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I'm feeling Nickel and Dimed by Makeb


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My question is why do people think that a fully voiced planet with 5 levels to gain not worth $10?


Forget the peurile hissy fit he said she said it's not worth the emotional expediture.


Totally this. No idea why people are so uptight.... can we just be happy the game is still alive and kicking? Enjoy what we have!

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FtFtC "**** them and Feed them Cake" prissy little entitled brats and half educated nitwits that think everything should be free... it's already free to play till 50.. you like the game stick around and buy the content.. you don't I'm sure your panda is still waiting for you back in poke-craft...


other than that have a coke and a smile and rub some dirt on it.. and whatever other cheese ball cliche you can add feel free to do so :D

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FtFtC "**** them and Feed them Cake" prissy little entitled brats and half educated nitwits that think everything should be free... it's already free to play till 50.. you like the game stick around and buy the content.. you don't I'm sure your panda is still waiting for you back in poke-craft...


other than that have a coke and a smile and rub some dirt on it.. and whatever other cheese ball cliche you can add feel free to do so :D


^ This is another reason we're put off RotHC: people who are quick to put us down without having any rational argument to back up their statements.


On the topic of half educated though, elipses are not periods. You also typically start new sentences with capital letters. Please, if you're going to make an ad hominem argument, at least don't do it in such a way that paints you as a hypocrite.

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Pretty much, and this [paywall locked updates] are almost here already. You HAVE to buy Makeb even if it's content is weak as hell. Future endgame content will be for 55. Not 50. How is this different from any other game, you ask? It's not, except you are getting less for your money. They have already said Makeb is AS big as their 'bigger' planets. Like Hoth. So in other words, you have a new host of planet quests to do that will take you to 55. New class abilties which they HAVE to do. Otherwise, No new classes, no new races. Wow.


As a consumer I will not tolerate this and I know i am not alone. This is some of the worst I have ever seen and i've played truly horrible MMOs. [shadowbane]


I am playing for the class stories. Bioware is not extending those, so a few more characters to have fun levelling up and then its unsub time.




I'm quite worried about these new class abilities too. With the possible exception of Marauders/Sents having too much surviablity for their DPS class balance is OK, but with new abilities, it's start again time for it.

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Simply put, I'd like to enjoy it more and I'd like to continue enjoying it beyond finishing the class stories (and even those are beginning to drag with me doing the filler content between them; the only reason I'm still subbed is so my exp gain isn't kneecapped).


An addition of a new game feature, simple or otherwise (*cough*Pazzaak*cough*), would go a long way to restoring faith with me that the game will continue to evolve, rather than stagnate by following the exact same op/fp/wz formula for endgame.


Also, it's worrying that this is considered an expansion, yet there is no expansion to our class stories, I guarentee that's something that would get people to resubscribe, if only for a month.



This is going to be a big issue with Makeb, as basically there is ONLY planet story, so everything is going to be the same for every character you level through it (factionally at least).


With me, by the 3rd to 4th time through the same bit of content in SWTOR I am totally sick of it, even when 1st time through I utterly love it.

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Personally, I don't mind it at all. I do not have the time to play through it all with all classes anyway, so to me it's pointless to have them investing in 7 other classes whilst that development time could have gone into quests for all, or other content.
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It's been stated there will be no class stories. Who in their right mind would think that? Imagine all the voice acting that would have to be completed. No way we're getting that for $10.


Go back to stopping billy goats from crossing bridges.

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It's been stated there will be no class stories. Who in their right mind would think that? Imagine all the voice acting that would have to be completed. No way we're getting that for $10.


Go back to stopping billy goats from crossing bridges.

You mean the voice actors who are on long term contracts and being paid anyway? It is the animators who hold up this kind of content because having to animate 8 class stories is 4 times harder and more time consuming than animating 2 class stories. Not to mention they would have had to do the class stories as well anyway!


But then people would likely have been more willing to pay for class stories, so it would have evened out.

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You mean the voice actors who are on long term contracts and being paid anyway?


Yeah, but it isn't like they are under exclusive contracts that say that they can ONLY do Voice Overs for this MMO while it is still active, cause they do have other gigs and other stuff to do. I mean heck, Jennifer Hale who voices Satele Shan, Female Trooper and other voices in this Game also currently does the voice over work for 4-5 Cartoon Shows. So it isn't like she can just at the drop of the dime do the Voices for Satele, Female Trooper and however many other Voices she does for the Game without working it into her schedule.

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If anything it will be refreshing to hear new dialogue.


Even when Black Hole and Section X rolled out, it was nice to hear new lines from our characters.


I don't mind not having personal class story missions, no. Chapter 4 with a more personal story is alright with me.

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This is going to be a big issue with Makeb, as basically there is ONLY planet story, so everything is going to be the same for every character you level through it (factionally at least).


With me, by the 3rd to 4th time through the same bit of content in SWTOR I am totally sick of it, even when 1st time through I utterly love it.


Honestly, I'm kind of glad about this. Some of these classes I absolutely detest playing. It will be nice to be able to play the story with 2-4 characters and be done.

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Whine about the game NOT coming out fast enough?


I was on here for awhile before alpha was even announced, and yes, assumption and whining of if and when the games would be coming out was definitely a corner stone of the forums lol.

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Quote: Originally Posted by Lungbutter

My question is why do people think that a fully voiced planet with 5 levels to gain not worth $10?


Forget the peurile hissy fit he said she said it's not worth the emotional expediture.


Totally this. No idea why people are so uptight.... can we just be happy the game is still alive and kicking? Enjoy what we have!


FtFtC "**** them and Feed them Cake" prissy little entitled brats and half educated nitwits that think everything should be free... it's already free to play till 50.. you like the game stick around and buy the content.. you don't I'm sure your panda is still waiting for you back in poke-craft...


other than that have a coke and a smile and rub some dirt on it.. and whatever other cheese ball cliche you can add feel free to do so :D


You know


I see these internet tough guy routines and it just amazes me how illiterate and full of nonsense people are.


Do they REALLY THINK anyone but themselves are impressed by their obvious trolling


For the top two, I gotta admit, so many people have explained in full detail that its not about the money that i'm sick of seeing the posts myself (and I agree with the "its not about the money" posts).


I mean, did these 2 not read even 1 of the hundreads of posts by different people (possibly 1000s) saying its not about the money


or are they just trolling for attention?


At this point in time I gotta think the later cause its been explained so completely with fine tooth combs that NO ONE could honestly think the negative posts about the cash grab content update, are about the money.


I guess if your answering with out reading even 1 post of the 100s-1000s of negative posts you might make a wrong assumption. But lets be honest, if they cant read even 1 post in the 100s-1000s, they have far more critical issues plaguing them that they probably shouldn't be on the internet at all to begin with.


As for the 3rd. Im 47 years old and im pretty sure I have 30+ years on that poster.


Just a direct attack


Cant debate the issues so instantly goes into insult and attack formation


People think negative reveiws by anon posters effect TOR?

I guarentee you, allowing fanbois to assault anyone they disagree with (as is common place here) paints a much worse picture and reputation.

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Honestly, I'm kind of glad about this. Some of these classes I absolutely detest playing. It will be nice to be able to play the story with 2-4 characters and be done.


Yeah I understand your point there, and agree with it in many ways, but the problem is for those that do want to level more characters through this they are going to HAVE to do it through all exactly the same stuff (which ironically for me seems actually worse in a fully voiced MMORPG than the non-voiced ones, YMMV of course).



Admittedly the drive to get all your characters to L55 won't be as strong without seperate class story, but that's a back-handded postive at best.

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Yeah I understand your point there, and agree with it in many ways, but the problem is for those that do want to level more characters through this they are going to HAVE to do it through all exactly the same stuff (which ironically for me seems actually worse in a fully voiced MMORPG than the non-voiced ones, YMMV of course).



Admittedly the drive to get all your characters to L55 won't be as strong without seperate class story, but that's a back-handded postive at best.


Yeah, didnt think of that but your right.

Once through with imp

Once through with Rep and everything else is going to be pretty dull and hard to get motivated for


Thats assuming getting 55 even worth it.


Had a guildie today saying its totally worth cause we get a new planet, 5 new levels, new skill trees, 2 new ops, 2 new flash points ...


At which point I interupted him saying "Whooooo there, where you getting this information from cause of your list only planet and 5 levels been announced by EA. The rest your assuming will be in cause of TORHead datamining and there is NOTHING to verify that stuff makes it to the patch"


He tried to defend it that it had to be in there and hes going on assumption it is but I gotta say it sounded to me like he was trying to convince himself more then anything.


I hope hes right but till its on the site in writing, its not official or valid

And with recent actions

Even being in writing on the site doesnt mean its a for sure thing based on recent events and actions

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The thing with class stories is that if you play an agent or a warrior or a knight they were good fun. But otherwise, they were often lame,cans frequently worse than world arcs. Besides, I think ROTHC will have a better world storyline than we've seen before.
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Knowing Bioware I'm not that worried, they know how to make great side story lines, especially in TOR side missions are one of the strongest game elements, besides content will include new planet and all that only for 10$, it's really worth paying!...


Thank you,

Best regards!.

Edited by sandisrd
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Just thought I might clear this up, since people seem to be confused.


The expansion is on sale for Subscribers ONLY for $9.99.

Non-subscribers have to pay $19.99 and so will everyone else when BioWare decides they don't need the expansion on sale anymore.


Is it worth it? Yeah, for subscribers it's totally worth $9.99.

If I was paying $19.99 or more I would expect a lot more content. There should be more class story content, otherwise I don't see the point in raising the level caps just to add a new planet that only has a planet storyline and normal quests on it. Without new class quests I'd actually only consider this an update and not really a full expansion. It's not like they are adding new classes to play. Just 1 new area, a 5 level increase and a hand-full of smaller less important game additions. This is basically a game update labeled as an expansion that we have to pay for.

Edited by Sith_Ecks
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