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SWTOR still bleeding players?


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Have you guys noticed that while the servers were very heavy and full when F2P first came out, it's now only heavy and standard? Did Bioware ugrade the server capacity?


Did you maybe not notice it's a major holiday for about 2/3 of the playerbase today? Maybe people are spending time with their families and friends? This weekend was the first time I noticed any drop in population since F2P went live, and it was back yesterday for a good part of the evening. Then it thinned out noticeable after 10:00pm (2200)... which is also to be expected on Christmas Eve.

Edited by bahdasz
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trust me been staying away from both for a while now. The most problems I get now are when I log in and a certain group of people immediately send me about 15 whispers and a bunch of general chat msgs immediately insulting me upon log in.


Perhaps it would benefit you to just stay out of general chat. If you have that many people on a server for that long having a sustained grudge against you in general chat, then maybe you are doing something wrong. Just stay out of general chat. Oh...and before you tell me how you "shouldn't have to avoid general chat" let's remember that your stated solution is to quit the game completely. Why not just quit the action that causes the harassment, or the one that reveals it.?

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I did, but people should have more time to play during the holidays, not less and this is what troubles me.


In fact, last year, when the subs went down after the holidays, people attributed it to people having to work again. So which is it?


Well see...


During the spring and the population goes down: It's spring everybody is outside.

During the summer and the population goes down: It's summer! Everybody is at the beach.

During the winter and the population goes down: It's winter! Everyone is out skiing.

During the holidays and the population goes down: It's the holidays, everyone is with their family.

After the holidays and the population goes down: Everyone is back at work.


There's probably a few things I've missed. But the key is to always have a reason (excuse) for every time of the year.. :)


The problem is, there's been a lot of times where many people have taken a break from this MMO, or any other. And then they dont come back. Take D3 for example. A lot of my old guildies left when D3 was announced. Ofcourse, D3 sucked in the opinion of many people. But, most of them didnt come back to TOR.

Edited by Katsuragisama
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Well see...


During the spring and the population goes down: It's spring everybody is outside.

During the summer and the population goes down: It's summer! Everybody is at the beach.

During the winter and the population goes down: It's winter! Everyone is out skiing.

During the holidays and the population goes down: It's the holidays, everyone is with their family.

After the holidays and the population goes down: Everyone is back at work.


There's probably a few things I've missed. But the key is to always have a reason (excuse) for every time of the year.. :)


The problem is, there's been a lot of times where many people have taken a break from this MMO, or any other. And then they dont come back. Take D3 for example. A lot of my old guildies left when D3 was announced. Ofcourse, D3 sucked in the opinion of many people. But, most of them didnt come back to TOR.

So that is why there are so few players left. :p

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I wouldn't say bleeding players, but it's definitely losing them. I'm cancelling my sub because bioware has ignored 240+ tickets about players harrassing, bullying, insulting players off my server while they cuss and talk like sailors in general chat. I guess the bullies will win, but I really don't feel like paying bioware anymore money while they continue to allow such inappropriate and childish behaviour to continue in this game. Shame on you bioware for having zero integrity to enforce your rules. Worst customer service ever.


Oh wow... really? Either my server is very mature (it's not) or someone pays way too much attention to kids in general chat.

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Have you guys noticed that while the servers were very heavy and full when F2P first came out, it's now only heavy and standard? Did Bioware ugrade the server capacity?


As far as I know, EA/Bioware haven't touched the server measurements since the server merges back in September. Though clearly, there's no way to be absolutely sure of that.


There was a minor spike in players about a week before F2P came out. Then a HUGE spike at the actual launch of F2P.


From what I can see on our EU PvE server, things have settled back down to the levels matching the week before F2P launched. ie. Numbers are higher than the trend for the months prior to the F2P launch - but nowhere near the numbers from the 10 days following the F2P launch. And yeah, "Full" was temporary - we're still seeing full at weekends, but even that has almost disappeared in recent weeks (though not a definitive gone-for-ever yet).


But judge for yourself, with the data from torstatus pasted together into a single image:




I should point The Red Eclipse is currently the most populated EU server. It was merged back in September with all the other English PvE servers. We had a couple of big dips in number of those two weeks in October when patches meant the servers were offline. And clearly, F2P launch was November. I last updated my picture in early December - the current details are are torstatus.


Overall, the numbers are still trending downwards, very very slowly. But given the way torstatus collects it's stats - that could be more players, playing less hours per day concurrently. Though my personal experiences are that people are still leaving and those that are joining aren't staying long.


What I can't predict is "The Fatman" effect. Where because TRE is the highest population English EU server... it grows (or at least, doesn't shrink) at the expense of other servers. That may or may not be happening already.


Ask me again in January. It's too close to the F2P launch and Xmas to draw any concrete conclusions.


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After f2p launch servers were full mostly in prime times and weekends were very bad. Then few weeks later things settled down and was ether Very heavy or heavy.


Past week or so it has been mostly heavy few times it goes to very heavy. People have more time during holiday and actually play more games, go look it up from internet i have experienced that myself in other mmo's. BUT problem in here is that Bioware didnt do any events only left us with option to buy cool event items via CM and that made alot people just leave during holiday.


What actually worries me is that overall it hasnt been big drop instead we dont gain any new players.. and thats bad when game has now f2p option aswell.....

Edited by Divona
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So that is why there are so few players left. :p


Well it took going F2P to get the population back up after almost a year of hemorrhaging players. Give F2P a few months to die down and then we'll see where this game is after that.


After f2p launch servers were full mostly in prime times and weekends were very bad. Then few weeks later things settled down and was ether Very heavy or heavy.


Past week or so it has been mostly heavy few times it goes to very heavy. People have more time during holiday and actually play more games, go look it up from internet i have experienced that myself in other mmo's. BUT problem in here is that Bioware didnt do any events only left us with option to buy cool event items via CM and that made alot people just leave during holiday.


What actually worries me is that overall it hasnt been big drop instead we dont gain any new players.. and thats bad when game has now f2p option aswell.....


That's a good point. F2P was a card they played within a year of launch. If it starts to drop again...

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Currently old players, that left a while ago, finish their class stories for free and new players try out what all 'the fuss' is about. As soon as those players hit 50 with some characters, they will realize (again) that this game has little to offer at the end and we will see a shrink in numbers (again). This will be a slow process however.


As statet so many times before, it wasn't the sub that let players flee - despite what BW thought, because of some words players left behind - it was the game itself (balance, bugs, static design and so on) and the constant lack of considerable content that did. It happened before and it will happen again. That doesn't mean the game will die ultimativelly, but I think it will stagnate like frozen hell. Less people, less money, less capabilities to do stuff - vicious circle.


F2P could have been healthy for the game, but EA/BW failed to deliver a sound variant of it. There are enough models out there that have been successfully tested and don't give the (potential) customer the feeling to be screwed over and over again.


I know, some fanboys will say now that they don't feel this way, but that's irrelevant. Just look at all the people complaining here and elsewhere in the net. That's all money EA/BW didn't get. That's the money missing to do more things for the game and thus for you fanboys as well.

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HAHAHA...trolling right? XDDDD

So torstatus.net numbers must be wrong, the game is not bleeding again, and this are not the droids we are looking for...


Not at all. I use my brain and see the little number up in the left hand corner showing a lot more people and instances filling faster up than previously at all times of the day. Not counting the point that torstatus just calculates whether it's light/standard/heavy , which covers a large theshhold, and not actual numbers.


Regardless, if you're a hardheaded hater then I'll use your own finisher against you. http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats . Mind you this is covering a time that is well after the f2p move. Does that look like it's trending down? Granted, I've been out of school a long time but I think a + denotes an increase on every server. . There, I'll make it big and bold so there should be no confusion about whether the game is losing or gaining. Sorry if you want everyone to dislike the game so you can leave but the game is picking up not slowing down,.

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F2P does not bring long term players, CONTENT brings long term players. Most people who came back with 1.5 did HK, did Section X, then they left. They will be back for Makeb.


I would agree content brings new players, but adding sandbox elements would KEEP players. And it's less spendy on BW side. This game is one big theme park: You do what they want you to do.

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Perhaps it would benefit you to just stay out of general chat. If you have that many people on a server for that long having a sustained grudge against you in general chat, then maybe you are doing something wrong. Just stay out of general chat. Oh...and before you tell me how you "shouldn't have to avoid general chat" let's remember that your stated solution is to quit the game completely. Why not just quit the action that causes the harassment, or the one that reveals it.?


the main prob with that is I use general chat of fleet as my main way to advertise implant crafting which is the main way I make money in game. So I need to be in general chat for that. I also use general chat to join pugs etc because I'm the rare guildie that still likes to do every operation every week. I've tried leaving general chat or fleet and just sitting in my ship but then I don't make money and it takes much longer to find out about a pug group. Also I still get spammed with whispers from people who make or log on alts. I end up rotating my ignore list constantly throughout the day but when I put their alts on ignore they just log on another char.

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Clearly you are the issue. People aren't taking shots unless you're putting yourself out there. Turn off general chat, go to a small planet. You're like the girl who drinks too much, starts grinding on the wall, pees herself than wonders why people are laughing at her.



There are over 600 people on fleet. Why is it you who is picked on all the time? IMO stick to single player games.


posts like these show the problem. For some reason people feel the need to insult others. I use general chat to advertise my implant crafting which makes me a lot of money. And it doesnt matter where I go they follow. Also doesnt prevent the wall of whispers. Unfortunately I have to rely on my whispers and general chat for implant crafting so Im not able to totally remove them from my chat window. And this all started with someone randomly insulting me while being extremely vulgar in general chat. When I asked him to stop that is when everyone else jumped on the bully wagon. It's apparently cool to all gang up on someone for requesting that someone else obey the rules of conduct and stop inappropriate behaviour. And yes my ignore list is full I rotate it constantly because folks log on alts. My only respite is when I log on alts and I hate playing alts.

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Your response speaks volumes. Do you really think I would open that many tickets about harrassment without using the ignore feature?


My ignore list is full and I have to rotate it around while online because I'm constantly harrassed. And yes I'll quit this game because I don't enjoy paying money to be harrassed 24/7.


People don't harassed others over nothing. You probably responded to some thing people said in general chat one too many times. Next time don't say any thing.

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trust me been staying away from both for a while now. The most problems I get now are when I log in and a certain group of people immediately send me about 15 whispers and a bunch of general chat msgs immediately insulting me upon log in.


Too bad BW doesn't have paid transfers/name changes, then you could just use those services to restart your characters reputation on the server or new server.

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Definitely losing players. A good number of them are coming from the EA lockout mechanism when you buy cartel coins with CC or Paypal. Many players are now locked out from paying a sub, or buying expansions etc. Check the customer service forums the thread has 90K views. F2P numbers may remain the same - but the paying players are being prevented from playing or paying.
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trust me been staying away from both for a while now. The most problems I get now are when I log in and a certain group of people immediately send me about 15 whispers and a bunch of general chat msgs immediately insulting me upon log in.


Ans, What server are you on? I don't think you need to allow yourself to be subjected to harassment. I do find it rather suspect that you have to ignore so many people, that your list is currently full. I think there is something more going on than you are telling us. And, that's fine. Your business is your own. But, I have a few suggestions that could possibly help:


You say you need the gen chat. I disagree with you. If you are making something, then advertising that something and receiving a whisper for that something you definitely do not need general chat. You can go to the GTN, and put the product on there for whatever you can hock it for and never have to deal with someone whispering things to you from a general chat perspective. At some point, I would easily trade a slightly lesser load of in game credits for peace of mind. After all, this isn't giving you real money from a real business. So save yourself the hassel, and take a slightly less return on your crafted materials. You'll be better off mentally for it.


Turn off general chat, or modify it so you can only talk to your guild mates and selected friends. There is no reason for you to have to use general chat. None. You don't really need it for "advertising". I actually think advertising on gen chat is horribly rude in and of itself. Which is a major reason I don't typically have my chat window open. The LFG tool will place you into pugs just fine as well., and I will admit if you are trying to run each and every 2-4 man planetary heroic you won't be able to use the tool.


Lastly, this game is a video game. Re-roll an alt on another server. There is nothing stopping you from re-creating your experience elsewhere away from the people who want to mess with you. Will it take some time? Sure. You may enjoy it too. The biggest thing is that you can absolutely change your situation. You don't need BW to do it for you. Restart your experience elsewhere, and see if you can change whatever behavior that riles up so many people that you have to ignore an entire full list of people. And, if the first re-roll doesn't work. Do it again. You don't need to sit there with one character and take abuse. You have the power YOURSELF to change things. I'd suggest doing it., Good luck with whatever path you choose.

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I did, but people should have more time to play during the holidays, not less and this is what troubles me.


In fact, last year, when the subs went down after the holidays, people attributed it to people having to work again. So which is it?


This is wrong. I would LOVE to play more . But, I have FAR less time due to the holidays, being an adult with a family means having to travel to two different places (at least). Plus, work doesn't just give us off an entire week for the holiday. This shouldn't trouble you, or concern you what so ever. Holidays are a tough time for people. Yes they are fun, but it absolutely does not mean MORE time.

Edited by Shwarzchild
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Hi! I'm a completely new player who downloaded the game on Saturday, tried it out F2P on Sunday, and (having established that it actually works on my low spec machine) started subscribing yesterday. I'm liking what I'm seeing and I've heard quite a few people in the general chat stating that, like myself, they'd only started playing the game within the last week and had since subscribed.


I'd have been here a lot sooner (as I've been interested in this game for a while but was never sure it would work on my computer) so thank God for a random comment by a guild member in my previous MMO (I'd been playing there for three years) who mentioned that SWTOR went F2P some months ago. I must have missed the publicity, i guess. Ah well, I'm here now and that's all that matters!

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HAHAHA...trolling right? XDDDD

So torstatus.net numbers must be wrong, the game is not bleeding again, and this are not the droids we are looking for...





Where's the "bleeding" part? That looks like it keeps going up, back to normal, and up again. Never bottoming out or constantly going down.


Stop "trolling" or whatever it is you call this idiocy. The game is fine.

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Definitely losing players. A good number of them are coming from the EA lockout mechanism when you buy cartel coins with CC or Paypal. Many players are now locked out from paying a sub, or buying expansions etc. Check the customer service forums the thread has 90K views. F2P numbers may remain the same - but the paying players are being prevented from playing or paying.


Annnndddddd it's not EAs fault. The cards themselves are locked by a safety mechanism built in so if a credit card gets stolen someone can't rack up a ton of purchases. People are purchasing too much or too many things in a 24 hour window, and thus they're locking themselves out. Call EA to get this straightened out WILL fix it. EA will fix the PEOPLES MISTAKES. Stop blaming EA for everything.

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This is wrong. I would LOVE to play more . But, I have FAR less time due to the holidays, being an adult with a family means having to travel to two different places (at least). Plus, work doesn't just give us off an entire week for the holiday. This shouldn't trouble you, or concern you what so ever. Holidays are a tough time for people. Yes they are fun, but it absolutely does not mean MORE time.


Bingo. I don't have more free time to play during this holiday because I have plans with my family.


I know many of our guildies haven't been around this week and its because they have RL things going on with their families. So... I expect player pops to be down at least a few days in general.

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