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Is The "Celebrator" Mount Too Embarrasing to Ride?


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You don't know what kind of image you created in my mind...


I imagined a marauder in BM gear with pants down on the hovering toilet while having Dromund Newspapers on the lap, with an holo over the head writing in Aurebesh "Public toilet". Then when dismounting, it would do a big flush sound.

Now thats mount I would pay cash for. just the number of stunned players sending me tells would be epic.

Edited by nartiuslightlord
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It's the exact same model as existing mounts, just with lights strung around it.


If BioWare wants to generate interest in a novelty item like this one, it's not enough to just copy existing game assets. They put no work into that item, and players aren't rewarding them for that lazy attitude. If all they are going to do for their holiday non-event is give us items in the cash shop, they could at least spend some time making those items look original.


Of course, this is to be expected. They have a history of recoloring existing assets, then releasing them as "new" items.



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The worst part is, an actual Life Day speeder would have been awesome. Nevermind this disrespectful, real world reference to Christmas - imagine a speeder crafted from the wood of a wroshyr tree, illuminated and powered by internal Life Orbs. It could have been great...




But that would have taken effort on the part of the devs. Stringing Christmas lights on an existing speeder probably only took one of their interns 30 minutes.



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I have one, I bought the pack to get it because I had enough coins that I earned. If I wouldn't have had the coins I wouldn't have bothered to get the pack.

But yeah, I'll jet around the game on it. Yeah, it looks silly, but so do all of the other Life Day items in the pack. I hate comparing this game to Star Wars Galaxies, but I really miss the awesome Life Day items that game had. I miss the awesome Life Day celebrations that game used to have.


So yeah, I have it, I ride it, and I'm not embarrassed about it. After the season I may not use it as much, but for now I do. It's not because it looks all that cool, it's mainly just because I love Christmas, so it's about my only way to express it in-game. (In SWG I used to have one of my houses fully decked out in Life Day decorations year-round. It looked pretty neat. Yeah, I miss that, too. :t_tongue: )

Edited by Blue_Leader
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Of course I ride it! I love that thing. I hang around the Imperial Fleet, put on the life day robes, and ride around chasing people and tossing tinsel bombs and holo-trees everywhere. I am Santa Sith!


I see you when you're sleeping

I know when you're awake

I know when you've been bad or good

So be bad for badness sake!

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I haven't bought one ... yet.


I may do so, just to have one. Problem is, I'd want to buy it for the most inapropriate class which to me would be my Sorc and then the problem would be that, having bought it, I'd want to use it and I don't play my Imps much after I finish leveling them.


If they were cheaper, say 500 CCs, I'd definitely splurge and buy one for each of my toons.


There *are* bound, once you buy/use them, right? They should make them like the pets in GW, where you can pass them around amongst your alts.

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I play on Jedi Covenant. A pretty full server. I have seen only one person riding this mount. I personally think it looks ridiculous and wouldn't be caught dead on the thing. But that's me. But, it is obvious people are not using them, or I would see them all over the fleet.


My questions are simple:


1. Did you buy this thing?

2. If you did, are you too embarrased to use it?


The celebrator mount is unquestionably one of the biggest rippofs this game has yet to offer. Not only does it look extremely bad, but it costs almost $10 dollars! Imagine selling a normal 5k bag of horse poop for $10 (They usually sell for $2.)

Edited by MastaKorgy
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Im glad you like it. However, based on what I see on the fleet, you are in the minority. Do I remember the word fun? Im not sure if I understand where you are going here. You see the mount as fun I suppose. I see a snow-mobile with Christmas Lights as trashy, ridiculous, and close to being mocking of some folks.


And that is all that matters. It's his money, and he's having fun.

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Bought it, ride it, love it.


It's, to use a phrase, delightfully tacky yet unrefined.

To put it another way, it's just outrageous enough that I get a kick out of it. And just too outrageous to use outside of the holidays. Working as intended.


It's fun is in the tackiness personally!

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There was a massive feedback thread where the Devs actually asked us what type of gear we would like to see added to the cartel market.


There was an overwhelming response of 'we want star wars themed items, not gimicky junk'.. yet again, they just don't seem to get it or even care.

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Bought it, ride it, love it.


It's, to use a phrase, delightfully tacky yet unrefined.

To put it another way, it's just outrageous enough that I get a kick out of it. And just too outrageous to use outside of the holidays. Working as intended.


I'll go buy a red honda city and put christmas lights on it because its so AWSHUME

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Reminds me of the furor surrounding That Other Game, and their introduction of what has been variously termed "The Sparklepony" and "That Retarded Horse" (google it, trust me.) Also has shades of Monoclegate.


Would I buy it? Hell no. I don't even like that model of speeder anyway, let alone with non-aerodynamic bling on it.


To be honest, if people want to show off, thats their business. What I would have liked to have seen with it was a "for each one sold, EAWare will give X amount to a childrens charity" thing. That could have been entertaining



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