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Vengeance Spec Help


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Well, I experimented with the Dread Guard of Cerulean Nova relic, and compared it to the Dark Radiance one. The former does slightly more damage than the latter. I guess slightly better is the better choice to have during raids. Has anyone tried combing the matrix cube plus relic of boundless ages to using two relics?
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Is there a specific number where your ravage is almost off cd that you should not use impale or shatter, since it could be a waste of the cooldown completion? Say something like, any time it only has 4 seconds or less left, don't use impale or shatter?



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Is there a specific number where your ravage is almost off cd that you should not use impale or shatter, since it could be a waste of the cooldown completion? Say something like, any time it only has 4 seconds or less left, don't use impale or shatter?



I usually don't use impale or shatter when ravage is like 3s or left on its CD and instead use rage builders so that I have it when I use ravage, that way I don't have to worry about it.

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Well, I experimented with the Dread Guard of Cerulean Nova relic, and compared it to the Dark Radiance one. The former does slightly more damage than the latter. I guess slightly better is the better choice to have during raids. Has anyone tried combing the matrix cube plus relic of boundless ages to using two relics?


Vengeance spec should be using Elemental proc Relic and DG Boundless ages.


Matrix cube is terribad. If you suck at remembering to click boundless ages, get a pvp relic.

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Vengeance spec should be using Elemental proc Relic and DG Boundless ages.


Matrix cube is terribad. If you suck at remembering to click boundless ages, get a pvp relic.


OK, cool. Thanks for the help. I've been practising clicking on it in front of the training dummy. I've gotten quite fast at it.

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1) always try to use your big super attack as many times as possible in a fight, in this case ravage. So putting up your dots before hand is definitely a dps loss. Also Ravage cd cannot be refreshed by impale/shatter if it is not on cd.


2) Getting talents that might only be useful in certain situations, example pooled hatred is dumb. You want as many of your talents to be affecting as many of your attacks as possible.


I don't know if this was ment sarcastic but in case it wasn't:

1.) Burst not sustained dmg is key in pvp and putting up the dots, while channeling ravage does far more burst dmg, than putting them up seperately plus if the target is kiting what good is it to waste ravage?


I'm sorry if I just missed the sarcasm, it can happen in posts. :o

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I don't know if this was ment sarcastic but in case it wasn't:

1.) Burst not sustained dmg is key in pvp and putting up the dots, while channeling ravage does far more burst dmg, than putting them up seperately plus if the target is kiting what good is it to waste ravage?


I'm sorry if I just missed the sarcasm, it can happen in posts. :o


This whole thread has been about PvE I believe.

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rotation a : ravage, sundering assault

rotation b: impale, force scream, sundering assault

rotation c: shatter, assault, sundering assault


You don't want to be using Assault. It shouldn't be part of your rotation. Where's your parse using the above?


Been reading Page 12-14... some misinformation going on in there.


1. Assault is not part of your rotation

2. Imp / Shatter / FS should be used on cooldown.

Edited by paowee
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This is how I'm specced and the gear I got atm(going to swap out the points from Pooled Hatred and put them into Unstoppable);


And a parse from Kephess + a few tries on Terror(yep, I know I **** it up quite a few times, when the fight starts and I do Shatter before Ravage);



Isn't the point spent in Decimate better used in Brutality(Rage tree), so that Vicious Throw is a guaranteed crit? 4-5k crits on a 5 second basis sounds pretty ******. Also, this opens up for a whole lot of power on gear, instead of crit.


Do I swap out Force Scream for Vicious Throw sub-30%? Finding myself really ragestarved once the boss drop under 30% if I use both Force Scream and Vicious Throw.


Currently using this opener: Saber Throw -> Force Charge -> Sundering Assault -> Ravage -> Shatter -> Force Scream -> Impale

Then the priosystem;

Ravage > Shatter > Force Scream > Impale.

Enrage > Sundering > Smash > Assault to build rage.


Any feedback on the priosystem?

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I would move two points from Battle Cry to Decimate. If you're having trouble with rage buildup work on using your enrage ability. Also, move Impale before Force Scream in your priority. The trick is to still use Force Scream before Ravage if Ramapage is procced.
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I would move two points from Battle Cry to Decimate. If you're having trouble with rage buildup work on using your enrage ability. Also, move Impale before Force Scream in your priority. The trick is to still use Force Scream before Ravage if Ramapage is procced.


Well, moving those would give me even less rage to work with. Free Force Scream every time I get to force charge = really nice. I also use smash less and less..

Problem isn't enrage, as that's used everytime I'm low on rage and need it asap. Problem is Force Scream as well as Vicious Throw during sub-30% on bosses. Using both drains quite an amount of rage, and makes it harder to use impale aswell.

Yeah, I pop Shatter/Force Scream/Impale before Ravage if Rampage proccs. Why impale before force scream?


Yeye Maull, ain't interested in just monkey see monkey do. Before you can give some thoughts about why you do this and that, I'll just take it as advice while I try to work things out.

Edited by Sleggefett
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The difference between( this is assuming Rampage procs off Shatter)....


1) Shatter > Impale > Force Scream > Ravage

2) Shatter > Force Scream > Ravage


really depends on the encounter. I use 1 a lot for the opening salvo, re-engagements, burn phases, and when enrage is almost off CD. A good example would be when you need to burn the shield off Ciphas in the Dread Guard encounter in TfB. Another would be the opening rotation on the Jealous Male, also in TfB. Rotation 2 is more appropriate during the "meat" of the fight where Enrage is still on CD and your rage accumulation rate won't be as high.


I will also note that I use the War Hero Relic in tandem with the Dread Guard proc relic (elemental dmg) so rotation 1 will give my relic greater uptime and this is why Enrage NEEDS to be used on CD given your Rage is <4.


As far as a <30% burn phase we'll never have enough Rage to hit all our abilites. Its already tough enough to get our abilites going without vicious throw. Sometimes you need to ignore Impale/Force Scream in favor of a Sundering Assault/Smash/Saber Throw/Assault so that you can get as many vicious throws in as you can. Of course if Savagery will drop off use Shatter/Impale before that vicious throw.

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Just did some operations dummy slaughtering. Finally getting a feel for the rotation a lot better. I realize the importance of having scream have higher priority overall. I'm hurting for some dps though since the operations dummy was super laggy and I don't have the 4-piece set bonus. I had to assault while backing up to 10m to get saber throws in. I'm in Rakata gear or less, with BH implants, WH weapon, and WH relics. Saving up for that DG elemental relic, though. Mauull could you take a cursory glance and let me know if I'm on the right track or not? I'm not expecting any detailed response. I just want to know if I'll be in a decent range once I'm fully geared out in a while. I got to 1540 on a 6 minute bout.



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Just did some operations dummy slaughtering. Finally getting a feel for the rotation a lot better. I realize the importance of having scream have higher priority overall. I'm hurting for some dps though since the operations dummy was super laggy and I don't have the 4-piece set bonus. I had to assault while backing up to 10m to get saber throws in. I'm in Rakata gear or less, with BH implants, WH weapon, and WH relics. Saving up for that DG elemental relic, though. Mauull could you take a cursory glance and let me know if I'm on the right track or not? I'm not expecting any detailed response. I just want to know if I'll be in a decent range once I'm fully geared out in a while. I got to 1540 on a 6 minute bout.




Looking good, looking good. My one suggestion is to say pay a visit to a classic tank and spank fight, like the first boss in Foundry HM, as that'll give you a better idea of your DPS as you'll be able all at your disposal, including buffs and viscous throw.

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Yeah, I pop Shatter/Force Scream/Impale before Ravage if Rampage proccs. Why impale before force scream?


I think it's because it's easier and cheaper on the rage to use impale before force scream than shatter, though shatter does activate savagery. So personally, I just use whichever one is available before I use force scream.

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Another problem I've been running into is having Rampage proc within 3 seconds of Ravage coming off cooldown on it's own. Many times it's proccing at less than 1 second before coming off CD. I can only assume this is wasting huge dps since I have to wait 12 seconds or so for another Rampage proc to even be available again. So as a heads up to anyone that has been seeing this happen, I recommend using your other abilities (rage builders and Scream) if Ravage is coming off cooldown within the next 2 or 3 GCDs. Is this a solid assessment? I originally thought the Rampage proc was on a 30 sec CD, but I just rechecked to confirm that it is 12 seconds. I must be getting really unlucky with Rampage procs to be seeing the full 30 second CD for Ravage this often.


I will say though, that using enrage on CD is absolutely a must. I hadn't been keeping an eye on it very well and noticed a couple more Rampage procs when I was using it more, since I was able to get off more Shatter/Impales. I also had been bailing out of the priorities earlier than I need to to use Throw and Charge to build rage back up. This eats 3 GCDs for me since I don't have the 4 piece bonus yet. So advice for others here is to stay in melee range and trust that you'll be getting rage soon instead of bailing early.


My question, then, is when is the best time to back up for a Throw/Charge? Only when you've been knocked back by a boss, or he makes a sudden jump to another location?

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My question, then, is when is the best time to back up for a Throw/Charge? Only when you've been knocked back by a boss, or he makes a sudden jump to another location?


At the end of the day it depends on the fight, and whose in the group. In fights where I have to jump to targets quickly, I save it such as in the Kephess in EC HM fight.

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