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Given up with Sniper.


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DPS on the move does not make any sense, After all we should have some vulnerabilities. Besides, we have rifle shot, insta snipes, FT, takedown. With MM in a dynamic battle I snap shot snipe, move 1,5 sec, fire FT on the move, and i have yet another 1,5 sec of gcd to move. I can rifle shot and throw grenades, in3 sec my next snap shot is ready for another insta snipe.


If FT was a cover only ability, then ys we could complain, but it is not, and this is what it makes it amazing.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Maybe you are right Es'carli, I think I just need a break from playing the same class over and over. Sometimes I just expect to much of the class when it really relies on my team composition. Switching to my assassin is so much fun, even in half recruit I still got 300k+ protection in a few games. :D


Chris, we just need a premade like we had yesterday with a sorc healer and a mara. was a very balanced combo and we pretty much handled every situation. I used to think that ballistic shield was useless because of its 3min CD, then i remembere that saber ward has a 3 min CD just as well, haha, suddenly i felt that ipur shield is avery good thing :D


We only need to make sure that people understand that shield gives DR bonus :D as some of them are sitting outside of it lol :D

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Chris, we just need a premade like we had yesterday with a sorc healer and a mara. was a very balanced combo and we pretty much handled every situation. I used to think that ballistic shield was useless because of its 3min CD, then i remembere that saber ward has a 3 min CD just as well, haha, suddenly i felt that ipur shield is avery good thing :D


We only need to make sure that people understand that shield gives DR bonus :D as some of them are sitting outside of it lol :D


Heheh, the shield is what got us through our early EV runs remember? :) Good times. :D

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Believe it or not; I actually find Marksman to have better survivability. Quicker entrench for the stun-fest since they changed resolve. Quicker leg shots for all the melee in game. Most of all; with the smashers these days, I really love Siege Bunker. Not to mention, heavy shot and I also like Sector Ranger for a little extra room.


And if you spec into the -60% AoE dmg on entrench MM is the hardcounter to the FotM *smash*, and it counter's it really well without it. Entrench + ballistic dampeners + smash = -1k health or so and they stare and u and look sad. Use shield probe and entrench and you'll take no smash damage.


I've been playing sniper in all specs since early access and have never really had a survivability issue. However Lethality and hybrid are pretty damn squishy in comparison to MM and Engineering.

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And if you spec into the -60% AoE dmg on entrench MM is the hardcounter to the FotM *smash*, and it counter's it really well without it. Entrench + ballistic dampeners + smash = -1k health or so and they stare and u and look sad. Use shield probe and entrench and you'll take no smash damage.


I've been playing sniper in all specs since early access and have never really had a survivability issue. However Lethality and hybrid are pretty damn squishy in comparison to MM and Engineering.


This is why i am lobbying for ballistic dampers to be moved to tier 1 so leth can take it and cunning and energy talents at the same time.

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This is why i am lobbying for ballistic dampers to be moved to tier 1 so leth can take it and cunning and energy talents at the same time.


I would prefer Cover Screen to be made useful against more types of attacks (or just redesigned).

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And if you spec into the -60% AoE dmg on entrench MM is the hardcounter to the FotM *smash*, and it counter's it really well without it. Entrench + ballistic dampeners + smash = -1k health or so and they stare and u and look sad. Use shield probe and entrench and you'll take no smash damage.


I've been playing sniper in all specs since early access and have never really had a survivability issue. However Lethality and hybrid are pretty damn squishy in comparison to MM and Engineering.



This is the quote...


I am playing Lethality as PVE spec and when I became first 50, I also used as PVP spec, because of the bs Recruit gear, fresh 50s penalised heavily with white damage at least Leth internal damage was not mitigated and I continue to play that way lately....


I always felt that the survivability was less with Leth and setup work and target switching was pain in the ssssssss...


Lately, after I become full War Hero, I switch again to MM/Eng hybrid, men what a relief it was, instant snipes, 5K FT crits, Ambush hitting like truck in 1.5s, %60 AOE damage reduction, Diversion.....it is only u still have to select your targets carefully, tanks are waste of ur resources, Marauders, Pyros, Healers, yummy, yummy.....


I mean if 3 people will Zerg u, u will die but I don't know any class who don't if it is not guarded and a competent healer healing him all the time....


But if I have CDs, I will not loose to any of these guys 1vs1.....

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Im a MM sniper, full warhero all but my relics.


Now i have my stats more correct after a few kind people helped me on these forums my survivability had increased alot.


This class is one of the most balenced i have played and love it.


think you need to play with a few different tatics of how u play a sniper. I remember i used to be 1st out a res point at start of game and guess what i was 1st dead also lol now i make sure i let the others take lead into a fight and find some nice points to dps from, one of my fav is in a void star attacking ill go to left and sit up on my little tie fighter right on edge of it, can i plant a bomb? nope, but every single damn healer hiding on piller to left or right i will kill or send running. Also a good position for when they send reinforcements from other side by time they reach my team mate they dead or bout dead. Then when they get close to up on my fighter... cover pulse start climbing again lol


Point of what im saying there is many ways around keeping ya *** safe well safer anyway. when you get a typical healer on you let the bugger dps you to his full extent, do not pop ya cooldowns, let him see ya health dropping, and when u got everything off cd then pop that magic heal pack and throw every damn thing at him he will die in 1-3 seconds b4 he adjusts to healing amd dps.


I am not saying im a pro but i learn fast. Hope you find a way that suits you to play this absolute amazing class.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't fully agree with everything the OP says, but I do agree with the sentiment. It is indeed really, really hard to do well in a WZ with pugs as a sniper, since you really do need a balanced team. It might be nice if they changed warzone matchmaking to allow for a proper makeup, but then I feel like the queues would just take too long. But I guess what I'm wondering is, why not just join a PVP guild and queue with them? Then you at least have three others who know what they're doing, and then you can be the "support dps" cleaning up the mess your smashers make :D


Also as far as I can tell, Noxxic's builds aren't that great...

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I was frustrated when I turned 50 on my sniper. Leveled as MM, warzones we just too fast-paced for me. peoples running out of los half a second before my ambush chaneled, etc.

Respecced as lethality, having a blast since then.

It's very mobile, while still dishing out crazy damage. Guy run out of los? Cd and cg still hitting them.

It's almost comical when someone jump me , I start my rotation (cg-cr-ws), the guy at 85% health but getting me down to 50%(assuming defensive skills on cooldown), and I turn on cull followed by ss. He drop to 20% in a matter of seconds.

I swear, many players just freeze, spinning the camera to see who else is hitting them.

Sometimes I respec to MM just to see if I can do better, but its feel too slow, "bulky", frustrating.

Consider myself as an average player, not below and for sure not above, lethality gives me lots of fun.

I suggest try every spec, play at least a day or two each and I am sure you will find a spec which feel right, feel fluid and doesn't feel underpowered

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Organized pvp is all about teamwork.


Sniper, not sniper who cares. There are diffrent maps and different situations, where different classes can have their + - 5-10 % efficiency.


The best team on the ToFN server in times of active RWZs "Warmonger" had had a sniper Valkyria in static and I'm sure they was utilizing him well. I'm also confident they could have a change in this slot with every possible class.


One assasin won't carry anything, like one sniper. If your team is bad and other team is decent, your class won't help you.


In mentioned above case, as a sniper, you can still have your fun with blowing people up, solokills and other useless but funny stuff.

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Why wouldn't he be serious? Operative healers are very, very good.

This. Back before I had my assassin at 50, I was playing a match on the Alderaan warzone (cant remember the name) and there was a single operative guarding grass. Now here I am with my deception assassin, thinking "I can probably burst him down to nothing in a couple seconds".


So I go up, use a stun, and burst him down to 1/3rd or 1/4th health, and then he stuns me, and while I'm stunned, heals himself all the way up back to full health. The stun breaks, I burst him again, he almost dies again, then he stuns me, heals himself, and then, cause he had an extra half second, stealths up. I break him out of stealth, same thing happens. This cycle repeated at least 4 or 5 times until i finally gave up on him and on that objective.


Anyone who's played a deception assassin in pvp should know how difficult it is to survive 1v1 against one for a non-tank, for that long and especially without anyone dying. He also happened to be 20 levels below me. I was using my own stuns as well.

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This. Back before I had my assassin at 50, I was playing a match on the Alderaan warzone (cant remember the name) and there was a single operative guarding grass. Now here I am with my deception assassin, thinking "I can probably burst him down to nothing in a couple seconds".


So I go up, use a stun, and burst him down to 1/3rd or 1/4th health, and then he stuns me, and while I'm stunned, heals himself all the way up back to full health. The stun breaks, I burst him again, he almost dies again, then he stuns me, heals himself, and then, cause he had an extra half second, stealths up. I break him out of stealth, same thing happens. This cycle repeated at least 4 or 5 times until i finally gave up on him and on that objective.


Anyone who's played a deception assassin in pvp should know how difficult it is to survive 1v1 against one for a non-tank, for that long and especially without anyone dying. He also happened to be 20 levels below me. I was using my own stuns as well.


This is just anecdotal evidence, especially when i saw the 20 levels below thing. Th reason why op helers are such a ridiculous faceroll class is because currently only carnage, rage and sometimes pyro can 1vs1 them. I mean a class being vulnerable to only 3 specs in an entire game, this is ridiculous. May be some bursty adassins specs can attempt as well, but outside of that its easy mode healing.


And the worst part is that they got this "immunity" from additional nerfs given their history with concealment, which i doubt the devs will try to fix it.


What they really need to do in this game is bring down the interrupt CD for all ranged dps down to 8s. 12s is completely ridiculous for a class that cannot even huntbdown a healer that is pilar humping.

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I think our problem is the current stupid matchmaking. The wz a full of unbalanced teams that dont have healers, jug tanks on hutball and other classes. We grow exponentially stronger with better teams. I dont think any other class gives this feeling. On the contrary, when team is crap, no godlike sniper will pull it from the hell hole.


Snipers need good teams to do well, but if the team is good anyway, they don't need a sniper to win and the spot could be filled by other classes to equal or greater effect. Snipers can be effective, it's just that others are more effective and better choices overall, especially in non-optimal situations. The melee focus of this game is the one thing that keeps snipers relevant (thank you cover), as it has already sidelined entire classes and many specs

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And the worst part is that they got this "immunity" from additional nerfs given their history with concealment, which i doubt the devs will try to fix it.


I do not believe this so called immunity exists for medicine tree. It was buffed to hell after being ignored while concealment was nerfed over and over. If medic needs adjusting it can be done independently from other trees as long as their issues are addressed and most Ops would be ok with it.


Why? Because the majority of Op players don't actually want to play medicine but are forced to because other than concealment still being half decent in pvp the 2 dps trees are not allowed to be played in any serious end game guild unless gear out classes content and it's allowed for poops and giggles.

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