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Wny do you Marauders/Shadows/Jugs stalk sorcs/sages during WZs


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Seeing the OP has mentioned my class, i guess I am entitled to reply. I am amongst the small percentage of pvp-ers who never go for an easy kill. I do not stalk sorcs nor harass them, however they seem to have a fetish for me. No matter where I am i get boltz up my trumpet. The best part is when i engage 2-3 with my shadow, kill 1, take the other two in spinning strike range and I get killed by boltz from behind the pillar :D.



In any case, player skill varies across servers and on TOFN you got quite a handful of sorcs who repeatedly kill 50-60, die 0 times, and dish out 600k dmg. These sorcs constantly root, stun, bolt and prevent me from actually moving 5m without being stunned. What am I supposed to do? Let him roam free while my team suffers badly? Of course I start to hump him during the warzone and keep him busy. This whole sorcs are victims used to work before the new resolve. Now sorcs dominate, again, warzones and chainlock as they please.


Stop QQ and learn your class. I have seen sorcs on TOFN never lose 1 v 1 and kite like champs.

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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As stated in my above post I was referring to 1v1s as well. Veangance is good against Sorcs but so is (and I hate this boring spec) rage for juggs. Dps Sorcs are tricky to deal with though so ill give you that. But I generally have no issue with them on my sent, especially on my Jugg though.


Rage is great in a warzone against sorcs, but 1v1 it is the opposite. After the force charge I don't dot the jugg, I instant whirlwind and start walking away, if he breaks the cc then I get to set up my burst and kill him later, if he doesn't then I get to set up and heal up at range before opening. Force crush can be purged by sorcs, and if you cc break the force choke and interrupt it then you stop them from getting shockwave stacks. Without force charge 1v1 juggs don't have a way to get back to you. And once they do the resolve will have diminished and you can stun them. Calculating the leftover cooldown on force charge also allows you to preemptively force slow the jugg and then use your knockback when they charge.


Kiting a jugg 1v1 isnt hard at all, especially RAGE juggs. The hard part is you can't kite them in a group setting (intercede makes a huge difference alone), so as a sorc you instantly die. Which may be fun for the jugg, but its far from fun as a sorc when people tend to tunnel vision you over and over again.

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If need be I will show the rundown of any match up with a sorc 1v1. We aren't as bad as people think 1v1, but you have to use many tatics that don't generally work in a warzone situation. The fact that it takes about 45 seconds of kiting to kill a melee and only about 6 seconds to die melee's up-time is evidence of this.
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Im talking to the point of insanity. I cant count how many times they have completely foregone their objectives only to kill me. God forbid if I manage to kite them and get away. Then they become extremely angry and make it a point to chase me the entire match as if I killed their puppy. have any other sorcs/sages experienced this qausi psychotic behavior? Im not even a healer, dps.


Haha yeahI know what you mean. There's chasing people around as an obj, because they're squishy, easy kills or whatever and then there's braindead/nutcase focus on one player or AC. Gardens of Talla had a bunch. Like our server pet screwball Prinzkaos, but I haven't seen such morons on POT5 yet. Those guys typically don't seem real bright if you ever communicate with them.

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When there is a highly skilled team that's chasing you, it can be really frustrating. Otherwise, I kind of welcome it. Frankly, if they want to chase me to a remote area on the map, or allow my DPS to slowly pick them off one by one while I dodge, kite, root, bubble stun, then self heal back to safe levels, then they're not making an impact on the game.


I can't tell you the number of times when down 2-1 in CW or Novarre, that I've run to the off node to 1v1, which eventually turns into 2v1 or 3v1, while I use this "water treading" technique, only to watch my team flip a node back.


They don't get objective points for putting burst DPS onto me, but they sure act like it. Regardless, if I can take them out of the fight, I can serve my team well.


All that said, yes ... It's mad annoying. But, it's a matter of mindset. Instead of being irked by it, embrace it & take them on a journey around the map that'll end with a team loss (disclaimer: pray you don't have crap pugs on your team, lol).

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You can actually use this to your advantage. I don't really like playing heavily dot focused specs so I haven't played my sorc in awhile but one thing I used to do is drop a dot on someone in the middle of a few people running to the objective. They will often start to chase you. The goal is to move away from the objective but don't go too fast so that they keep chasing you. This worked best in Vstar where multiple matches I'd get 3-4 people to chase me for over a minute and we'd have 2 plants in this time lol. It also works great in the other zones as well.


Also, this works even better if you are undergeared (my sorc is still bm) since why this works so well is these people see you as a free kill when you are a merc/sorc with under 16.5k hp.


I also do this on my low geared merc on occasion but it is not nearly as effective since arsenal merc doesn't have too many escape tools and kiting several people won't work for too long.

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I get stalked because I'm a healer. Like someone said, we're so squishy and we get killed so easily, but our healing is so good that it can carry the team to victory. I ran the hybrid spec for a while and just found out it got me focused more. People get really angry when they see that overload root and bubble stun. So they will hunt you down and kill you 4 on 1 every time. I'm now playing the full healer like I did before. I try to pick the most inconspicuous places to set up and heal. But of course I have to move to keep my teammates in line of sight and continue healing them. As soon as the enemy sees me casting one heal, then they are after me for the rest of the match. But you learn how to get away from them and keep healing and still be an asset to your team. It's all part of the job as a sorc healer.
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As a Full Heal spec healer I would say I am not very squishy in most cases I can survive 2 mara's without much issue. As hybrid Heals I become incredibly hard to kill and annoying and get focused up that arse. On my shadow I focus sorc/sage because I know what they can do. If I see they have blind bubbles I will kill you the moment yours is gone. As far as healing any healer is a prime target.


I wouldn't go as far to say your always #1 but maybe out of all the healers you are either the most annoying or you are more squishy then the others.

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have any other sorcs/sages experienced this qausi psychotic behavior? Im not even a healer, dps.


Yes. They quite frequently and blatantly suicide in an attempt to kill me. It's completely insane. I guess they just want that big smash crit. The funny thing, though, is that I'm rarely focused when I play healer.

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I've chased a healing sorc around Hutt Ball on my Maruader once and ignore the objectives to do so. They were doing pretty good about keeping their ball carriers alive and got a quick lead. Then I started chasing that healer, and they did not have so much luck and eventually there was 1 or 2 extra that went off to try to peel me off their healer/kill me. If I died, I would just get back at it and pressured them to commit, so I had 2-3 enemy players dealing with me and that's a good trade off. Too bad my team sucked and never recovered even though I stopped the bleeding.


Got teamed up with that same sorce the next PUG match and had a decent laugh about it. Then we were kind of paired up running between nodes and did quite well.


You might be DPS, but people are going to go after you just to make sure.

Edited by Technohic
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When i get a solo kill on say a sent/shadow/vg on my sorceror as dps its almost a guarantee that said class will chase around my sorc for the rest of the wz whereas on my sent it happens alot less because idk people really hate being killed by sorcs/sages i guess :p
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Im talking to the point of insanity. I cant count how many times they have completely foregone their objectives only to kill me. God forbid if I manage to kite them and get away. Then they become extremely angry and make it a point to chase me the entire match as if I killed their puppy. have any other sorcs/sages experienced this qausi psychotic behavior? Im not even a healer, dps.


Because their class is so much better than yours. :cool:

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Im talking to the point of insanity. I cant count how many times they have completely foregone their objectives only to kill me. God forbid if I manage to kite them and get away. Then they become extremely angry and make it a point to chase me the entire match as if I killed their puppy. have any other sorcs/sages experienced this qausi psychotic behavior? Im not even a healer, dps.


Looks like a healer, quacks like a healer, might or might not be a healer. Let's kick the (*&^$ out of it, anyway.


It's a hazard of the class. Whether you're dps or healing, you WILL be a high priority target. Suck it up and deal. (and,to answer your next question, yes, I've been on both sides of that equation.)

Edited by darksidechemist
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Why, because Sorcerers & Sages are easy kills for them to farm for medals. They'd rather go after the weakest opponent because they fear the strong ones in single combat. They shy away from a challenge because they lack the confidence in defeating someone who would offer them a slug fest smash mouth fight. When they do take on those types, they do so with numbers on their side, 2, 3, or 4. It's the Wolf Pack mentality. That's why I love having my Juggernaut Tank in the middle of 4 or more of them hitting all my CDs, force scream my sonic barrier, and popping my Medpac making them pound on me. That means less of them to face my team mates. I'll quickly take one for the team if it affords us a cap or score a goal.


Don't you suggest everyone in enemy team to kill tanks instead? Nah, seriously, that's just ridiculous. Whatever class i would be my primary goal to burn down as much enemies as i can (to make 5v5 battle 5v4 or 5v3 => our win), hence i will focus anything but tanks (sure if there healer, then they should be considered as well as top priority) - sorcs, mercs, snipers (don't let them live too long because of their huge damage). At this point, since melees are crap against snipers all they have to kill easily: sorcs and mercs. Well, at least they think it's easy ;) I'm mostly focused by 3-4. 2 good melees will kill me of course as well, but 1 has all chances to be punished for his judgement me as an easy kill.


If you don't wanna be killed, you should go tank. They are massively focused very seldom

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To me sorcs are a class to which left unchecked can put out some hurt on a team dps (I said it) and healing. If you see any sorc healing you have to put pressure on them, or any healer for that matter. As far as sorcs in general, I will target them first, my order of kill generally goes from squishiest to hardest and sorcs fall into that category.
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Sorcs are exceptionally powerful and have to die, period. I'm not sure why you are pretending otherwise.


- if you are bubble stun, you 100% must die

- if you are healing pool, you 100% must die

- if you are dishing out 100ks and 100ks of damage, you 100% must die

- if you are running forward and pulling the ball carrier past fire traps, you 100% must die



Don't act like 'woe is me'. You are playing one of the, if not the, most important class in the game. You need to be killed, period.

Edited by KettleBelll
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