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Commando Healer and Elara


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So I've just started playing male Commando healer and I have one question about Elara. Is she useful for helaer? Because i really really want have a love affair with her and lvling with companion is the best way to unlock romance option am I right?

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Elara is useful as a healer. However, if you play a commando medic (healer) yourself, there is no use for another healer. You would then better use a DPS like Aric Jorgan or the droid.


You also do not need to level with a char in order unlock romances. You need to get affection points which you can also achieve with presents. At certain affection point levels, conversations will be triggered and there it depends on your answers. If you answer the right things, you will get the romance.


I played with Aric Jorgan all the time and still have all companions on 10.000 maxed out.


Good luck. :)

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best one for gifts I think is (not sure, at work so can't check) invetigation, as it gives TOKENS which you can exchange for exacly what you want (green/blue,pink L 5 gifts) and it doenst take 'holy crap' amount of your inventory (granted, it seems slower, but much much better to run 2+ companions in background while you quest as it doesnt fill your inventory- you will get some gifts on early level from time to time but tokens are usual drop)
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Also, you can micromanage your companions in conversations. In other words, fight with Aric or Yuun or my favorite (Tanno, cause he seems to be less of a CC breaker than Forex).


But then swap to Elara during a conversation and get her the affection points.


It's a lot of micromanaging, but it works.

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I played through pretty much the whole game as a healer with Elara as my companion.


It isn't really that efficient, but it is fun to play with double heals. Plus, you can put her on blaster stance so she can DPS a bit better.

Edited by MoobooMagoo
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Treasure hunting is the one which gives tokens, not investigation. However, all the mission skills except treasure hunting (investigation/underworld trading/diplomacy) can give random companion gifts.


As others have said, you can used gifts if you don't want to take her with you. Or pull her out when you need to talk and Jorgan etc out when you need to fight.


Medic+Elara isn't so bad. You can take on tough heroics etc and never die. It's just slow.

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Even as a commando healer spec. Elara is still very usefull. Most of my leveling up I used her as my companion. In PVE commando medic can still put out OK DPS (far better than any companion). So I would let Elara heal and I would DPS / tank throwing an occasional heal as needed. Commando AoEs are particularly effective. Elara is a solid healer and her CC abilities have saved me many times. Using Tanno Vik for tanking and healing him works good, but Elara is still a very useful and effective companion.
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Even as a commando healer spec. Elara is still very usefull. Most of my leveling up I used her as my companion. In PVE commando medic can still put out OK DPS (far better than any companion). So I would let Elara heal and I would DPS / tank throwing an occasional heal as needed. Commando AoEs are particularly effective. Elara is a solid healer and her CC abilities have saved me many times. Using Tanno Vik for tanking and healing him works good, but Elara is still a very useful and effective companion.


She's a bad dps comp and a good healer :/


Makes zero sense to get your best healer comp, make it do dps, spec yourself to healer and again do dps...


tank/healer or healer/dps are the best combos for a combat medic and you get things done much faster or easier.

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