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Going commando for my guild


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We are having a discussion, what do y'all think, Gunnery or Assault Specialist? Which one is more desired for OPs?


For PVE, the gunnery spec is a good one. It outputs a nice amount of dps and it provides good utility value to the group (armor debuff, battle res, off heal, cc, etc). The rotation is quite simple (one of the simplest in the game).

For PVP, gunnery isn't very good. Gunnery spec requires you to plant your feet and pretty much become a human turret. Very few of your good dps abilities can be done on the run... and for PVP staying put in the same spot for too long is rarely a good idea.


I hope this helps. Feel free to ask more questions.


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For PVE, the gunnery spec is a good one. It outputs a nice amount of dps and it provides good utility value to the group (armor debuff, battle res, off heal, cc, etc). The rotation is quite simple (one of the simplest in the game).

For PVP, gunnery isn't very good. Gunnery spec requires you to plant your feet and pretty much become a human turret. Very few of your good dps abilities can be done on the run... and for PVP staying put in the same spot for too long is rarely a good idea.


I hope this helps. Feel free to ask more questions.



Nice summary of pros and cons for said spec, thumbs up for you! I think I will model mine the same way.


For PvE, the Assault Specialist spec provides a lot of the same pros and the same amount of damage (DPS). The major difference between the two is, without Gunnery = no armor debuff, but on the flip side of that you get more mobility and a DOT so you won't be dependent on cast times and in a fight with some mobile parts it will help out a lot. Lots of utility here.


For PvP, Assault Specialist is usually considered the better option due to said mobility before in the previous section. Mobility is pretty key in a Warzone. You also get a handy dandy interrupt! That is with both specs though. Assault commandos also have a slow passive for hammer shot which can also help in a fight with a runner.

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Assault is also generally more bursty, which is also key in warzones. And while Gunnery can put forth a nice 6-10k burst stacking HiB and Demo round to get the most of that burst you need time to set it up with 3 casts of Grav Round, and the likelihood of getting that setup opportunity against any quality PVP opponents without getting interrupted, stunned, eaten by a marauder, etc is virtually nil, so Assault>Gunnery for PVP.


PvE is the opposite IMO. I don't think there is enough movement bosses to make the lack of mobility a detriment in ops, and in most movement phases on most bosses I can usually find enough time to squeeze in a GR to keep stacks up as well.

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Assault is also generally more bursty, which is also key in warzones. And while Gunnery can put forth a nice 6-10k burst stacking HiB and Demo round to get the most of that burst you need time to set it up with 3 casts of Grav Round, and the likelihood of getting that setup opportunity against any quality PVP opponents without getting interrupted, stunned, eaten by a marauder, etc is virtually nil, so Assault>Gunnery for PVP.


PvE is the opposite IMO. I don't think there is enough movement bosses to make the lack of mobility a detriment in ops, and in most movement phases on most bosses I can usually find enough time to squeeze in a GR to keep stacks up as well.


Honestly the difference in PvE is minimal anyway. It is really based upon the play style you prefer.

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