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Dear Bioware a better F2P model will make you money !


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Bioware I love you, you guys have given us some truely epic games but the current F2P model stinks.


As a subscriber it's annoying playing with people that are so limited in so many ways, it would be great for yourselves and your community to remove the restrictions on the F2P model and encourage people to sub in other ways or even get rid of subs all together and replace them with micro transactions.


In doing this you need to remember Pay to win is never the solution cartel points and cosmetic upgrades are however , tho having said that a set of bind on account leveling gear for 10-20 USD would probably sell like hot cakes.

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So in other words you are a subscriber and don't want to pay anymore so you want them to remove the f2p restrictions? Why don't you just come right out and say that?


As a subscriber I think the restrictions are fine the way they are. I've been a subscriber since day one and have not minded paying. All this entitled complaining about f2p restrictions gets tiring. if anyone does not like the f2p restrictions they do have the option to subscribe.

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I still say they should have gone with full access to a certain level. Then the game stops. Charge for the next 5 levels or sub. Then have the cartel store for vanity items. Sorry, but the majority of mmo players are here to be what they cant be in real life. Having more options to look different in game is a big part of the experience.
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I still say they should have gone with full access to a certain level. Then the game stops. Charge for the next 5 levels or sub. Then have the cartel store for vanity items. Sorry, but the majority of mmo players are here to be what they cant be in real life. Having more options to look different in game is a big part of the experience.

*cough* Hutt expansion *cough*



@ Above; That would be a scam. I've also seen one shop here sell it for 40 euro, but the general price is 13 euro's. So you're basically buying a 1 month pass instead of "the game"...

Edited by Hassat-Hunter
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So in other words you are a subscriber and don't want to pay anymore so you want them to remove the f2p restrictions? Why don't you just come right out and say that?


As a subscriber I think the restrictions are fine the way they are. I've been a subscriber since day one and have not minded paying. All this entitled complaining about f2p restrictions gets tiring. if anyone does not like the f2p restrictions they do have the option to subscribe.


No i'd like to be able to play with my non sub friends in a less restricted manner.


If bioware wants the game to be successful they are going to need to take steps to ensure it is, your sense of "I pay money entitlement is just silly. Treating F2P players like second citizens instead of prospective customers is doing things the wrong way and will not encourage them to hang around and pay more to get the rest of what they were offered.

Edited by Spooler
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Lol nice try OP but I think you showed your true intentions. The whole 'I'll speak up for the f2p players' is so transparent. If you don't want to sub just cancel but don't try to play the hero card. Edited by Jandie
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Translation: Bioware, I really want to drop my sub, but I love PVP. I really think I should be able to PVP, wear purples, etc without having to pay you a dime. Can you please make that happen so I can save the $15 per month?



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Btw, is this game free to download now as well? I thought it was but saw the game in Best Buy for $39.95 a few days ago. No biggie. Just wondering.


The game should be on sale for $15. It's not required but if you buy the box, but you get the free month and automatic preferred status. Unless that's the CE edition, that Best Buy has them mis-marked.

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No i'd like to be able to play with my non sub friends in a less restricted manner.


If bioware wants the game to be successful they are going to need to take steps to ensure it is, your sense of "I pay money entitlement is just silly. Treating F2P players like second citizens instead of prospective customers is doing things the wrong way and will not encourage them to hang around and pay more to get the rest of what they were offered.


And what will giving them unlimited access do exactly? If I could play the game without restrictions, I would drop my sub (as would everyone else) and likely never spend another dime on this game again (as would most others). I'm sorry, but I'd rather not completely kill the game so your cheap buddies can get the same amount of access that my $15 per month buys.

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No i'd like to be able to play with my non sub friends in a less restricted manner.



Buy them subscription)

And on your free time - think some other way to get more people subscribe without limiting them.

If you will found it, you will be very-very rich. Because right now all people do is searching new way to play and not to pay.

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Lol nice try OP but I think you showed your true intentions. The whole 'I'll speak up for the f2p players' is so transparent. If you don't want to sub just cancel but don't try to play the hero card.


I have no intent nor have I stated I have an intent to drop my sub for all you know stop making silly assumptions Sherlock.

I want the following, for ToR to not shut down in 1-2 years when it's deemed no longer profitable due to a minuscule player base.

And to better enjoy my online experience cost does not bother me

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as a day 1 subscriber its just fine! I don't want to be micro transactioned to death. Most people who post this are subbers who want to drop their sub and get the same experience. If you want to enjoy your time more with your f2p friends, encourage them to sub or pay their sub. Don't devalue our experience because your friends are cheap.
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Bioware I love you, you guys have given us some truely epic games but the current F2P model stinks.


As a subscriber it's annoying playing with people that are so limited in so many ways, it would be great for yourselves and your community to remove the restrictions on the F2P model and encourage people to sub in other ways or even get rid of subs all together and replace them with micro transactions.


In doing this you need to remember Pay to win is never the solution cartel points and cosmetic upgrades are however , tho having said that a set of bind on account leveling gear for 10-20 USD would probably sell like hot cakes.


Could you be more specific? I'm going to assume that you have reasonable intent. Are you really suggesting that they remove all F2P restrictions? Because no game that has an optional sub does that. How is it hard for your as a subscriber to play with F2P people?


Frankly, saying "get rid of all restrictions" does sound like you just want to unsub and still play with no restrictions.

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I think they should adopt a model similar to DCUO (though to be fair that model may not be making them money). Basically subs get everything (including new content) for free. There are free people, people who don't sub but pay money and subs. If you don't sub, you get nickel and dimed for everything. Everything in the in game cash store is cosmetic/convenience.
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Bioware I love you, you guys have given us some truely epic games but the current F2P model stinks.


As a subscriber it's annoying playing with people that are so limited in so many ways, it would be great for yourselves and your community to remove the restrictions on the F2P model and encourage people to sub in other ways or even get rid of subs all together and replace them with micro transactions.


In doing this you need to remember Pay to win is never the solution cartel points and cosmetic upgrades are however , tho having said that a set of bind on account leveling gear for 10-20 USD would probably sell like hot cakes.


Well done translating!:


Translation: Bioware, I really want to drop my sub, but I love PVP. I really think I should be able to PVP, wear purples, etc without having to pay you a dime. Can you please make that happen so I can save the $15 per month?


Yep I think you hit the OP intentions perfectly.

Edited by Jandie
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I have no intent nor have I stated I have an intent to drop my sub for all you know stop making silly assumptions Sherlock.

I want the following, for ToR to not shut down in 1-2 years when it's deemed no longer profitable due to a minuscule player base.

And to better enjoy my online experience cost does not bother me




If cost doesn't bother you, pay for your friends subs or buy and gift them weekly passes to stuff. Also, if they gave F2Pers the access you request, the game would die a lot sooner than 1-2 years. It would have tons of players (freeloaders), but it would still be shut down due to lack of profit.

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I have no intent nor have I stated I have an intent to drop my sub for all you know stop making silly assumptions Sherlock.

I want the following, for ToR to not shut down in 1-2 years when it's deemed no longer profitable due to a minuscule player base.

And to better enjoy my online experience cost does not bother me


news flash honey, tor will still be here in 1-2 years. nice try. why? because of people like me who love this game and aren't afraid to shell out a little cash to help the developers out.

Edited by AidanLightwalker
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And what will giving them unlimited access do exactly? If I could play the game without restrictions, I would drop my sub (as would everyone else) and likely never spend another dime on this game again (as would most others). I'm sorry, but I'd rather not completely kill the game so your cheap buddies can get the same amount of access that my $15 per month buys.


I wouldn't drop my sub if you game me an allocation of cartel points = to the cost of the sub or maybe just over + continued discounts on future expansions.


There's a ton of ways you could get around this issue and make people who have subs feel valued, honestly my biggest concern is grouping/que times take forever I feel as tho Bioware should be doing as much as they can to make the game convenient for me, the problem low active player count the solution should be to get as many people in as possible before I unsub because it takes me 20 minutes to get into a group.


The better the games free to play structure the more time people invest the more time people invest the more they spend on micro transactions.

Also the more people playing the more alive the game-world feels and the more time people want to spend in it.

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If cost doesn't bother you, pay for your friends subs or buy and gift them weekly passes to stuff. Also, if they gave F2Pers the access you request, the game would die a lot sooner than 1-2 years. It would have tons of players (freeloaders), but it would still be shut down due to lack of profit.


Interesting how most of the revenue for games comes from micro transactions now Team fortress and the hat store spring to mind.


claiming cosmetic micro-transactions would not be profitable is silly.

even non cosmetic things increasing your carry capacity buying level 1 speeder access, leveling gear, all kinds of things can be done to make a profit without subs saying "no subs, no money" is ignorant at best

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If your friends like this game but in the same time are so cheap that they aren't willing to spend 5$ in the cartel market for preferred status then they should play something else.

The restrictions for the most part are good and working as intended, because the idea is that those who subscribe get much more than those who want to save their money, as it should be, shocking, i know.


One of my friends stopped subscribing because of some temporary money problems, but he plays as preferred for now and buys an occasional unlock or authorization here and there without ************ about it and barking at Bioware how everything should be free and handed to him on a bloody silver platter.

Edited by Vlacke
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the problem low active player count the solution should be to get as many people in as possible before I unsub because it takes me 20 minutes to get into a group.

That make no sense.. if you add more players the % of Tank/heals wont change, we already seen that with the first server merge.

2 heals -----> 20 tanks

2 tanks ------> 20 heals

10 dps -------> 100 dps


Just reroll a tank/heal if you arent happy with queue time and love to over-exaggerate, my queue are less than 10 min and il be a dps forever.

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I feel as tho Bioware should be doing as much as they can to make the game convenient for me


If every player felt this way there would never be a game to play. Get over yourself, if you don't like the f2p restrictions and you don't want to pay your sub then there are other games.

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