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Stop with the class balance excuse


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Seriously if you think juggs are lacking compared to marauders you're a bad. Say it again. If you think juggs are lacking compared to marauders you're a bad.


You still didn't tell me how that foot tastes.


And who has roots to hold them down all the time? Sniper and marauder. It's not a 100% up time root, so they could get away just fine if they pulled their cool downs right, maybe you just have an abundance of bads on your server huh, didn't the one team have a guy at like 3700 rating on Bastion... Yeah 1 team that beats you all up. AWESOME. And no the bubble is still the best burst stop in the game and it has been since before sorc/sage buff. Commando healers get shut down too easily and have 0 escape abilities to say they were better than a sorc is so wrong.


It's called using the root when they try to speed away. Leaps and roots = 15s cd, speed = 30s cd.


Sorry, the highest rated guy in my guild is only 3200. Ya I know, we're really bad.


With the amount of telling everyone how bad they are and the abundant usage of bads, your guild must be super highly rated too right?


It's all smash vs smash in that thread yo. They are pretty equal with a 100% uptime of what 39% armor on the jugg vs 32 on the marauder? You're the idiot who thinks guardians are bad.


Except focus guardians die easily, while focus sents do hence.

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You still didn't tell me how that foot tastes.




It's called using the root when they try to speed away. Leaps and roots = 15s cd, speed = 30s cd.


Sorry, the highest rated guy in my guild is only 3200. Ya I know, we're really bad.


With the amount of telling everyone how bad they are and the like, your guild must be super highly rated too right?




Except focus guardians die easily, while focus sents do hence.


Speed has a 20 second timer.

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You still didn't tell me how that foot tastes.




It's called using the root when they try to speed away. Leaps and roots = 15s cd, speed = 30s cd.


Sorry, the highest rated guy in my guild is only 3200. Ya I know, we're really bad.


With the amount of telling everyone how bad they are and the abundant usage of bads, your guild must be super highly rated too right?




Except focus guardians die easily, while focus sents do hence.



When they speed away you still have to wait for them to get 10m away before you leap lol.


So you guys farmed pugs all day! Woo! How terrible are the games there?


Focus sents don't die easily too? Under a good focus fire everything dies, doesn't matter what spec you are or defensive CD's you have. Good players know to stun for the gbtf and there are far more important things to save your trinket for in a rated than popping a defensive CD if you have plenty of teammates around.

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First off, I don't consider guardians to be OP. Focus guardians put out nice damage, but they die like little *****es, and sweep bombs are easy as hell to anticipate and avoid, especially if you don't stand together like scared little kittens.


Second, 5/8 =/= 3/4. Please go back to school.


Here is the bottom line what you say has no validity. You lost it all when you sit there and say Guardians aren't OP. You want to sit here and be a smart ***** oh 5/8 you know the point i'm making. According to you over half the classes in the game are op. Guess what einstien they are balanced. OP is when 1 or 2 classes stand above the rest.


You claim focus isn't op but when you can hit a group for a total of 30-35k at 1 time you OP. To sit here and say other wise just shows everyone that you just don't want you class nerfed. I can be honest about every class i play and i can listen to well thought out argument for or against but you have nothing to add to the conversation except don't nerf me. You need to go back to school and learn how to support a statement cause you are lost.

Edited by Rhyn
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lol yeah thats true, and a ratio smash juggernauts:marauders is on my server 1:10 , and marauders have more survibility yet


It is a shared tree but boost that guardian got last patch does not pertain to focus sents. However as long as singularity stacks on the guard/sent focus will be OP.

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It's not enough to learn your class. Spend some time learning the classes you wanna whine about.


Once you understand what makes them work, you can understand how to counter it.


(example: you get sapped n capped in Hypergates? Option A: Nerf Stealth! Option B: DONT STAND RIGHT ON TOP OF THE FREAKING NODE)



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When they speed away you still have to wait for them to get 10m away before you leap lol.


Sure, but as combat you get two more roots that have no minimum range. Those combined with a GS makes running away quite hard, nearly impossible, for a sage pre 1.4.




So you guys farmed pugs all day! Woo! How terrible are the games there?


Totally jelly.


Focus sents don't die easily too? Under a good focus fire everything dies, doesn't matter what spec you are or defensive CD's you have. Good players know to stun for the gbtf and there are far more important things to save your trinket for in a rated than popping a defensive CD if you have plenty of teammates around.


You've clearly never played any other dps in the game in RWZs if you think sent surv is not better than other dps.

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Here is the bottom line what you say has no validity. You lost it all when you sit there and say Guardians aren't OP. You want to sit here and be a smart ***** oh 5/8 you know the point i'm making. According to you over half the classes in the game are op. Guess what einstien they are balanced. OP is when 1 or 2 classes stand above the rest.


You claim focus isn't op but when you can hit a group for a total of 30-35k at 1 time you OP. To sit here and say other wise just shows everyone that you just don't want you class nerfed. I can be honest about every class i play and i can listen to well thought out argument for or against but you have nothing to add to the conversation except don't nerf me. You need to go back to school and learn how to support a statement cause you are lost.


Lols. So much lols. Focus guardians OP but focus sents aren't! The amount of bad in you is hilarious.


Classes I play are balanced, but ones that I don't are OP!! NEWS AT 11!

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It is a shared tree but boost that guardian got last patch does not pertain to focus sents. However as long as singularity stacks on the guard/sent focus will be OP.


How do you figure that it doesn't pertain to focus sentinels? They got the extra armor penetration, the abilities to reduce the active cooldown of obliterate and smash, as well as the extra damage crit on their execute (vicious throw/dispatch).

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How do you figure that it doesn't pertain to focus sentinels? They got the extra armor penetration, the abilities to reduce the active cooldown of obliterate and smash, as well as the extra damage crit on their execute (vicious throw/dispatch).


TBH i'm not sure *** i was going with that. Maybe the focus regen but even that doesn't make sense so you caught me with my head up me @#$ lol. I will say guardian and sent focus is OP regardless.


Like i tried to explain before if the singularity stacked on 1 target and you smashed said target for 6-7k but the 4 other players got hit for say a standard crit of 3k i would be good with that amd i think it would balance out with most the other classes.

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I really like that most the discussion in the thread has been on point and good. It is fine to disagree just explain your point and that can make a big difference in how we view things. Reading through the posts has made me think that the burst and TTK is one of the biggest factors to class balance.


We have classes that tank, burst, provide sustained DPS, and provide utility but the TTK is so fast that classes that were designed for sustained damage and utility are left out in the cold. Look at the classes everyone wants and it is easy to see what is left out. I do miss back pre 1.2 PvP. Again not perfect but IMO more diverse and mush more exciting than what we have now.


I still stick to my belief that the class balance isn’t all that bad. However, some classes need love like ASAP, and some classes need to be toned down just a bit. I really do not want a WZ Q or rated Q that requires a certian number of classes but the days of 3 jugs.guard and 2 VG/PT need to end at some point and some how.

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They aren't terrible however they aren't very good compared to allot of other classes. Look at it like this, a skilled player with an op and take that same player and put them behind a maruader. Its a night and day difference.


I don't know about this. DPS operatives have a very high skill cap...but they've also got a high ceiling in how effective they CAN be.


In pretty much any class I play, I'd much rather see a really skilled knight on the other team than a really skilled concealment op / (whatever its called) smugg.

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Sure, but as combat you get two more roots that have no minimum range. Those combined with a GS makes running away quite hard, nearly impossible, for a sage pre 1.4.






Totally jelly.




You've clearly never played any other dps in the game in RWZs if you think sent surv is not better than other dps.


Weren't always running a GS pre patch, and yes the extra roots for the sent/mara did make it easier to keep a sorc/sage next to you but they sure were better than mando/merc healers still.



Jelly of what? You bragging about someone else's accomplishments. Not at all.


I never said it wasn't better. Just a good focus will know how to shut you down. Sure you'll get the camo off sometimes but then the team knows that's dropped and to stun for UD. That's mainly what my choke goes into. 1. A Sent/Mara so he can't pop ud, or 2. an operative who is getting low so he can't keep popping heals, soo annoying.

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Weren't always running a GS pre patch, and yes the extra roots for the sent/mara did make it easier to keep a sorc/sage next to you but they sure were better than mando/merc healers still.


Sniper/GS was crucial to the metagame of RWZs pre 1.4, and they still kind of are. But then again, you don't really know what you're talking about since you keep saying dps guardian surv = sent surv.



Jelly of what? You bragging about someone else's accomplishments. Not at all.


Don't be jelly. Still didn't answer my question about your guild's rating. I mean you talk so much **** about how bad everyone is, your guild must be a top dogs on your server right?


I never said it wasn't better. Just a good focus will know how to shut you down. Sure you'll get the camo off sometimes but then the team knows that's dropped and to stun for UD. That's mainly what my choke goes into. 1. A Sent/Mara so he can't pop ud, or 2. an operative who is getting low so he can't keep popping heals, soo annoying.


Maybe you ought to go read what you wrote from the other thread, and learn some definition of words.


Jugg surv just as good as mara surv. Just as good means equal. Equal means one is not better than the other.


So yes, you did say sent surv isn't better than dps guardians.


How do you manage to talk with so much feet in your mouth?

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Sniper/GS was crucial to the metagame of RWZs pre 1.4, and they still kind of are. But then again, you don't really know what you're talking about since you keep saying dps guardian surv = sent surv.



Naw you see the problem is we couldn't find a good one to run. You don't think about factors like this? And no a GS wasn't 100% needed, nor is it now. They're not needed like a shadow, the healers, the pt's, or the carnage mara is needed.


Don't be jelly. Still didn't answer my question about your guild's rating. I mean you talk so much **** about how bad everyone is, your guild must be a top dogs on your server right?


My team was one of the best teams running on POT5. So yes. But i'm not going to sit here and brag about how someone else had a stupid high rating like you.


Maybe you ought to go read what you wrote from the other thread, and learn some definition of words.


Jugg surv just as good as mara surv. Just as good means equal. Equal means one is not better than the other.


So yes, you did say sent surv isn't better than dps guardians.


How do you manage to talk with so much feet in your mouth?



The other thread was rage spec vs rage spec, stop twisting the words. I stand by my words of i'd rather bring the smash guard/jugg over the the mara. And if you don't know why, well then you're the scrub.

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The other thread was rage spec vs rage spec, stop twisting the words. I stand by my words of i'd rather bring the smash guard/jugg over the the mara. And if you don't know why, well then you're the scrub.


So you don't want to brag about how good your guild is, but then go around calling people scrubs and bads? Just like every other bad who pretends to be good on the internets.


And I'm not twisting any words. I quoted you exactly, and even provided the source. Just because you're too dumb/proud to admit you're wrong, doesn't mean I'm "twisting" your words. The funny thing is, in that 2x dps slot thread, you did the same thing by denying you said they had same surv.

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