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Given up with Sniper.


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Literally given up with this class now. After over 1 month of in game playing time I have lost all faith in this class' ability. I mainly PvP now, I have fully optimised and augmented war hero, elite war hero mainhand, offhand and gloves. I feel like my class is just a PvE class. I can't carry a team, I can't attack, I can't defend, I can't kill healers, so what am I meant to do? Be a "Support DPS"? Oh, because my class has so many abilities that can support a team, one. The ballistic shield. Which is so under used I never see any of my team-mates run into it, because they have no idea what it actually does. The class feels like it dies in seconds, the only survivability we have is the engineering tree, but we sacrifice a lot of sustained DPS from engineering tree, because when we have no explosive probe or series of shots, what can we do? Spam frag grenades and have 0 energy. The cover system is getting more and more annoying as I play more and more alts, on my assassin and scoundrel I feel so fluid in my abilities, I can just run around and kill anything I want. On Sniper, if anyone sees me, they just hide. I'll continue levelling my scoundrel now and wait for 1.7.
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Literally given up with this class now. After over 1 month of in game playing time I have lost all faith in this class' ability. I mainly PvP now, I have fully optimised and augmented war hero, elite war hero mainhand, offhand and gloves. I feel like my class is just a PvE class. I can't carry a team, I can't attack, I can't defend, I can't kill healers, so what am I meant to do? Be a "Support DPS"? Oh, because my class has so many abilities that can support a team, one. The ballistic shield. Which is so under used I never see any of my team-mates run into it, because they have no idea what it actually does. The class feels like it dies in seconds, the only survivability we have is the engineering tree, but we sacrifice a lot of sustained DPS from engineering tree, because when we have no explosive probe or series of shots, what can we do? Spam frag grenades and have 0 energy. The cover system is getting more and more annoying as I play more and more alts, on my assassin and scoundrel I feel so fluid in my abilities, I can just run around and kill anything I want. On Sniper, if anyone sees me, they just hide. I'll continue levelling my scoundrel now and wait for 1.7.


Snipers are one of the most balanced classes in the game, exceptional utility, and on top of that excellent DPS (which comes in 3 flavors for each tree). I really think you need to browse around the forums and read up on some PvP guides and other class related threads to get a better understanding of the class, cause it sounds to me you're doing it very wrong or not grasping how this class is supposed to be utilized. Not trying to flame you, but this class is exceptional @ PvP gameplay, and works exactly as intended.

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Believe it or not; I actually find Marksman to have better survivability. Quicker entrench for the stun-fest since they changed resolve. Quicker leg shots for all the melee in game. Most of all; with the smashers these days, I really love Siege Bunker. Not to mention, heavy shot and I also like Sector Ranger for a little extra room.
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Yeah I've never been a really big fan of Sniper/Gunslinger for PvP but that's just because I prefer to be more mobile when playing against other people. It may be that you are like me and are just realizing that your playstyle favors mobility in PvP. I'm sure some people wreck house with Snipers in Warzones but I prefer my Vanguard and my Warriors.
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Literally given up with this class now. After over 1 month of in game playing time I have lost all faith in this class' ability. I mainly PvP now, I have fully optimised and augmented war hero, elite war hero mainhand, offhand and gloves. I feel like my class is just a PvE class. I can't carry a team, I can't attack, I can't defend, I can't kill healers, so what am I meant to do? Be a "Support DPS"? Oh, because my class has so many abilities that can support a team, one. The ballistic shield. Which is so under used I never see any of my team-mates run into it, because they have no idea what it actually does. The class feels like it dies in seconds, the only survivability we have is the engineering tree, but we sacrifice a lot of sustained DPS from engineering tree, because when we have no explosive probe or series of shots, what can we do? Spam frag grenades and have 0 energy. The cover system is getting more and more annoying as I play more and more alts, on my assassin and scoundrel I feel so fluid in my abilities, I can just run around and kill anything I want. On Sniper, if anyone sees me, they just hide. I'll continue levelling my scoundrel now and wait for 1.7.


To each his own, I suppose. I get what you mean about the fluidity part, but I like the class. The DPS is insane and there are many tools to keep the bad guys off you, the tradeoff is you gotta be in one spot. But I hear good things about lethality for those who want to be more mobile, haven't really played around with that one, as I'm loving Sharpshooter/Marksman

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. The cover system is getting more and more annoying as I play more and more alts, on my assassin and scoundrel I feel so fluid in my abilities, I can just run around and kill anything I want. On Sniper, if anyone sees me, they just hide. I'll continue leveling my scoundrel now and wait for 1.7.


I'll agree with the post above me but I'll also add something about this specific quote.


I'm not sure why you would have issues with your sniper and then turn around and say that you are awesome with your scoundrel. You are aware that both subsets of the scoundrel class are mirrors of their imperial agent counterparts? If your scoundrel is a gunslinger than you should be playing your sniper the same way you play that toon. If your scoundrel is a smuggler then maybe you chose to play the wrong Advanced class.


Everyone needs to take this to heart - chances are overwhelmingly likely that if you are having difficulties playing a game, class, or whatever it is due to the user not the game. You need to adjust the way you are doing things and educate yourself more on what works and what doesn't. Don't take out your frustrations on things that don't have anything to do with your problem.


People who are at the top of their field, both in the real world and in games all say the same thing, though they often choose different words to express it. That is - Failing 100 times isn't a waste of time. Instead it was 100 opportunities to find out which ideas didn't work. Instead of throwing in the towel, get up and try again but this time try something different. And before you do, put some time into learning how the other successful sniper's PVP. Sure, there's the risk that the playstyle you will need to adopt isn't the way you want to play and maybe you wont enjoy that playstyle. But that's life and the only way you are going to find out is to try it.


Good luck.

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Snipers are one of the most balanced classes in the game, exceptional utility, and on top of that excellent DPS (which comes in 3 flavors for each tree). I really think you need to browse around the forums and read up on some PvP guides and other class related threads to get a better understanding of the class, cause it sounds to me you're doing it very wrong or not grasping how this class is supposed to be utilized. Not trying to flame you, but this class is exceptional @ PvP gameplay, and works exactly as intended.


Trust me when I say this, I do understand the class completely, maybe it just isn't my playstyle and I've been kind of "forcing" myself to play it due to it being my main and my most geared character. It just feels like it does not compare to assassins, juggs, operatives or marauders in pvp.

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I'll agree with the post above me but I'll also add something about this specific quote.


I'm not sure why you would have issues with your sniper and then turn around and say that you are awesome with your scoundrel. You are aware that both subsets of the scoundrel class are mirrors of their imperial agent counterparts? If your scoundrel is a gunslinger than you should be playing your sniper the same way you play that toon. If your scoundrel is a smuggler then maybe you chose to play the wrong Advanced class.


Everyone needs to take this to heart - chances are overwhelmingly likely that if you are having difficulties playing a game, class, or whatever it is due to the user not the game. You need to adjust the way you are doing things and educate yourself more on what works and what doesn't. Don't take out your frustrations on things that don't have anything to do with your problem.


People who are at the top of their field, both in the real world and in games all say the same thing, though they often choose different words to express it. That is - Failing 100 times isn't a waste of time. Instead it was 100 opportunities to find out which ideas didn't work. Instead of throwing in the towel, get up and try again but this time try something different. And before you do, put some time into learning how the other successful sniper's PVP. Sure, there's the risk that the playstyle you will need to adopt isn't the way you want to play and maybe you wont enjoy that playstyle. But that's life and the only way you are going to find out is to try it.


Good luck.


Thanks, but I think I've pretty much come to the conclusion that Sniper really isn't my playstyle and I've been forcing myself to keep playing it due to it being my main character and the best geared.

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I'll agree with the post above me but I'll also add something about this specific quote.


I'm not sure why you would have issues with your sniper and then turn around and say that you are awesome with your scoundrel. You are aware that both subsets of the scoundrel class are mirrors of their imperial agent counterparts? If your scoundrel is a gunslinger than you should be playing your sniper the same way you play that toon. If your scoundrel is a smuggler then maybe you chose to play the wrong Advanced class.


Everyone needs to take this to heart - chances are overwhelmingly likely that if you are having difficulties playing a game, class, or whatever it is due to the user not the game. You need to adjust the way you are doing things and educate yourself more on what works and what doesn't. Don't take out your frustrations on things that don't have anything to do with your problem.


People who are at the top of their field, both in the real world and in games all say the same thing, though they often choose different words to express it. That is - Failing 100 times isn't a waste of time. Instead it was 100 opportunities to find out which ideas didn't work. Instead of throwing in the towel, get up and try again but this time try something different. And before you do, put some time into learning how the other successful sniper's PVP. Sure, there's the risk that the playstyle you will need to adopt isn't the way you want to play and maybe you wont enjoy that playstyle. But that's life and the only way you are going to find out is to try it.


Good luck.

No Scoundrel and Gunslinger are the adv. classes for Smuggler. Scoundrel and Operative play very differently than Sniper and Gunslinger. There is no such thing as a Scoundrel Gunslinger.

Edited by MorgonKara
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Trust me when I say this, I do understand the class completely, maybe it just isn't my playstyle and I've been kind of "forcing" myself to play it due to it being my main and my most geared character. It just feels like it does not compare to assassins, juggs, operatives or marauders in pvp.


Sorry, but having read your original post, I really do not think you understand the class completely. I don't mean that in a harsh sense, but a lot of what you wrote is just wrong when it comes to this class. Classes are not supposed to "compare", they are synergetic in nature as "counters" to one another, when it comes to PvP.


Perhaps you're right, and this class just isn't for you. I felt the same way on my Vanguard, just didn't like it after awhile, and love the way this class performs.


Best of luck.

Edited by -Mythix-
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Sorry, but having read your original post, I really do not think you understand the class completely. I don't mean that in a harsh sense, but a lot of what you wrote is just wrong when it comes to this class. Classes are not supposed to "compare", they are synergetic in nature as "counters" to one another, when it comes to PvP.


Perhaps you're right, and this class just isn't for you. I felt the same way on my Vanguard, just didn't like it after awhile, and love the way this class performs.


Best of luck.


Mythix, you go into some blind assumptions about a person you judge only from a few sentences. I know ChrisTucker personally, and you might consider me biased, but Chris is an excellent sniper and duelist. What is he trying to tell you:


We play an objective focused team based game where some classes are more universally useful than others. It has nothing to do with it being overpowered, underpowered or balanced. It is about the class design concept. The developers have given many classes a plethora of abilities, but often they thought only single directional ways. Will ability X of class Y bring many fun moments for the player? Definetely yes, but the devs rarely asked themselves if, class Z will have fun when ability X is used against it. Do you get the idea?


The sniper was fully designed with this perception both from sniper side and his enemy side. Its really fun to fight snipers. Is fun to use line of sight against them. Its fun to dot them, knockback them, grapple them. Its fun to blow someone as a sniperas well.


And then comes a class like asassin that is:

1. Best objectives focused class. It has EVERYTHING. The only thing it misses is intercede and extricate.

2. Best 1vs1 class, no matter how people will try to deny that, but it is. Best assasins consider a threat only extremely good marauders.

3. Stupid amounts of versatility with many many hybrid builds allowing you to tailor your class to basically everything except healing. No other class has this amount of goodies in low tier talents ready for you to grab them.

4. Is full of abilities that are only fun for assassin to use, but not for its targets: what sort of BSis this when you can abuse the crap put of mindtrap and then get out of stealth, tank a lot, then force cloack, probably mind trap again then break cloak for a last effort at delaying a cap?

5. Being one of the few classes that can 1vs2 and win.


How many hybrid sniper builds do you know? VIABLE BUILDS, not stupid BS like 2 lethality dots + interrogation probe after which you are down to 40% energy, there are no viable pvp hybrids, at least those that would outperform 31pts builds.


The second gripe that Chis and me have with snipers is the stupid matchmaking that allows for some stupid horrible class distribution where THERE IS NO ROOM for Support DPS. Give the enemy a few tanks and guarded healers and try to break this tough nut. Please dont tell me about this BS about using CC to stop healers, healers and tanks have CC too. Even the crappiest team would benefit from an assassin, why? Because of ninjaing objectives.


For us snipers to be useful we need near a perfectly balanced team to shine. We are one of the few classes that are exponentially more powerful or weak depending on team.


We are ranged DPS, we are not even supposed to hard counter healers that can hug corners and LoS us.


Please understand me correctly, i am not asking for us to become OP, i am aware that we are highly specialized niche class, but i dont want to see in a game like this universal classes like assassins, or other FOTM where the team that just has more of them will win. A team of only snipers will never win hutball other WZ. A team full of these universal soldiers?most certainly.

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Mythix, you go into some blind assumptions about a person you judge only from a few sentences. I know ChrisTucker personally, and you might consider me biased, but Chris is an excellent sniper and duelist. What is he trying to tell you:


Forgive me, I was not attacking him on a personal level, but on the class level only. I never said he did not play the class well, only that I think he does not understand the role of Sniper. Some of his comments:


"I can't carry a team" - This could have multiple meanings, but I'm at a loss here. I count count how many times my timed leg shots or area blinds have won my team a Rated game; or debuffing a healer at the right moment to soften his heal strength; or putting my plasma probe on a node preventing a cap, etc, etc. <---All of which (IMO) constitutes as helping to carry a team.


"I can't attack/I can't defend" - I won't even comment on this, as to me this is just silly, and why I think his OP was kinda laughable.


"I can't kill healers" - This game isn't based on 1 vs 1 scenarios, but I understand some classes are pretty solid 1 vs 1 against a healer. I can say however, that I have good fortune vs Sage/Sorc heals as opposed to Scoundre/Operative & Merc/Mando healers, but again, I've never EVER worried about 1 on 1 encounters in WZ's.


"Oh, because my class has so many abilities that can support a team, one. The ballistic shield" - Again, I don't quite get it lol. What is this supposed to convey? If what you say is true, that he is an excellent Sniper and understands all the ins/outs of the class, then I don't quite understand how he can go like this.


"but we sacrifice a lot of sustained DPS from engineering tree, because when we have no explosive probe or series of shots, what can we do? Spam frag grenades and have 0 energy" - Lastly, this is what insults the class and those who play it well and understand the role. I find the Engineering tree to have exceptional sustained DPS, and if he's unsure what to use after EP/SoS and spamming frag grenades, he might as well try another class.


I find the blind assumptions rather ironic, considering the OP's quotes, but understand I am merely opposing his views on the class. He didn't even mention our greatest tool, that being Entrench. The class is perfetly fine, but too many forget it's the PLAYER behind the class that will either make it work as intended, or utterly fail and focus on 1 on 1 or being a (duelist) in a TEAM game. If one does not get the role of the Sniper and 3 specs, one shouldn't be playing this class.


I understand some classes (or IMO the glowbat profs) are given many tools in which to function very well in these WZ's, considering the Map sizes, but that is not to say this class cannot perform well. It takes a very large amount of skill to make this class perform well, as opposed to some melee classes that do not, but this is why I play it. Saying this class is lackluster in the way of team support or not having the resources available to turn the tide is just...wrong. Period.

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I umderstant your statements and opinions. Lets see, how could i express my self betterr:

I think sniper is fun and balanced and has everything he needs to perform well for its intended role, i would only like for 31 pts lethality to be able to grab both ballistic dampers, 110 energy and 9% cunning. This is my only gripe with snipers. (may be cover screen could use a change as i never take it, may be tech could get a talent for 35m range) but thats about it, i am not asking for any sort of sniper buff.


But i would certainly want some other classes brought in the line and feel similar limitations for solo jobs just as we and many others do. Node guarding and ninjaing should not give so much advatages to assasins. Jugs should not have such a ridiculously low CD on intercede, Hybrids need to be made either equally possible for all classes or not at all for everyone.


How ridiculous is that a class that has so many stance limitations, still gets more hybrid builds than a class without any stances at all.


As for some of the OP asseertions: enginnering vs MM burst/sustained comparison, EP+SOS does more damage than MM in those 4,5 secs, so in a sense you could say that engineering is a bursty spec, but once you go beyond 4,5 sec, MM single target damage on non tanks rapidly catches up. Eng is just as vulnerable to target switching as lethslity is, but leth requires more set up. Engi sustained dps comes a lot from a static aoe ability, which does not follow your target arround (off course we use ip+pp+leg shot combo, but once you switch to next target out of aoe and with ep on cd, your on demand burst is limited)


But again i am ok with engi, i only explained what op meaned about engi damage distribution.


I understand that we contribute to a team quite a lot, killing hutballers is my nr1 job in hutball, and nobody can dps from distance, withput me they can only hope for a knockback, or a melee leap, or a pull, but only i will kill them from 35m distance and do that fast.


Its just the overall frustration as a sniper that you have when your team is bad and i believe that as a sniper you feel this frustration more than other classes in this situations. Me and Chris pug on Red Eclipse, full of republic scum premades that you cannnot win during prime time. When he switched to his asassins he does feel less afwful about his terrible team. And this feeling repeats over and over night after night until you start to suspect that some other classes are just easier to play with badies than as a sniper. Its te frustration of being a support diagnosis, from which i do suffer as well.


A good carry with any other bad carry or support would do better than a bad carry with a good support.

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Fair enough. I understand what you're trying to say, in that it is easier to play say, an Assasin when pugging as opposed to a Sniper. I think for the most part, when players see a Sniper/Gunslinger, they become public enemy #1, which is due IMO to our incredible talents (and the fact we're not flying around super fast/leaping/cloaking/etc). I guess when pugging, which I do quite often, I do find that I will get focused a bit more. And with that, I've learned to set-up in odd places, do a rotation or two, then MOVE somewhere else.


The one thing I find with some Snipers/Gunslingers, is they tend to stay in one place for too long, and when they die, go RIGHT back to the same place lol. Whether I am playing MM/Engineering or Lethality, I am always moving as opposed to perma rooting myself for long periods of time. Course, this doesn't always save us, but considering the usefulness we bring damage wise, it's a fair trade-off. I am more than satisfied with this class, either way, wish him the best of luck.

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Mythix, you go into some blind assumptions about a person you judge only from a few sentences. I know ChrisTucker personally, and you might consider me biased, but Chris is an excellent sniper and duelist. What is he trying to tell you:


We play an objective focused team based game where some classes are more universally useful than others. It has nothing to do with it being overpowered, underpowered or balanced. It is about the class design concept. The developers have given many classes a plethora of abilities, but often they thought only single directional ways. Will ability X of class Y bring many fun moments for the player? Definetely yes, but the devs rarely asked themselves if, class Z will have fun when ability X is used against it. Do you get the idea?


The sniper was fully designed with this perception both from sniper side and his enemy side. Its really fun to fight snipers. Is fun to use line of sight against them. Its fun to dot them, knockback them, grapple them. Its fun to blow someone as a sniperas well.


And then comes a class like asassin that is:

1. Best objectives focused class. It has EVERYTHING. The only thing it misses is intercede and extricate.

2. Best 1vs1 class, no matter how people will try to deny that, but it is. Best assasins consider a threat only extremely good marauders.

3. Stupid amounts of versatility with many many hybrid builds allowing you to tailor your class to basically everything except healing. No other class has this amount of goodies in low tier talents ready for you to grab them.

4. Is full of abilities that are only fun for assassin to use, but not for its targets: what sort of BSis this when you can abuse the crap put of mindtrap and then get out of stealth, tank a lot, then force cloack, probably mind trap again then break cloak for a last effort at delaying a cap?

5. Being one of the few classes that can 1vs2 and win.


How many hybrid sniper builds do you know? VIABLE BUILDS, not stupid BS like 2 lethality dots + interrogation probe after which you are down to 40% energy, there are no viable pvp hybrids, at least those that would outperform 31pts builds.


The second gripe that Chis and me have with snipers is the stupid matchmaking that allows for some stupid horrible class distribution where THERE IS NO ROOM for Support DPS. Give the enemy a few tanks and guarded healers and try to break this tough nut. Please dont tell me about this BS about using CC to stop healers, healers and tanks have CC too. Even the crappiest team would benefit from an assassin, why? Because of ninjaing objectives.


For us snipers to be useful we need near a perfectly balanced team to shine. We are one of the few classes that are exponentially more powerful or weak depending on team.


We are ranged DPS, we are not even supposed to hard counter healers that can hug corners and LoS us.


Please understand me correctly, i am not asking for us to become OP, i am aware that we are highly specialized niche class, but i dont want to see in a game like this universal classes like assassins, or other FOTM where the team that just has more of them will win. A team of only snipers will never win hutball other WZ. A team full of these universal soldiers?most certainly.


First, I just had to quote this wall of text....it's glorious! Second, how on earth can you say that an Eng spec sniper isn't objective based? Lay down plasma probe on a door/node and it's not getting capped. Additionally, the Eng spec has outstanding survivability and damage output (I wreck ppl with explosive probe & SoS). Throw a healer in the mix and presto....node/door not capped.


Doesn't get any more objective based than that.........

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First, I just had to quote this wall of text....it's glorious! Second, how on earth can you say that an Eng spec sniper isn't objective based? Lay down plasma probe on a door/node and it's not getting capped. Additionally, the Eng spec has outstanding survivability and damage output (I wreck ppl with explosive probe & SoS). Throw a healer in the mix and presto....node/door not capped.


Doesn't get any more objective based than that.........


Of course engineering is a wonderful spec! It is our saving grace in pvp, and without it this class would be on the verge of extinction. And the beauty of it is it's capability to fight zerg with some team support. However, the spec is so well designed that with it, full MM doesn't become useless. There are really serious trade-offs for all that survivability and objective based tools. Sorry i am just not in the mood to list all those things now, may be later.


I play all specs in PvP and i even switch between them during attack/defense switch on voidstar or huttball start.

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I'm really not understanding the hate for Engi Snipers in PvP... It really is one of the best classes for objective guarding, especially in things like Voidstar. You complain that we spam grenades, and run out of energy... And I wonder, HOW? From full energy, we alternate grenades and our regular shot, and by the time we start breaking the low energy threshold, we've already got our Explosive Probe up. Drop that, break cover for the free Overload shot, and we've got a massive chunk of energy back. You can pop off 4 OS in the time it takes the buff to wear off, giving you 20 free energy, in addition to what our regen would give us back anyway. Or are you the kind of player that only likes to combine EP with SoS? Granted, EP and SoS is nice, but why waste the energy to get energy back? You can always drop SoS once you've gotten the energy back anyway. Remember, you only have to make your energy pool last a minute as an Engi Sniper. And with a 20 sec CD on EP, that means we'll have 3 energy recovery moments in that time.
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I think that complaint with engineering was a little exagerrated, the frustration that every sniper spec suffers: relocation problem. Before you get to that objective to defend prepare to get mindtrapped, drug sedated over and over again. Provided engineering is the best to fight these ambushes, but its getting tiresome before you finally arrive at the point to defend it.


As for talenting free overloads it's a very questionable skill. You get that extra 6% DR while in cover, why would you want to get out of cover. Overload is only a little more powerful than rifle shot, not very much to make it a huge difference. Puting 2 points in that basically forces you to choose between energy overrides, extra endurance, cover pulse insta snipe proc, 30% IP snare. I'd take any of these over calculated pursuit any day.

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As for talenting free overloads it's a very questionable skill. You get that extra 6% DR while in cover, why would you want to get out of cover. Overload is only a little more powerful than rifle shot, not very much to make it a huge difference. Puting 2 points in that basically forces you to choose between energy overrides, extra endurance, cover pulse insta snipe proc, 30% IP snare. I'd take any of these over calculated pursuit any day.


I specced it because you can't chase someone while in cover. I know you get the DR while IN cover, but if you're trying to take out a ball, or orb carrier, you're not going to be able to do that while stationary. Part of the problem with a Sniper is their inability to DPS on the move. Taking it allows me to do just that.


It's also in the recommended build on Noxxic, so I'm not really the only one that thinks it's a good idea.

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Have to say regarding engineering on the server I play on, Red Eclipse, (same as Chris & Express) up until....1 month? 2 months max? ago I could count the number of engineering snipers on just a couple of fingers there didn't appear to be any. Now all of a sudden it seems most of the snipers are running engineering.


Whatever dislike engineering had at least on our server has vanished completely but yet there hasn't been any sniper class changes to account for it.


Regarding snipers in general, Chris I understand your viewpoint completely. I disagree with it of course but I understand it 100%. The main problem as I see it is snipers are disliked it's that simple, especially engineering snipers. Place a plasma probe down in voidstar when you're against good players just makes you the biggest target in the warzone. As someone who pugs that normally resutls in a couple of headaches.


Now if you happen to be a pvp'er that plays a lot then you tend to get known by various people so before you've even moved a step you're already a marked man. That's the same for every single class in the game and quite natural. Now if you happen to be a sniper on top of that then you're just asking for trouble.


All of this takes it's toll and after a while you do become despondent to exactly how much you're able to contribute to the group. I've had that feeling on an off for months. But then I'll go into a warzone and I'll realise that we truely are a balanced class, the issue is we're probably the only balanced class and therein lies the problem.


We can carry a team.


We can attack.


We can defend.


If you think otherwise then the chances are that you've either not got what it takes to play the class (I make for a useless sentinel.....) or been playing it for so long that you've got despondent (which for me is a natural state to get to for every sniper at some time or other).


The class is perfetly fine, but too many forget it's the PLAYER behind the class that will either make it work as intended...

This for me sums up what I'm trying to say, it's the player....it's always been the player and always will be. The sniper is by far the most enoyable class to play but at the same time the most frustrating class as well.




Give it time Chris and go back to the class in a couple of weeks time. It helps.

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I think our problem is the current stupid matchmaking. The wz a full of unbalanced teams that dont have healers, jug tanks on hutball and other classes. We grow exponentially stronger with better teams. I dont think any other class gives this feeling. On the contrary, when team is crap, no godlike sniper will pull it from the hell hole.
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Part of the problem with a Sniper is their inability to DPS on the move. Taking it allows me to do just that.

INABILITY TO DPS ON THE MOVE !?! BAD TROLL IS BAD... I have played and watched Snipers and GSers who spec or play their class to do just that, cover has great utility and all, but, leaves you open to getting LoSed fast and to not LoS the enemy fast enough. Dots, Snares, Roots, quick pops into cover for a shot ETC are all viable on the move. As Notomorrow mentioned, OS doesn't do much damage more than Rifle shot, The Operative Class gets a 15% base damage bonus to OS, sniper does not.

It's also in the recommended build on Noxxic, so I'm not really the only one that thinks it's a good idea.

OOOH Scary, "recommended build", I understand watching Videos and looking at build when you are new to a class, but if you are playing in 50 bracket, you should have been tinkering around with your own builds and play styles for a while now.

Edited by Krayshawn
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Maybe you are right Es'carli, I think I just need a break from playing the same class over and over. Sometimes I just expect to much of the class when it really relies on my team composition. Switching to my assassin is so much fun, even in half recruit I still got 300k+ protection in a few games. :D
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