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P2W Crystals and Space Missions were Intentional?


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I don't understand this attitude that a MMO has to be almost for life to have been successful; we are well passed the era where your choices were EQ, AC or Ultima. Players leave MMOs for many reasons and it need not have any negative reflection on the game at all, it usually says nothing more than "that was fun, now onto the next MMO game".


And lol at a LFG system being thought of as important. If there is a problem nowadays it isn't with the games but with the players who expect the game to do everything for them and DO IT NOW.


PS: For anyone who wants a game which nurtures its crafters, you might try the brilliant 'A Tale in the Desert' or Vanguard "the best equipment in game will be from crafting" Saga of Heroes.


And i dont understand how people who think that a mass exodus from a game doesnt mean the game flopped, if it wasnt a flop it wouldnt have gone f2p, its as simple as that. if f2p was so great it would have released f2p.


And it might be your oppinion that things like automated group finders baby mmo players, and i happen to agree with you on that, but im not stupid enough to think a modern AAA mmo doesnt need one to be sucessful. People with ignorant uninformed beliefs like the game didnt need macros, combat windows or lfg tools are why this game flopped.

Edited by Mallorik
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I love the combination of Pay-to-Win defenders and "Bioware Knows Best" posts, truly demonstrates the fundamental reason why I am shifting from Defender to Cynical Critic.


The +41-Level 10 Crystals are Best in Slot from 10-49.

I have absolutely no reason to engage with an Artificer to gear out my Crystal slots at any point. That is a major concern. Synthweaving is already a useless profession, Crystal-Crafting is now useless to Artificers, Cybertech has had both Custom Speeders and Spaceship Parts taken away from them...


And you people do not see a problem with that?


End Game Gear in the Cash Shop?

That spells the death knell of Endgame. Why actually play the game when I can drop $40, get a full set of the highest gear, and now ROFLStomp all the content?


I am somewhat at a loss for words really...


Now ,see this person get's it totally...cheers.

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there was a post on the test server about the crystals. if anyone is going to spend hundred of thousands of credits on a alt for a crystal or two for the minor return in pve who cares. in pvp it doest matter as it scales all up anyways.


the gear for the space missions can be made, bought on the cartel or bought with various coms. you have several avenues to get these. they are not exclusively offered only through the cartel.


get off you p2w soap box, go ahead and unsub. no one cares.

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there was a post on the test server about the crystals. if anyone is going to spend hundred of thousands of credits on a alt for a crystal or two for the minor return in pve who cares. in pvp it doest matter as it scales all up anyways.


the gear for the space missions can be made, bought on the cartel or bought with various coms. you have several avenues to get these. they are not exclusively offered only through the cartel.


get off you p2w soap box, go ahead and unsub. no one cares.


What you don't understand is concerning the crystals you buy one and that's it...you won't need another , so where does that leave artifice??

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What you don't understand is concerning the crystals you buy one and that's it...you won't need another , so where does that leave artifice??


My main is an artifice and i dont QQ. Do you know why? Because 1. its petty and selfish, 2.makes little difference because i only make money with the enhancements anyways (always been that way since the start) 3. they are gonna separate color crystal and stat crystals in the future.


I'm sorry what were you saying? All i heard was QQ i cant bother to keep myself informed but i love to QQ.


Have a good day.

Edited by Nemmar
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What you don't understand is concerning the crystals you buy one and that's it...you won't need another , so where does that leave artifice??


It leaves artifice in pretty much the same place it was before the cartel market was introduced. Low-end crystals have never been a big seller (from my experience at least). Why spend credits on the GTN when someone can grind WZs or run some missions and buy moddable weapons - with crystals that are just as good if not better - from the vendors that are everywhere.

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Op, I respect your opinion. It's true that the introduction of F2P does mean that the game went down a different, most likely non prepared for, path. I'm not entirely sure I like the cartel market as there just isn't a lot in there that I would want to spend coins on. I used my huge deposit of free coins already on hk, section x, and cartel packs. I found that there are a lot of things that you get that I consider just trash, I don't know if I generally like the direction of the game. More specifically the notion that class stories, and companion stories are not continuing for the foreseeable future. I'm willing to give the future a chance, and see what is in store for the people who play. That is my choice, but I won't say your opinion, or choice, is any better or worse than mine.


I will say though that I have a different view of the cartel market. I think in the long run, a subscription would provide the most benefit instead of what I agree is a short term only solution in the cartel market f2p model. I don't really see a pay to win model happening either. I'm sure this could change if you were primarily a pvp player. For me, I'm primarly a pve player, and I play the way I enjoy by crafting my own armors, selling mats on the GTN, and leveling my character the way I think works best. I don't see this game (through a pve player's eyes) as a pay to win situation. I don't partciularly care what gear someone else may have, or how it may help them in their quests. I care about making sure I have what I need to survive a flashpoint/planet/class mission. In PVP, I could understand if gear with increasing expertise were offered on the market and not in game at the same equivalent. With the boost system in place, I've found pvp matches to be very balanced pre 50, and my level of entertainment is higher than it has ever been. The space missions I will most likely buy the pieces on the market to be honest. I don't feel like grinding all day every day for a piece of ship gear, when all I want to do is play the level, have fun, and use it as a break from my pve experiences. So I don't see a competition with myself as pay to win. Others obviously feel differently, and that is their right as well.


At any rate, I'm sorry you feel this way, OP, and those who agree with him. I don't think being abusive on the forum is a way to achieve anything. I don't think your post was bad, or as bad, as others I've seen. So you have my respect, and my hope that something changes to your liking, or at least in a compromise that you find suitable.

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Of course they were intentional.

This "internal miscommunication" is nothing else but a lie. Word spinning. If there was an internal miscommunication it means their in-house communication is even worse than is their customer communication. Which is very hard to believe. I would even say impossible.

Cartel market and all those that actually use real money in it are the biggest reason for P2W items and very bleak future that this game has.


Criticism is what this company and this game really need. Nothing will help it more than loud and constant criticism. Besides stock market it's the only thing EAware understands.

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Criticism is what this company and this game really need. Nothing will help it more than loud and constant criticism. Besides stock market it's the only thing EAware understands.


People have been doing this since Beta/release...you may as well write a wish list to santa.

Eaware do not listen to their customers and the rare stuff that makes it through to head office gets twisted and watered down like chinese whispers and we end up with only a hint of what could've been.


Call me a cynic but due to lack of communication from this company i draw my own conclusions.

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