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How do you like commando?


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Been thinking recently about havIng heavy armor and being dps and a huge gun - and commando seems really inticing. Never really pictured myself as the "blow stuff up" kinda guy, but maybe this will help me get in touch with my more manly side; I can be pretty meek :/


How did you like it? Oorah!

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I love my trooper! although he is a Combat Medic. I love the ammo mechanic and the way he heals. I also like the large amount of abilities he has that can be used to alter the flow of an encounter. and im only level 33. another nice thing is that i can roll him full healing and use 4x to tank for me. its really a good time!
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I've been hearing a lot of people say they don't like commando in pvp a lot recently, was there a nerf in the last update? What do y'all not like? In wzs I always see commandos own with their CCs and dps.


Because commandos who know their stuff are set up to lose against melee players who also know their stuff.


It wouldn't be such an issue if melee had to run in view to a ranged player every time he wanted to attack but that isn't the case.


The pure melee line has a leap, sometimes two leaps, sometimes more than two leaps in a short period all of which close distance immediately and neutralise the ranged advantage.


Stealth classes can ofc walk up to you ignoring your range.


And two classes can pull you to them.


Anyway once they are on you, your damage is massively gimped, casting is now extremely difficult or against some melee, downright impossible.


There's no protection from this happening continuously, on the other hand our defences against gap closers are on cooldowns, build up resolve and are generally worthless if more than one player gap closes you.



This doesn't happen to the gunslinger who is also a caster because cover gives them immunity from all that, of course between cover they are vulnerable but even that can be rectified by going into cover and using their effective stand off tools.


It happens to Sages who are also casters but they can be unpleasant to melee as they can equip damage sponging bubbles which can be broken on damage or demand to AOE stun everyone around them. They also have a very fast sprint ability which allows them to create distance.


All of our problems can be blamed on someone thinking that heavy armour would be so great for a ranged class that it could kinda tank opponents to death without having to have any abilities to get away from the many gap closers of melee classes.


The ranged advantage of commandos is therefore the ability to shoot people and do damage without danger as long as they are not interested in you or their gap closer is on cooldown. Which is often viable vs random players in pugs.


Vs organised players it's incredibly obvious that to remove a commando from the battle is simply a matter of using a gap closer and causing their damage output to be instantly crippled. They can't get away and they can't out-damage melee at melee range when melee can cripple their casting.

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I've been hearing a lot of people say they don't like commando in pvp a lot recently, was there a nerf in the last update? What do y'all not like? In wzs I always see commandos own with their CCs and dps.


Commando dps has been useless for a long time in PvP. Main issues is the survivability & utility. I stopped playing with my commando when I hit lvl 50. I'm a huge fan of PvP, and commando isn't an option....unless you want to heal. And scoundrel & sage does a better at the green department anyway.

When I subbed over 6 months ago, and started with my trooper....if I knew how bad commando was on PvP, I would have chosen vanguard...it's that horrible. The big ******* gun looks bad *** and you'd think you gonna pwn everyone with that huge cannon...that's not the case, your a free kill as a dps.


Only time dps commando can shine, is when no one jumps on you, when someone does...your dead. Commando doesn't stand a chance against any class 1vs1, but any other class has a fighting chance, sounds fair huh.


So now I'm just playing with my guardian & scoundrel untill they fix dps commando. We should have been fixed when 1.4 came out, or even when F2P launched but nooo. But either way, I'm sure we will be boosted up...it's just a matter of time.


Don't confuse lvl 49 wz's into lvl 50 wz's.

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I have yet to reach end game / pvp in my trooper but there is always a class like this where a large majority of people have a hard time with them in pvp. the Resto shaman was this way in WOW and i played one successfully for years in pvp and end game.


I agree that changes need to be made. I think the concussive blast would be great if it rooted people after it did the KB. also a talent that makes you unable to be stunned while you are casting a heal.


But, being aware and keeping yourself safe always goes a long way is survival. I know troopers want to wade out into the thick of battle...but a lil LOS and staying with a group goes a long way.

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I agree with you. all i was saying is that if you are just standing in the middle of a battlefield the flaws of your character are going to be more easily exploited and that a little situational awareness could go a long way towards taking the sting off of our commandos lacking a lil in pvp.




diddnt mean to make it into a L2P post lol.

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Gunnery commando is the AC I want to play. In pve it is fine but pvp it is a wreck. This means that either I play a spec I don't enjoy (assault) to be competative or I just don't play part of the game to avoid the frustration. Like everyone else I am working on Jedi since they enjoy every aspect of the game without let down.
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I will echo what most have said here. PVE it's fine. PvP is an absolute train wreck. Pre 50 you get suckered into thinking the class is fine in PVP. You get a quick wake up in post 50. I had to run up a Vanguard to play competitively in post 50 PVP. Take that for what it's worth.
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I play PvP with DPS commando, at the beginning of the match people tell me to respec to healer and that I'm useless to the team. At the end I'm in the top 3 for medals and DPS, plus I usually contribute some healing too. 90% of the people talking smack are below me and I don't even have full War Hero yet. Usually they're still making excuses for their low DPS because I wasn't a healer to prop them up.


I've been playing it since launch and it's hard to be good in PvP with this class. Personally I think it's fun, if you just want to play what gets DPS easiest re-roll a FOTM Jedi and be done with it.

If anybody tells you not to play a class that is fun to you because it's not the "best" for something, remember to never take advice from them.

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I play PvP with DPS commando, at the beginning of the match people tell me to respec to healer and that I'm useless to the team. At the end I'm in the top 3 for medals and DPS, plus I usually contribute some healing too. 90% of the people talking smack are below me and I don't even have full War Hero yet. Usually they're still making excuses for their low DPS because I wasn't a healer to prop them up.


I've been playing it since launch and it's hard to be good in PvP with this class. Personally I think it's fun, if you just want to play what gets DPS easiest re-roll a FOTM Jedi and be done with it.

If anybody tells you not to play a class that is fun to you because it's not the "best" for something, remember to never take advice from them.


I would very much echo the above. I PVP extensively on my four characters and the commando can definaty compete at 50. I'm top three, normally number one Dps and that is as gunnery. You just have to keep a low profile.


In fact performance lately has improved massively, which I think is down to all the fotm rerollers that have no clue how to fight gunnery. I even find that I can get off full gunnery rotations, which spells death for pretty much anyone. This is not in ranked though, so maybe there people still know that if you don't shut us down quick, they are dead.

Edited by Godlymuppet
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In my opinion, Commandos/Mercenarys are great through PvE, they are also really good up to level 49 in pvp, then when you hit 50 you drop from being really good to being pretty bad. Their DPS can be high, but only if left alone. Then again, that also goes for just about any DPS class. As for healing, they don't have as good AoE heals as Scoundrel/Sage and are the hardest to use of the 3 due to having to manage the ammo mechanic, their heals passive effects also aren't as good as the other 2 healing classes. That being said, I believe they have the best single target healing.


All of the above might lead you to believe that at 50 the class becomes rubbish, but oddly I still really love the class (same goes for my sorc) there's just something about them.

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In my opinion, Commandos/Mercenarys are great through PvE, they are also really good up to level 49 in pvp, then when you hit 50 you drop from being really good to being pretty bad. Their DPS can be high, but only if left alone. Then again, that also goes for just about any DPS class. As for healing, they don't have as good AoE heals as Scoundrel/Sage and are the hardest to use of the 3 due to having to manage the ammo mechanic, their heals passive effects also aren't as good as the other 2 healing classes. That being said, I believe they have the best single target healing.


All of the above might lead you to believe that at 50 the class becomes rubbish, but oddly I still really love the class (same goes for my sorc) there's just something about them.


This matches my experience so far. I'm hoping very, very hard that Commandos get some PVP help in 1.7/RotHC, because I absolutely adore the class - but I'm definitely target #1 in PVP. I will echo the numerous posts I have seen in this forum stating quite simply - Commandos ought to be able to use cover. It would make the smasher pain train a lot less effective against us, give us some immunity from the CC ********...and completely fits with being, well, a Commando.


EDIT: Anybody ever played SW: Republic Commando? Gotta roll like Sev.

Edited by straseed
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As for healing, they don't have as good AoE heals as Scoundrel/Sage and are the hardest to use of the 3 due to having to manage the ammo mechanic, their heals passive effects also aren't as good as the other 2 healing classes. That being said, I believe they have the best single target healing.


I disagree on them being the hardest to manage. Ammo is not an overly hard mechanic to manage, to me scoundrel healing is much more difficult because you have 2 resources you have to manage. Energy and Upper Hand, and Energy has the same tiered regen system as troopers do. But that is my opinion, I know some who think it's the easiest thing in the world. Personally I struggle with it.


Beyond that I agree that Commando healing is great at ST healing. We tank heal like beasts. And if they ever fixed our AoE heal to smartheal instead of just healing the 4 closest to the middle we'd be in a much better place group healing.

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I disagree on them being the hardest to manage. Ammo is not an overly hard mechanic to manage, to me scoundrel healing is much more difficult because you have 2 resources you have to manage. Energy and Upper Hand, and Energy has the same tiered regen system as troopers do. But that is my opinion, I know some who think it's the easiest thing in the world. Personally I struggle with it.


Beyond that I agree that Commando healing is great at ST healing. We tank heal like beasts. And if they ever fixed our AoE heal to smartheal instead of just healing the 4 closest to the middle we'd be in a much better place group healing.


as far as scoundrel healers go, they have an almost endless supply of upper hands compared to scoundrel DPS and energy management is not difficult. at all. i would dare say it's the easiest healing class in terms of resource management, in spite of having two types of resources to manage.

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as far as scoundrel healers go, they have an almost endless supply of upper hands compared to scoundrel DPS and energy management is not difficult. at all. i would dare say it's the easiest healing class in terms of resource management, in spite of having two types of resources to manage.

Agree, complexity does not necessarily equal difficult to manage

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Leveled as Gunnery spec & recently switched to heals. Love it. It's very similar to the Sage AC. But Commando has a different variety in it's abilities. The AC has quite a few very long CD abilities, It also has a wide variety of AoE & short stuns, all of which I think make for a little more interesting play. It's a very mobile heal spec, although gunnery really isn't any more mobile than the TK sage spec.
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