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My personal PvE Assault Specialist spec/guide


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I am posting this because I would like the other Commandos thoughts or anyone who might need some ideas on where to go with a Assault Specialist spec. And by thoughts I mean constructive criticism or just any ideas about it. I will also detail my rotation as well.


The spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZMckZfhbbdGhrs.2

I use 3/7/31 (yes 31), although it is very possible to do without the top talent I prefer it myself and have had great success with it. Simply because I like having another on the move damaging ability in case the fight requires me to move around a lot. From what I understand this spec is pretty standard for the average PvE commando out there in terms of Assault Specialist.



The rotation isn't really a formal rotation if you know what I mean. It is just seeing how much ammo you have and what is needed at that time and using that ability. For example, if I have 7 ammo I probably don't want or need to use a Incendiary Round (IR). I better go with a Reserve Powercell and then a Full Auto to help regen a couple ammo. When starting a fight, use IR first then High Impact Bolt (HIB). After that use Full Auto to try and get a proc on Ionic accelerator for a free HIB. If you don't get a proc use Charged Bolts once or twice until you do. Use Hammer Shot and Assault Plastique as fillers when Ionic Accelerator (free HIB) was just used up. Charged Bolts is also a good filler b/c it does not have a cooldown, but when using these fillers make sure you watch your ammo count (in a perfect world the regen doesn't go below three arrows). All of these fillers are like the idea from before, use whatever you fell is necessary of the three. The only way you will know what is necessary is by reading the spec and seeing what each point The rotation is pretty easy after some practice. The two main goals of this spec are to:

1. Keep Incendiary Round or the Plasma Cell burn on at ALL TIMES, sometimes both at the same time. This is a Damage over Time spec so you will damn well keep these up.

2. Use HIB as many times as possible (so try to proc with Charged Bolts and Full Auto). HIB is a big damage dealer as well as Assault Plastique.


Ammo conservation/regen

Keep in mind while doing all of this, you are probably going to run a little low on ammo so use Recharge Cells when necessary (you will more than likely use this every time it is not on cooldown), but make sure to use Reserve Powercell on a casted or channeled ability (i.e Full Auto or Charged Bolts) because you will get either 1.5 secs or 3 secs to regen ammo. In my opinion this kind of thing is a must considering some fights can get pretty hectic.


While using this spec I have been on par with most other dps-ers other than of course Vanguards and some Sentinels. This is a great spec and does just the same dps as the Gunnery option, so just pick whatever is your preference and play style!


If I missed anything of importance or if anything is unclear make sure to let me know and I will edit the post.

Hopefully this helped some of you! :)

Edited by Gingerizhere
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