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So much for not charging subs for Makeb


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Maybe I'm oversimplifying but if anyone feels the money is too much you should definitely quit. Bioware/EA is running their business the way they want. We as consumers have choices. I guarantee the company understands what makes money and what doesn't. As long as people are complaining but paying, nothing will change because they provide a forum for you to voice your opinion after your credit card gets accepted. At this point if the money goes away the game folds and everyone goes home. At the end of the day they have made their money and the second it stops making money they will shut down and cut any losses they have if any. There is no charitable contribution to keep people at work and pay for servers. We complain and get frustrated because we as gamers elected to devote so much time and that is why we are frustrated.


Traffic on the forum shows your passion one way or another and this is the crowd that EA is hoping to tap into, myself included. As long as their is traffic, there is probably subs and money. If there are subs and money the PR department can continue to market and respond to consumers in a manner that invokes some reaction, hopefully positive. If you truly want to make this game better or in some of your opinions "get back at the man for doing this to you", just stop talking about the game and not provide this company another sent. It would be the loudest message you could ultimately post.

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Yes, they did, please actually read a thread before chiming in.


Things change, I can accept that and $10 is not something I would be unwilling to pay, however I won't pay $10 for the promise of a 'planet, some abilities and 5 levels'.


Refusing to say what is included, beyond that above makes me believe that that is it and imo it is poorly thought out if that is all there is and certainly not worthy having the word expansion attached to it.

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And you know they are making a killing how? And you know their expenses? And you know their balance sheet, cash and income statement?


Don't be naive, they are obviously making a lot more money than they did previously. I don't have their numbers but I would be very surprised if they weren't making substantial profit off the cash shop.

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Here's a link with the interview.




I still am going to hope that EA/Ware borrows a page from SOE's DC Universe Online in which as a subscriber, you get xpacs for free; as long as you subscribe. F2P also pay $9.99, too. As it stands, I doubt I'll get it. I like the individual class stories. I pay for a sub as I enjoy playing through them all. At what I finish all 8, I don't know, but right now I'm not there so I sub. I personally don't care about Empire V Republic. It sounds like politics, and I play video games to escape every day crap.

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Don't be naive, they are obviously making a lot more money than they did previously. I don't have their numbers but I would be very surprised if they weren't making substantial profit off the cash shop.


I hope they are but you have ZERO insight to any of their profits. For all we know they are breaking even.


Point I'm trying it make is I will gladly give them $10 because I like the product. I support the game. They aren't asking for 50 or 60.


You can't make statements like "they are making tons of cartel coins" when you have no proof of their financial situation. That said, anyone complaining about 10 dollars is more than welcome to vote with their wallet.

Edited by Arkerus
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And I agree with you sir , just wish we could use our cartel coins to buy the content patch.

And no those cartel coins are not free or else everyone would be getting them.

We pay 10$ a month for the sub and buy 5$ worth of coins with that sub as well, for a total of 15$ a month.


By that logic, since I have a 6 month sub, I pay about $6.60 a month for 600 CC and only $5.30 for my sub since BioWare reimburses me $1.10 (100 CC) because I use an authenticator.


I get that you're trying to make a point, but you're attempting to restrict what the word "free" means, when everyone knows what it means in the context of having to make a purchase to be eligible.

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By that logic, since I have a 6 month sub, I pay about $6.60 a month for 600 CC and only $5.30 for my sub since BioWare reimburses me $1.10 (100 CC) because I use an authenticator.


I get that you're trying to make a point, but you're attempting to restrict what the word "free" means, when everyone knows what it means in the context of having to make a purchase to be eligible.


Well...then by your logic, the people that play free should also get the cartel coins right?? That is what free really means.


Sadly no this does not happen and we still pay 10$ a month for our sub with the other 5$ going towards our cartel stipend.

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The link provided isn't any more proof then anything else I have seen. The link is just another complain post, just like this one. In the interview the interviewer is the one who says something about free, not the James Olsen, in fact he avoids nearly every question about Makeb, all he really says is 'it's a planet'. He never once said it was free to anyone.


I know there will be outcry to this post, but really save your fingers, I am just posting this and pretty much not coming back, my point is made. People are really stretching to say he said this and that, because in reality he never did, they never did.


It has always been "We are still deciding, if and how much". They chose $10 for subscribers, and there was a person who said it was $10 in the pre-order and $20 later, that is wrong, very wrong. It's $10 for subscribers and $20 for those who are not, end of story. The pre-order is to give you 5 days early access.

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And I agree with you sir , just wish we could use our cartel coins to buy the content patch.

And no those cartel coins are not free or else everyone would be getting them.

We pay 10$ a month for the sub and buy 5$ worth of coins with that sub as well, for a total of 15$ a month.


This does sounds like a good idea. Sadly, when Makeb was announced how ever many months ago, the game was in a completely different state. They have to adjust to their surroundings, which is a free-to-play game. I don't have an issue paying for it because it really isn't that much.

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I suggest every one go re-read the add.


It's 10$ right now for anyone who pre orders 20$ once it goes live. I still will wait and see when it comes out.

I would much rather pay 20$ for a legitimate product then pay 10$ on some hazy detail.


Never mind disregard this =P

Edited by grombrinda
re-re-read ad
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Charging for this "expansion" has to be the worst PR move in MMO history.


Especially considering the previous week's decision to provide the rewards for the event that they aren't having for the low low price of 2 month's subscription.


This would be like New Coke, if it were followed up the week after by Rat-poison Coke.


I take it you did not play SWG when Mustafar came out and 7'ish days later they slapped us in the face with the NGE.

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To all you people who subscribe to this game that are saying, "What's $10.00? It's nothing and we are getting an expansion."


First off, it's not an expansion, is a content update, that's it.


Second, whe EA starts charging you for updates, will you say, "What's .99 cents and we are getting it half off because free to play people have to pay $1.99"?


We pay a sub fee for content such as this. What's the point of having a sub if you have to pay for content updates?


Name 1 "content update" that has given us 5 levels worth of new content. And no, repeating warzones over and over does not count as that is not all new content through the 5 levels.

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still will wait and see when it comes out.

I would much rather pay 20$ for a legitimate product then pay 10$ on some hazy detail.


Agree, but then again I never do pre orders from companies with a publisher. If they need my money to develop product they will only get it when EA is gone. I have no issues supporting kickstarter projects, but no way will I "donate" with a publisher pulling the strings.

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I suggest every one go re-read the add.


It's 10$ right now for anyone who pre orders 20$ once it goes live. I still will wait and see when it comes out.

I would much rather pay 20$ for a legitimate product then pay 10$ on some hazy detail.


I've read the ad and I'm not getting that from the wording. Looks like it's $10 for subs no matter what, pre-order just nets you 5 days early access, and f2p gets $20.

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This does sounds like a good idea. Sadly, when Makeb was announced how ever many months ago, the game was in a completely different state. They have to adjust to their surroundings, which is a free-to-play game. I don't have an issue paying for it because it really isn't that much.


That is it in a nut shell. Things have changed from 6 months ago and are always subject to change at anytime. $10 is a joke IMO and if gives me things to do in the game then I am happy to pay it. If they charged me $50 I may have paid cannot really say.


But this game is my fun time for after work,school and getting the wife and kids to bed. Hell I spend more than $10 a day to eat lunch at work so this is no big deal. I am also an adult and understand things can change and often do change for one reason or another.

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That is it in a nut shell. Things have changed from 6 months ago and are always subject to change at anytime. $10 is a joke IMO and if gives me things to do in the game then I am happy to pay it. If they charged me $50 I may have paid cannot really say.


But this game is my fun time for after work,school and getting the wife and kids to bed. Hell I spend more than $10 a day to eat lunch at work so this is no big deal. I am also an adult and understand things can change and often do change for one reason or another.


Its not about $9.99

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Dude, BW has been lying to the community even before the game was released. I'm in no way suprised. But considering how much changes they're going to be applying to the game, as well as other content they need to release during the new expansion to keep a strong end game experience, $10 seems like a pretty good deal.
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This does sounds like a good idea. Sadly, when Makeb was announced how ever many months ago, the game was in a completely different state. They have to adjust to their surroundings, which is a free-to-play game. I don't have an issue paying for it because it really isn't that much.


When they sat down and decided how it was going to be priced, to who and how they knew about f2p, infact i wouldnt be shocked if the decision was made in the last 2 weeks as in the q&a they had no idea. so that argument about times has changed dont cut it.


Subscribers are being forced to pay for something they were told would be part of subscription, and there only glowing light was the fact that they give subscribers CC which could have been used to buy it thus justify the charge but no, you have to pay ontop of your subscription still.

Edited by Shingara
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Its not about $9.99


No it is crying and stoping feet because a statement that was made 6 months ago was changed because the state of the game changed. Everything that is part of an MMO world inside and out is subject to change.


Case in point SWG, one day everyone was ok with the game. SOE thinks NGE is better for us and drops it on all of us no matter how many of the players was mad. If you dont like it don't pay for it.


But truth be told EA/Bio can charge you for what ever they want to and can change what ever they want to when they want it is not our game we just pay or don't pay to play it

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I never recall them stating it was for free. I do recall the interviewer asking if it was free and they danced around the question. As slick as that might be, they never said it was free. I think they said something like they were exploring options for makeb.


10 bucks is nothing. I support the game. I'll gladly pay it.

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No it is crying and stoping feet because a statement that was made 6 months ago was changed because the state of the game changed. Everything that is part of an MMO world inside and out is subject to change.


Case in point SWG, one day everyone was ok with the game. SOE thinks NGE is better for us and drops it on all of us no matter how many of the players was mad. If you dont like it don't pay for it.


But truth be told EA/Bio can charge you for what ever they want to and can change what ever they want to when they want it is not our game we just pay or don't pay to play it


This is nothing about stomping feet or throwing of teddys, if its in such a state of change get rid of subscription all together and have everyone either prefered or f2p and just have 1 month blocks of pass's that when all are gotten together equal what a sub would cost because that is the only thing justifying keeping a sub right now.


And case in point is that even though the nge for how shambolic it was tapped ontop of the cu was free and hurt there game. And your right EA can charge what they want for what we want, ranked warzones, new warzones, more planets, operations etc and simply say all the subscription gives you is access to all warzones,flashpoints and operations without a cap because as it stands that all a sub gives you.


And it dont matter how many people try to chime in that people are trying to ask this for free cos no one is, no one has said f2p players should get it free, if they have show me where they said it.

Edited by Shingara
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