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EU Servers and the unofficial language


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Hello everyone,


We have recently had to clean up a number of posts in this thread that were in violation of our Rules of Conduct and wanted to remind everyone to stay on topic while avoiding the following:


  • Comments that are political, religious, sexual, or racial in nature.
  • Personal Attacks or Insults.
  • Creating posts for the purpose of derailing the topic, eliciting negative reactions or spreading false information.
  • Replying in a manner that adds nothing constructive to the conversation.


We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and will continue to monitor the conversation. Above all else please remember that we are here to help with issues that come up, you need not respond to them and extend the argument. In short, flag don't flame. This thread is not being closed, please feel free to carry on so long as you abide by the forum rules.

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It is? where exactly?


All I found is



And I went through all three ToS, Rules of consuct and EULA


Good question.


I don't know, all I know is I've seen foreign language threads locked on this forum by the mods, so I assumed it would logically be in the rules.

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And because Britain's official language is English are you going to demand that all non-natives be thrown out as well?


Its not gonna be english as the official language for many more years if what I see there keeps up so worry more about your country and less about your server if language is what is important to you. Personally I dont see the issue.

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It is? where exactly?


All I found is



And I went through all three ToS, Rules of consuct and EULA


And you found it: disruptive of dialogue in chat. If the server is an English based server, players on the server should respect that and use English in the major chat channels. If they want to speak in a different language, they can create chat channels just for that.

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Personally it doesn't bother me as I play on an RP server, and foreign languages add to my immersion.

Saying that though, people should realise that when the Server says English, it means the language and not the Nationality.

Asking people to communicate in English on an English server is not rude, ignorant or racist.



I'm not English before anyone starts on me.

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For reference, from the MW dictionary:


racism - a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race


bigot - a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance


prejudice - injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims / preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge



Asking that people speak in the language the server population is intended to use is not racist. It does not indicate a belief that they are inherently a lesser person based on their genetic origins.


Asking that people speak in the language the server population is intended to use is not bigoted. You are not treating them with hatred or intolerance. You are acknowledging that they are freely allowed to play on the server of their choice given that their actions follow the terms of service. They are not being asked or forced to move servers. They are being asked to use the server's intended language.


Asking that people speak in the language the server population is intended to use is not prejudicial. You are not pre-judging those people. You are not making any judgements about them whatsoever. You are simply asking that they make their speech accessible to the intended audience, and to avoid filling the public space with speech which is incomprehensible to the intended audience.

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And you found it: disruptive of dialogue in chat. If the server is an English based server, players on the server should respect that and use English in the major chat channels. If they want to speak in a different language, they can create chat channels just for that.


Different languages are not disruptive of dialogue. Their conversations might be more about the game than constant "USE ENGLISH" comments from people who haven't found /ignore yet.


IF you suggest they should respect some unwritten rule, then maybe YOU should respect the fact, that they don't have dedicated servers and want to socialize in a way THEY prefer.

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I do fully agree with the thread starter.


Requesting players on English servers to use the default language in general chat doesn't have anything to do with racism. Rather with respect towards other players and the applicable rules on that particular server.


It is free to every single player to create or join a channel and use their own native language as much as they want; but not in general chat.


As far as I know no one would ever use any other language on a German or French server; but that may be due to the fact that e.g. Spanish or Russian players haven't got their own servers, so it is only human to try use your native language if your English skills are poor.


On the other hand, don't make the mistake to assume that there are no Germans or French players on English servers. I know of many Germans, including me, who are playing SWTOR in original language as they wish to fully immerse into the game.

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Oh i remember the days of APB when 90% of the chat was filled with cyrillic and if anyone pointed out that they were playing on an ENGLISH server, you would be harassed until you logged off...


lovely days :/



oh... apparantly its still like that in APB:R :(



EDIT: and APB/APB:R had dedicated russian servers... it wont make a difference if BW makes russian servers, they'll still hang around on the english servers now since they have characters there (that goes for most other languages with no dedicated servers too)

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On the other hand, don't make the mistake to assume that there are no Germans or French players on English servers. I know of many Germans, including me, who are playing SWTOR in original language as they wish to fully immerse into the game.



Oo, realise its a side track to the main thread, but what's the translations like in this game.


I only speak/ read French well enough to survive for a weeks holiday so I've never tried playing a game in a foreign language so it just sparked an interrest.

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Personally it doesn't bother me as I play on an RP server, and foreign languages add to my immersion.


Really? People speaking in a foreign language adds to your immersion?


If anything would be breaking my immersion it's exactly that. Especially if they start to speak my own language...


I can understand people wanting to speak in/chat in their own language but yes, please keep it out of the public channels...


And even if they would localise this game into my own language I will still be playing on an English speaking server because I have always watched and played Star Wars in English and suddenly having to read Dutch terms for things that sound way more natural in English is just strange...

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Really? People speaking in a foreign language adds to your immersion?


If anything would be breaking my immersion it's exactly that. Especially if they start to speak my own language...


I can understand people wanting to speak in/chat in their own language but yes, please keep it out of the public channels...


And even if they would localise this game into my own language I will still be playing on an English speaking server because I have always watched and played Star Wars in English and suddenly having to read Dutch terms for things that sound way more natural in English is just strange...


the general chat is called General, not English channel. If you want english only channel, you and english-only speaking community can make one, noone is stoppping you.

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the general chat is called General, not English channel. If you want english only channel, you and english-only speaking community can make one, noone is stoppping you.


So if you went onto the German or French servers and constantly spoke English in general chat you think they would all be fine with that?


Of course not. It's exclusive. As in it excludes people. General chat is supposed to be for everyone to converse with everyone else on the planet. Using it to speak in languages the rest of the players can't speak defeats the entire point.


People don't play on the ENGLISH server only to be made to feel its necessary to start up an English only chat channel! That's like starting a forum for starwars and the because people joined up wanting to fill the forum with startrek chat you had to make a private sub forum for starwars!

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So if you went onto the German or French servers and constantly spoke English in general chat you think they would all be fine with that?


Of course not. It's exclusive. As in it excludes people. General chat is supposed to be for everyone to converse with everyone else on the planet. Using it to speak in languages the rest of the players can't speak defeats the entire point.


People don't play on the ENGLISH server only to be made to feel its necessary to start up an English only chat channel! That's like starting a forum for starwars and the because people joined up wanting to fill the forum with startrek chat you had to make a private sub forum for starwars!


If they introduce dedicated servers for other languages (that don't even have to be localized, it's just a label in server selection list anyway...), then you may have a point. Until then, anyone who feels like talking in his/her own language should be allowed to.


And I have yet to see any rule, that prohibits using other languages in general chat other than english/french/german, so unless you can show me the rule (and not your own interpretation of other rules that have nothing to do with other languages), then it's moot point anyway.

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The server language is simply the language the game ui and information is presented in, not the language to be used on that server.


Nowhere in the Terms and Conditions or EULA does it specifically state that a particular language is required to be used on any given server and until Bioware or EA decide to implement this a policy, your opinion is simply that, an opinion and no more worthy of consideration than anyone else.


As an Englishman living in Denmark and spending the majority of my time playing with my Danish wife, I will speak whatever language I choose to, English when I am dealing with English people, or Danish if I am playing/talking with Danish friends. I am not breaking any rules by doing so and will not care on jot if it upsets somebody who can't understand what I am saying, because as someone already pointed out, if you can't understand what's being said, it probably isn't any of your business anyway.

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Well it depends a lot on the reaction of some and how you say it in chat.


As dutch we are crippled by the system so we have to turn of the maturity filter just to be able to speak dutch. sometimes people say something in dutch in general because of an error, you know chatsettings changed to general iso party.

Sometimes these are funny so people respond to them but there is also the usual person that has to go immediately "ffs english" or the likes normaly in caps to.


Im sure you can imagine the result of these responses on the chat. Im mature and ofcourse it is antisocial to start using another language for discussions in chat, but im not putting up with *****s that think they can order me around.

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As an Englishman living in Denmark and spending the majority of my time playing with my Danish wife, I will speak whatever language I choose to, English when I am dealing with English people, or Danish if I am playing/talking with Danish friends. I am not breaking any rules by doing so and will not care on jot if it upsets somebody who can't understand what I am saying, because as someone already pointed out, if you can't understand what's being said, it probably isn't any of your business anyway.


But thats the point, you would be talking in guild chat, or on another channel, not all the time in general.


And I have yet to see any rule, that prohibits using other languages in general chat other than english/french/german, so unless you can show me the rule (and not your own interpretation of other rules that have nothing to do with other languages), then it's moot point anyway.


ITs got nothing to do with my interpretation of the rules. The rule posted clearly says that anything disruptive to normal useage isnt allow. They have clearly used that rule on the forums to move or close threads written in other languages because as you have pointed out there isnt any other reason for them to close those threads.



And, anyway, the OP didnt say it was against the rules, merely that it was rude, which is another arguement all together.

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imo everyone should be able to speak whatever language they wish to in general chat....at least THAT way you'll know someone else is actually playing.


Also, the only way non-English/limited English TYPERS (they're not speaking....they may be able to converse perfectly well in english, but writing it is a totally different ballgame and judging by the vast amounts of posts on these forums I actually wonder how many ARE native English typers) can find anyone from thier own country is by typing in thier native language and see if anyone responds, like when Brits go over-sea's and expect the people to speak English because they ask the questions in THIER own language.


Also don't see anyone complaining about cut-scenes where the alien is speaking in thier own language, just because we get a translation, doesn't mean we know its correct and they could be insulting us, maybe BW/EA should make ALL the aliens on a ENGLISH server speak ENGLISH only.


Seriously, the world is huge, and for anyone to complain about non-English on an server cant drive very far....im 43, lived in UK all my life and if I speak to anyone from Newcastle, I dont have the faintest bloody idea what they are saying.

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Also don't see anyone complaining about cut-scenes where the alien is speaking in thier own language, just because we get a translation, doesn't mean we know its correct and they could be insulting us, maybe BW/EA should make ALL the aliens on a ENGLISH server speak ENGLISH only.


You were doing so well until you made this analogy, which is completely silly. The game is made in a certain way, and even though they speak in gibberish, you get a translation, which completely invalidates the point.



Seriously, the world is huge, and for anyone to complain about non-English on an server cant drive very far....im 43, lived in UK all my life and if I speak to anyone from Newcastle, I dont have the faintest bloody idea what they are saying.


Ah, another oldie like me...


And Ive never had an issue with people from Newcastle, its the scousers I cant understand!

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Sorry, you have no authority to tell other people what language they may or may not use in a general chat channel.


Calling other people "rude" for doing so is just an attempt to impose conformity on others.


Demanding people conform to your expected behavior is actually more rude and selfish, to me.


If you want chat that is free of other languages, start a chat channel, advertise it to others and turn general chat off in your tab settings.

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I write in english but I get this alot; R U 12 or what? Can't U spell... Go back to school...

I'm just a stupid swede so my english isn't the best. I know that, you don't have to bother me about it, then I will bother you with writing in swedish.

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Sorry, you have no authority to tell other people what language they may or may not use in a general chat channel.


Calling other people "rude" for doing so is just an attempt to impose conformity on others.



Go play on an american server and try it.


OR on the german server and type in english.


Seriously, its not about making people 'conform' its about common decency. If you go to another country to live you damn well learn the language. You play on their server you write in their language.


Dont understand why thats so hard to comprehend, or why its so offensive?


I write in english but I get this alot; R U 12 or what? Can't U spell... Go back to school...

I'm just a stupid swede so my english isn't the best. I know that, you don't have to bother me about it, then I will bother you with writing in swedish.


Frankly your english is better than most of the people I have to deal with daily at work, and supposedly they are 'natives'.


I do so hate that word.

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