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Dear Bioware a better F2P model will make you money !


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So in other words you are a subscriber and don't want to pay anymore so you want them to remove the f2p restrictions? Why don't you just come right out and say that?


As a subscriber I think the restrictions are fine the way they are. I've been a subscriber since day one and have not minded paying. All this entitled complaining about f2p restrictions gets tiring. if anyone does not like the f2p restrictions they do have the option to subscribe.


I too have been a subscriber since Day 1 and I believe the game is too restrictive for F2P. I do not intend to go F2P, so don't bother using that excuse/accusation. The whole point is supposed to get more people playing, and to get them to want to spend money on the game. BioWare has failed at this, more than they failed at initial development of this game as an MMO. If they want to make money, offer things in the micro-store that people will actually want to buy. Offer things that will continue to sell, not just lottery packs. Recoloring items already in game and offering them at "unfortunate" prices is no way to maximize the store. Offer extra character slots, name changes (Legacy & primary), and server transfers. All of these have relatively low Development cost and are things that people have asked for. With the game being as restrictive as it is, they are trying to force people into getting subs. This will not work, long-term. People quit because they felt the game was not worth their money. Offer gameplay that makes people want to pay the sub for it, and offer things in the micro store that will make you even more a month than the subs. The point of this F2P was supposed to be to save the game and get more people to play, by reaching out to new players, and enticing older, former players to return.

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I'm in preferred status now and thought I could just finish a couple of stories and try to put this "game" behind me. I admit I logged on F2P with a grudge but I think I'm being honest with myself that the restrictions are way over the top. Every turn I make I'm hit with a restriction annoyance. I mean seriously, I have to pay not to show my helmet and unify my colors? They nerf my xp and charge me extra at vendors? They give me a 2 hour quick travel cooldown and I can't equip a purple item I loot? All things like that do is annoy me, it does not make me feel like I might be of any value what-so-ever. it does not make me feel like I'm wanted to be part of a community at all period.


I look in the Cartel Market and I don't see the type of things that will appeal to me. I don't see ways of coloring my armor the way I want to (which is given away freely in any other game I've witnessed), I don't see new hair styles or body types or any customization features at all. I do see armor recolored from existing armor in game and all I can think is how can anything be done more cheesy? I don't even find hints of common in every other game in existence QOL features being added to TOR. All I do find is restriction after restriction seemingly trying to annoy me into subscribing and yes there is a huge difference in encouraging verses annoying someone into a paying customer.


Needless to say, I'm annoyed.

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