, commandos are great at healing a dedicated tank. This makes them awesome when you have an organized group. If you are geared / leveled enough for the content you are playing then you can heal forever, more or less, as long as the group is performing optimally.


Now with pugs this isn't usually the case. I find healing for trash mobs to be much harder than the bosses as a commando because people will often times just go all out instead of letting the tank take the aggro. Kolto bomb is decent at healing, but it is more useful for its buffs, so healing an entire group can be a challenge. Also, in these situations don't put your trauma probe on the tank. They aren't going to be taking all the damage like they would on a boss encounter, so it would work better on someone else. I usually cast it on myself in these situations unless there is a particularly badly geared dps or something. I have also played with groups that don't know how to handle adds, and in these I usually leave trauma probe on myself as well because I know I'm going to be taking a beating.


One more thing, you will eventually get two abilities, one that causes your next action to cost 0 and another that makes your next action instant (I can't remember the names of them). These have the same length cooldown so what I will usually do is activate them together. I find this combo to be a great way to conserve ammo when you are in a rough spot in a fight or to throw out an extra free medical probe during a part of a boss fight that needs burst healing.


Anyway, that's all the advice I can think of right now.

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Hi Commando Community.


From a lot of reading I have been doing here, (and everywhere else) I'm hearing a lot of bad things about commando's healing. I chose my commando because I wanted the flexibilty to switch from DPS/Healer when needed should I join a guild. I'm currently leveling as a Healer to which I have to say I'm finding it a lot of fun doing. Specially when trying to heal FP/WZ. Granted I don't know the class 100% yet and I'm only level 27 but I like the challenge when healing in FP's.


I'm an old skool wow player at heart and my main was a druid healer and i played in the times when you could constantly top people off. I'm liking the challenge that when in FP's its almost a stuggle to keep people up. So used to using mods like healbot I've gotten lazy in my approach.


Can anyone give an tips on healing as in how you go about it yourselves. I'm not particually looking at tactics or what buttons to press but more-over advice on how you heal, do you click portraits? Keybind? Point and click on nameplates. What do you find easiest and most efficent. I'm always willing to learn and would appreciate the comminuties input.


Thank you in advance for reading and for any replys.


When I'm healing anything, I prefer to use the Operations frame feature. I also have "Show Group frames as Operation frame" enabled (the downside of this being you cannot see the health of companions other than your own if you are running with them). Personally I can't imagine needing to target each player individually by key -- I feel like I'd spend more time watching my keyboard than deciding who to heal. At least for me, it's more intuitive to watch and use the operations frame, especially if it's centralized in your screen.


Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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I levelled as healing before switching to Gunnery DPS a few weeks/months after hitting 50 & found it a lot easier to target players with my mouse & have my heals on keys 1-4 (ish), I found that way you fingers don't have to move much to go from casting to the WASD keys to move.
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