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EVERYTHING we can get now will be obsolete in Spring?


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will be interesting to see what Bioware does when the forums are filled with PVE'ers moaning that thir BH gear will be obtained with daily comms and their grinding wiped out and replaced with higher tiered gear..



this is what should happen to PVE, just as it happened to PVP

Edited by Wookubus
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Well, will it be at 55 lvl either? Because there will most likely be another expansion with yet another new level cap, in the future.


So yeah, welcome to level based MMO's and their expansions. :)


lol well they have to get that far first. Game is doing well, currently, but who knows about and expac. after this coming one. Maybe in 2014.

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The developers have already answered this question by saying the gear that we have now will NOT become obsolete with the introduction of the new expansion.


Sort of.


What they said was...


we can reassure you that the gear you've obtained in our current endgame will continue to be relevant after the expansion is released, and it will provide a great bootstrap into the higher-level content offered by Rise of the Hutt Cartel. You won't be replacing your Dread Guard gear with gear you pick up as you level, and thanks to improvements in the way item power is calculated, we won't be handing out any entry-level gear at the new level cap.


That in no way says Dread Guard gear won't become obsolete at 55 with the new end-game content, only that it won't be replaced by mission rewards you find while leveling.


No game that has stats and gear as the primary form of character progression at level cap is ever going to let you build a set of gear that isn't replaced as new content is added.


EDIT TO ADD: And this is such a dumb question as everything you acquired at launch was obsolete as you moved into hard mode operations which was then obsolete when EC was launched which was then obsolete when TfB was released.


In other words...same as it ever was.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Yes. pvp gear, pve gear, will be outdated. They will probably pull 3/4ths of the current pvp gear and revamp them and rerelease them after expac. New names but same armor graphics as before. War Hero Armor level 55, oh, it looks like War Hero, but it is now called Cartel Pays Us Too Well For New Graphics level 55 pvp armor.
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The word obsolete is a bit loaded, but I understand the question. Your gear will not be obsolete because you will still use until you upgrade into better gear. But as previously mentioned this is not different than what you do during the course of gaming currently. Thus, you have to attain another tier. But that doesn not invalidate the previous tier.


BTW with legacy armor and weapons to transfer mods and armorings, my alt on the other faction is the beneficiary in a huge way.

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Thats the way every mmo is. When a new expansion comes out they have to make it so you want to get the latest upgrades, or what would be the point of the expansion.

And on every game every time there is an expansion people complain about how long they grinding to gear such and such gear. Its nothing new.

Just get ready to enjoy the new gear and upgrades that come with the new expansion, and quit whinning about it.

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Wow.... really? Have any of you people who are complaining played MMO's before? This is how it works! Eventually people hit the cap, in level and gear. To keep us playing and interested, they have to add new content. If the content isn't better than what we currently have, then everyone will complain that it's not worth doing.


Seriously! Pull your heads out of your ***'s and use it, just once!


will be interesting to see what Bioware does when the forums are filled with PVE'ers moaning that thir BH gear will be obtained with daily comms and their grinding wiped out and replaced with higher tiered gear..



this is what should happen to PVE, just as it happened to PVP

And you... You're the reason why PvP is a sewage stain on MMO's. First off, BH gear isn't obtained by Daily Coms. Second, BH coms require several people to obtain enough in any timely fashion, unlike PvP. Any brain dead, socially inept retard can spam the PvP que and get WZ coms, even if they loose repeatedly. Third, BH isn't the top tier gear, and hasn't been for a while now.

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It's only really annoying if you only play casually. There's been times in this game or other mmo's I've played where by the time I finish my gear grind it's right at the end of the cycle and I don't even get time to enjoy being on top before I have to start all over again. But that's how mmo's work and I'm fine with that.
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