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Top 10 Reasons Why Star Wars: The Old Republic is my WoW Killer


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Good article. Although I think the fact that EVERYTHING is humanoid is a bit of a disappointment for me. In Imperial quests on Nar Shadda you come across these aliens tied to the Revan lore that have the ugliest and freakiest head I've ever seen and it sits atop a humanoid body. It just looked so incredibly silly to me. And I LOVE playing small races. I really would have loved for my Jedi to have been a Yoda type race. Or a Jawa Bounty Hunter. :)


This game wasn't a WoW killer for me. For me it was much like you mentioned, it was just burn out on WoW and fantasy in general. I do look forward to seeing where Bioware takes this game. It has a ton of potential.

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The only thing I feel I disagree with in the article is the whole "feeling inferior" thing.


Jedis start as Padwans. Sith Inquistors are slaves.


Jedis start with glowing nerf bats.


Meanwhile, looking at Troopers and Smugglers....


Troopers start with the bad*** distinction of being a Sgt. No one really wants to be an officer. Sgt. is the way to go! And, they start with the weapons they will move forward with. Rifles, blasters, etc.


I kinda feel like Jedi get the short end of the stick. They'll give noobie gun shooters REAL guns right out of the gate. But Jedi, who are supposed to be responsible, in control of their powers and able to make major life and death decisions, get a glowing plastic bat?


What gives? :D


But, a good article OP! Put a smile on my face!


But c'mon... isn't it worth it for that moment of swelled up pride when you ignite that lightsaber for the very first time!! See... good storytelling!

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Yeah a guildie of mine read it and said "What? You don't like Pandas? You see to have a deep seated hatred of them. Is there something you're not telling me?"


I feel I was fairly nice about it. I could have started with "What's black, white, and fail all over?"

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a common flaw amount the crowed.


really, it's like you brake up on you'r girlfriend, or lossing a loved one.

it's just a game, when the time comes, i jump to the next best thing.

wich will be ether Guild Wars 2, or TERA, and from their to the next and so on.

limiting you'r gameing is like cutting of you'r arm


I jump so many MMO's that i general knows them all.

and people be real, it's just a game, being blind to the flaws makes you look like a fool.

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