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1.6 and still nothing......Now what?


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Exactly that what do we as Commandos/Mercs (they are also welcome here too) do with another patch and nothing to remedy our performance? Still getting smacked in the face by Smashers in almost every wz.


Other than that how is everyone enjoying the new Warzone and gear purchase changes?

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I made a call about 7-8 months ago for us to get in on the Cover system - it's a great system that is ultimately only used by one of the eight Advanced Classes: the Gunslinger/Sniper. If they did not have Cover, I imagine that they would face the same issues we do such as survivability and interrupts. Granted that this would take away whatever mobility we had left, but I thought it was a different take on the problem. If we're going to be turrets, we might be as well get some defensive bonuses while we do it. There could perhaps be a few tweaks to differentiate us from our Gunslinger colleagues, but the same principles of interrupt and leap protection along with defensive buffs apply.


Perhaps some sort of gun emplacement type thing (imagine setting up your assault cannon on top of a defensive shield).


Just thought I'd revive the idea. :) The original post is probably still somewhere around on the forums.

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I made a call about 7-8 months ago for us to get in on the Cover system - it's a great system that is ultimately only used by one of the eight Advanced Classes: the Gunslinger/Sniper. If they did not have Cover, I imagine that they would face the same issues we do such as survivability and interrupts. Granted that this would take away whatever mobility we had left, but I thought it was a different take on the problem. If we're going to be turrets, we might be as well get some defensive bonuses while we do it. There could perhaps be a few tweaks to differentiate us from our Gunslinger colleagues, but the same principles of interrupt and leap protection along with defensive buffs apply.


Perhaps some sort of gun emplacement type thing (imagine setting up your assault cannon on top of a defensive shield).


Just thought I'd revive the idea. :) The original post is probably still somewhere around on the forums.


I like this idea. Operating like cover does. Like the above poster said, if wer gonna be turrets they might as well give us some type of cover system setup. We would probably still need another escape anyway since what we do have is extremely weak in that regards. I also think a tweak would be nice to the cover system if they would give us something like that. Keep the interrupt and leap protection but instead of getting a defensive buff you should give us a offensive/heal buff to help with our dps/healing woes. We could setup a tripod type deal and hunker down right were we stand.

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I like this idea. Operating like cover does. Like the above poster said, if wer gonna be turrets they might as well give us some type of cover system setup. We would probably still need another escape anyway since what we do have is extremely weak in that regards. I also think a tweak would be nice to the cover system if they would give us something like that. Keep the interrupt and leap protection but instead of getting a defensive buff you should give us a offensive/heal buff to help with our dps/healing woes. We could setup a tripod type deal and hunker down right were we stand.


The alternative being to allow us to use blaster rifles (answering a lot of other calls), but as the only weapon usable in cover. This could perhaps be a tad more realistic to expect since many rifle animations in cover already exist through Imperial Agent.


I just think cover reflects our position well; we're not the type to go jumping around in the fray, we sitat the edge of combat and support our team through suppressive fire and heals. Plus let's face it, the epicness of seeing your troopers rolling into cover, hunkering down and opening fire. :D

Edited by JarenWelen
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1.7 was my cutoff. Nothing by then, I'm out.

A shame to see you go. Watching your vids always make me play my commando for a couple of hours. Chances are that we'll see commando improvements first with the Makeb patch. One of the new abilities is probably an attempt to fix commando survivability and utility.

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I made a call about 7-8 months ago for us to get in on the Cover system


I've actually championed a "dig in" system wherein you gain a stacking buff by standing still that provides you with defensive benefits similar to cover (interrupt immunity and ranged pushback resistance being the biggest ones; I'd also include some degree of DR rather than additional defense); logic being that you're using a giant friggin' cannon that takes a bit of time to get into the appropriate physical stance (bracing your legs, setting up a bipod potentially). Simplest way to implement it would be to just have it be a buff that is automatically applied to the Commando every second that is removed by moving (including knockback); when it gets to 3-5 stacks (depending on what is considered "appropriate" for it), you're immune to interrupts and each stack provides some an equal portion of pushback resist (such that the sum is 100% at full stacks) and either 1-2% DR (1% for 5 stacks; 2% for 3 stacks).

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A shame to see you go. Watching your vids always make me play my commando for a couple of hours. Chances are that we'll see commando improvements first with the Makeb patch. One of the new abilities is probably an attempt to fix commando survivability and utility.




To be honest, I've been hearing 'chances are we'll get fixed in a couple of patches' for months now. We were *definitely* going to get fixed in 1.4. Then 1.5. Then they absolutely positively wouldn't let 1.6 pass without fixing us, because that would be crazy.


At some point you have to just draw a line in the sand. Here's hoping for 1.7 - if not, then hey - I may resub if they work things out further down the line. Of course the nice thing about free-to-play is that I won't have to resub just to check ;)

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Commando stockstrike should by default knock the target back 5 or 10m. And with gunnery spec add 4 sec root (after 2 sec damage cancels root). And also stockstrike slows targets movement speed by 50% for 5 sec.


Concussion charge [Gunnery spec] should root targets for 5sec and slow movement speed 50% for 10sec. Damage on target(s) wont cancel the root. But root can be ''cleaned'' off by a healer.


After that I'd suggest either that escape/retreat ability that has been mentioned. The escape ability would make commando jump backwards (about 15m or 25m).


Or what I would prefer: the charged barrier (using grav rounds) at 5th or 6th stack of charged barrier you gain immunity to leaps. Visually it would look something similiar when a tank has placed ''guard'' on you.


Charged barrier can be stacked currently up to 5 and each stack gives 1% damage reduction for 15sec. Make it 2% insead of 1. So you could at 5th stack have total of 10% damage reduction. The 6th stack of charged barrier wouldn't give you additinal 2% damage reduction, instead it would grant you leap immunity for 15sec.


By this commando needs sometime untill he has 6th stack and it lasts 15 sec, each time grav round is being used it goes back to 15sec, but it still requires from the commando to regulary use the grav round. And on turret guard duty it means that melee class will be able to open up the fight with a leap.


EDIT: Make the leap immunity on separate duration, maybe 6 or 10 sec.


2nd EDIT: Or grant us the escape ability, but make also all the rounds uninterruptible.

Edited by ArchArcher
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Jump back escape ability is a bad idea, leaping back into a fire pit is no bueno. Just do a leap to friendly escape. Good for healers, good for escape, good to jump in and help attack, good for huttball, and if you can't mouse turn and shoot the enemy behind you I don't think it's lack of an escape that is holding you back.


I want to be able to look before I leap.

Edited by Kerensk
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I made a call about 7-8 months ago for us to get in on the Cover system - it's a great system that is ultimately only used by one of the eight Advanced Classes: the Gunslinger/Sniper. If they did not have Cover, I imagine that they would face the same issues we do such as survivability and interrupts. Granted that this would take away whatever mobility we had left, but I thought it was a different take on the problem. If we're going to be turrets, we might be as well get some defensive bonuses while we do it. There could perhaps be a few tweaks to differentiate us from our Gunslinger colleagues, but the same principles of interrupt and leap protection along with defensive buffs apply.


Perhaps some sort of gun emplacement type thing (imagine setting up your assault cannon on top of a defensive shield).


Just thought I'd revive the idea. :) The original post is probably still somewhere around on the forums.


Personally, I think that is a good and creative idea for people who enjoy playing Gunnery, but as a Assault Specialist Commando I would say kill this idea with fire (hehe get it?) because many Assault Spec players (including myself) enjoy the luxury of being mobile to a certain point.

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Yeah, it always confused me that gunslingers got cover and were supposed to be immobile, while the big hulking commandos with the huge cannon did not.


That said, if we WERE to get cover, we'd also need the defensive abilities to go with it (scrambling field, hunker down etc)...


And even then, people only really bring saboteur slingers along to RWZs for their incendiary grenades...


We need something big, to break the stranglehold that melee has on competitive PvP in SWTOR.

Edited by Jherad
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Yeah, it always confused me that gunslingers got cover and were supposed to be immobile, while the big hulking commandos with the huge cannon did not.


That said, if we WERE to get cover, we'd also need the defensive abilities to go with it (scrambling field, hunker down etc)...


And even then, people only really bring saboteur slingers along to RWZs for their incendiary grenades...


We need something big, to break the stranglehold that melee has on competitive PvP in SWTOR.

lol really, i sit at top dps becuase i get overlook and smash the healers without drawing dps or tanks to me then smash them in. u are comparing a possible healing class to dps only class look at scoundrels who can go into cover to commando and u see that we are way better off then they are for dps, not saying scoundrels can't dps but they have to use melee to do it as a ranged class.

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If we got these we might stand a chance in pvp


Modifications in Orange


Modified Abilities:


Charged Bolts


Spins up the assault cannon and fires off a quick burst of powerful, charged rounds at the target for 1265 - 1435 weapon damage. Requires Assault Cannon.

* Targets under 35% health will have a 4 second 5% health debuff applied that does not stack.



Mass Accelerator


Increases the range of Incendiary Round and Assault Plastique by 20 meters.


* Reactive Shield reflects 5% of all types of damage back to the attacker for the duration of the shield.


New Ability:


Commando Courage


Cool Down 45 Seconds


Aura that lasts 8 seconds surrounds the Commando by 15 meters giving all within a boost of confidence by increasing all tech and force ability damage and resistance by 8%. (Does not stack)


Then maybe groups will want a Commando :D


Jyx Kingstar


Jung Ma

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If we got these we might stand a chance in pvp



Those are some seriously underwhelming improvements.


Reduce someone's health by about 1000 for 4 seconds?

A reflect that would do approximately 300 damage from a 6k smash?

8 seconds of 8% DR on force/tech only?

And extra range on 2 abilities for pyro only.


Yeah, I'll go with Cash's suggestions.


Edited by Jherad
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