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Exactly what this needs.


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There should be laws implace to stop this company from doing things like this.

I thought Equality was intended to be in every aspect of life, and not just pick and choose.

We're being Taxed by EAgames.


Right.........are you a troll? Being sarcastic or just a nut case?

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Council Ranks -

Extra In class Grind! (Super rare Jedi Grind) SwG style

Take P2W space out

Keep the True SW fans happy and you will Grab the world ;)


I have no idea what this means (some silly SWG thing that you can't let go of?) but you're talking about adding grind like it's a good thing. There's a reason it's called grind, because it's not fun.

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I thought Equality was intended to be in every aspect of life, and not just pick and choose.


Women would like to speak to you

The poor and middle-class would like to speak to you

Any non-Caucasian race would like to speak with you

Any non-Christian religion (and athiests/agnostics) would like to speak with you

Third-world countries would like to speak with you

Abused and neglected children and adults would like to speak with you


What was that about equality, again?

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Women would like to speak to you

The poor and middle-class would like to speak to you

Any non-Caucasian race would like to speak with you

Any non-Christian religion (and athiests/agnostics) would like to speak with you

Third-world countries would like to speak with you

Abused and neglected children and adults would like to speak with you


What was that about equality, again?



You made me sad.

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