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Here's my bandaid fix for Merc PvP 0/23/18


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Why this spec works for me::

1. 2 Dots

2. 3 Snares

3. 30% stronger unloads that proc CGC & 100% snare from unload alone.

3 Root every 9 seconds

4. Power Barrier


The reason no tracer is because tracer will not proc CGC, Unload and Power Shot will, and they proc PPA.

This is as good as it gets Pvp dps Mercs get folks, pretty good burst combos good snares and average control, try it out it's a pretty fun spec.

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Why this spec works for me::

1. 2 Dots

2. 3 Snares

3. 30% stronger unloads that proc CGC & 100% snare from unload alone.

3 Root every 9 seconds

4. Power Barrier


The reason no tracer is because tracer will not proc CGC, Unload and Power Shot will, and they proc PPA.

This is as good as it gets Pvp dps Mercs get folks, pretty good burst combos good snares and average control, try it out it's a pretty fun spec.

I played along with something similar earlier, http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300ZMIk0MMZcGMrzGhMM.2 this way railshot its harder, unload hits decently and you get the root. You will have to rely on explosive dart alot. Its a bandaid at best as you say, i prefer full arsenal these days though.
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I was looking at a similar spec to the one above but wondered why you chose to put 2 points in Burntout rather than get a Tracer Missile and then Tracer lock for more damage to rail shot when applicable.

Ive only just hit 47 on my full pyro merc and looking to fiddle it for PvP as thats what direction im hoping to go (already have a full squad of replublic toons so want a change).


Ive noticed alot of useful coments from yourself Nightkin on your video thead, showed me alot about rotation etc so best to ask yourself as everyone else seems to be all doom and gloom

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I was looking at a similar spec to the one above but wondered why you chose to put 2 points in Burntout rather than get a Tracer Missile and then Tracer lock for more damage to rail shot when applicable.

Ive only just hit 47 on my full pyro merc and looking to fiddle it for PvP as thats what direction im hoping to go (already have a full squad of replublic toons so want a change).


Ive noticed alot of useful coments from yourself Nightkin on your video thead, showed me alot about rotation etc so best to ask yourself as everyone else seems to be all doom and gloom

Well the reason behind that is twofold, first the most obvious would be that getting tracer missile is counterproductive to having a mobile spec in the first place. Tracer locks YOU down and prevents you from weaving in and out of sight as pyro does best.


If you want tracer then go all out and play full arsenal. Imo it has almost as much if not even more survivability then pyro but thats just my oppinion.


Secondly is because you get so much for those 2 points, +2% crit and +20% extra burn dmg on people below 30% health. Those CGC procs suddenly starts looking pretty damn good.


The only reason to get this spec is really the root though, if you can manage without that then full pyro offers alot more damage.

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Why this spec works for me::

1. 2 Dots

2. 3 Snares

3. 30% stronger unloads that proc CGC & 100% snare from unload alone.

3 Root every 9 seconds

4. Power Barrier


The reason no tracer is because tracer will not proc CGC, Unload and Power Shot will, and they proc PPA.

This is as good as it gets Pvp dps Mercs get folks, pretty good burst combos good snares and average control, try it out it's a pretty fun spec.


I did, i like it. More utility and survivability which is what merc needs. We already have good dps, we just need the space and tools to do it. Unload hits hard and slows, quicker uptime on CC break and Jetboost is nice.When you do actually have to plant your feet for Powershot you get a power barrier that increases the longer you stand still. I get alot of Railshot procs too so its really worth it. So far, i like it better than straight pyro.

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Why this spec works for me::

1. 2 Dots

2. 3 Snares

3. 30% stronger unloads that proc CGC & 100% snare from unload alone.

3 Root every 9 seconds

4. Power Barrier


The reason no tracer is because tracer will not proc CGC, Unload and Power Shot will, and they proc PPA.

This is as good as it gets Pvp dps Mercs get folks, pretty good burst combos good snares and average control, try it out it's a pretty fun spec.


What about switching out Gyroscopic and picking up Degauss instead for more mobility?

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hybrid merc is absolutely terrible. you lose out of Thermal Det (close to 5k damage on an instant ability), and you also lose out on the 2 best boxes of Pyro: active cooldown reductions on Energy Shield, Kolto Overload and Thermal Sensor Override.


you are gaining no mobility (actually losing a little bit compared to straight up Pyro). for what?


hybrid builds for merc *do not* work.


why do you have points in gyroscopic alignments? you vent more than 8 heat just over the duration of a stun. pointless box is pointless.

and tell me how this stops you from being interrupted? you have 1 less instant ability than a normal spec'd merc (no TD or HM) so you are going to be less mobile.


all you gain from this a melee range root, slightly improved knockback, extra unload damage (still wicked easy to interrupt) and a unload slow (which does not stop leaps).


with the way merc is right now, you can be mediocre to good at one thing with a full 31+ pt build, or you can be bad at everyting with a hybrid build.

Edited by cashogy
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hybrid merc is absolutely terrible. you lose out of Thermal Det (close to 5k damage on an instant ability), and you also lose out on the 2 best boxes of Pyro: active cooldown reductions on Energy Shield, Kolto Overload and Thermal Sensor Override.


you are gaining no mobility (actually losing a little bit compared to straight up Pyro). for what?


hybrid builds for merc *do not* work.


why do you have points in gyroscopic alignments? you vent more than 8 heat just over the duration of a stun. pointless box is pointless.

and tell me how this stops you from being interrupted? you have 1 less instant ability than a normal spec'd merc (no TD or HM) so you are going to be less mobile.


all you gain from this a melee range root, slightly improved knockback, extra unload damage (still wicked easy to interrupt) and a unload slow (which does not stop leaps).


with the way merc is right now, you can be mediocre to good at one thing with a full 31+ pt build, or you can be bad at everyting with a hybrid build.


Plus trading all of the bonus damage from the three passives (Burnout, Firebug, and Rain of Fire) for the bonus of Target Tracking is kind of meh.

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What about switching out Gyroscopic and picking up Degauss instead for more mobility?
Very true, one could also do that, I just hate being full heat capped in PvP and sense Swtors pvp is nothing but CC that 8 heat vent is nice, but I could see why one would want that extra snare break, I'll try it out.
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hybrid merc is absolutely terrible. you lose out of Thermal Det (close to 5k damage on an instant ability), and you also lose out on the 2 best boxes of Pyro: active cooldown reductions on Energy Shield, Kolto Overload and Thermal Sensor Override.


you are gaining no mobility (actually losing a little bit compared to straight up Pyro). for what?


hybrid builds for merc *do not* work.


why do you have points in gyroscopic alignments? you vent more than 8 heat just over the duration of a stun. pointless box is pointless.

and tell me how this stops you from being interrupted? you have 1 less instant ability than a normal spec'd merc (no TD or HM) so you are going to be less mobile.


all you gain from this a melee range root, slightly improved knockback, extra unload damage (still wicked easy to interrupt) and a unload slow (which does not stop leaps).


with the way merc is right now, you can be mediocre to good at one thing with a full 31+ pt build, or you can be bad at everything with a hybrid build.

This might sound silly for most but I tend to spec to counter melee more, I hate being not able to do damage because I am being dry humped by some nasty Mara or Assassin, for range I and can go toe to toe with any range besides a sniper, with a sniper I use the dot and run tactic and LOS to heal if needed, seems to work for me.


As for not having TD I can live without it, I still got Explosive Dart, not nearly as good but it works, full pyro spec I have found that l have a time playing without my rocket root and the handy unload -70% unload snare,that being said this specs main burst is really the unload/rail combo, I set up my rocket root followed by a unload/rail combo and try to dot kite for the most part, like I said this is nothing more then a bandaid fix, lets hope 1.7 brings some changes so players don't have to play in such a way.


In the end this spec is strong 1v1 and pretty good in groups and gives me to tools to at least have a fighting chance vs any class and spec as opposed to going full 31 Pyrotech or Arsenal.

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With this specc overall damage goes way down, but 1 on 1 survivability is "tad" bit better. So pick your poison really. Cudos for trying a new specc but right now there is no band-aid spec unfortunately. More like a wet soggy piece of duct tape


this. youre further gimping yourself by attempting a hybrid build

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this. youre further gimping yourself by attempting a hybrid build

Yes & no, gimping myself in burst damage but not control and 1v1 fights.


As an old school MMO player I always took pride in how well I do 1v1. this to me is what is wrong with today's MMO balance, to much focus on the Rock,Paper, Shotgun concept that Blizzard so main streamed.


I have found out that a class that is strong 1v1 is even stronger in groups when played right, and proof of this is just look at Snipers & Mara, because they have the tool to handle any class 1v1 for the most part they tend to be the cream of the crop in groups when played right.

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Very true, one could also do that, I just hate being full heat capped in PvP and sense Swtors pvp is nothing but CC that 8 heat vent is nice, but I could see why one would want that extra snare break, I'll try it out.


Sadly, against good teams it's 6 of one half a dozen of the other. If I get stun-locked I'm usually at least double-teamed and so low in health when resolve fills that I don't bother breaking it and just eat the death. If I ride out a soft mezz, I'm zero heat at the end anyway.


As far as Degauss goes, it's nice when you run full 31 pyro because your shield can reset fairly quickly. Again though, against good teams you'll be root locked and chain-smashed before you can do anything anyway.


I just find that Degauss gives a bit more payoff for the two points in terms of defense than the 8 heat vent on a stun, esp. 1v1.

Edited by Phrase
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Sadly, against good teams it's 6 of one half a dozen of the other. If I get stun-locked I'm usually at least double-teamed and so low in health when resolve fills that I don't bother breaking it and just eat the death. If I ride out a soft mezz, I'm zero heat at the end anyway.


As far as Degauss goes, it's nice when you run full 31 pyro because your shield can reset fairly quickly. Again though, against good teams you'll be root locked and chain-smashed before you can do anything anyway.


I just find that Degauss gives a bit more payoff for the two points in terms of defense than the 8 heat vent on a stun, esp. 1v1.


I agree I started to use it myself shorty after this post.

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Just curious, but why do you not go into TM again? Sure you need PS for your RS procs, but it has a 6 second internal cooldown. So rather than still spamming PS while TS is still on cooldown use TM just to boost the next RS? I get that's not really what you have in mind for the spec and it gives CGC a better chance to fall off, but I feel you would end up with slightly higher damage in the end
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Yes & no, gimping myself in burst damage but not control and 1v1 fights.


As an old school MMO player I always took pride in how well I do 1v1. this to me is what is wrong with today's MMO balance, to much focus on the Rock,Paper, Shotgun concept that Blizzard so main streamed.


I have found out that a class that is strong 1v1 is even stronger in groups when played right, and proof of this is just look at Snipers & Mara, because they have the tool to handle any class 1v1 for the most part they tend to be the cream of the crop in groups when played right.


which is why 1v1 should never be the balancing mechanism.


and you will not win many 1v1 fights against anyone decent. with a hybrid you lack the high tier offensive talents/abilities that make Merc dps stronger. with they hybrid used in the OP, too much is invested into Unload, which is one of the easiest to interrupt abilities in the game.


the only control you gain is a root, and the unload slow. what you gain is not going to make up for what you lose, in any hybrid build for Merc

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which is why 1v1 should never be the balancing mechanism.


and you will not win many 1v1 fights against anyone decent. with a hybrid you lack the high tier offensive talents/abilities that make Merc dps stronger. with they hybrid used in the OP, too much is invested into Unload, which is one of the easiest to interrupt abilities in the game.


the only control you gain is a root, and the unload slow. what you gain is not going to make up for what you lose, in any hybrid build for Merc

As for the 1v1 part to your comment, so long as there are dedicated Healers, I agree with a game like Swtor.


Great e-sport balance in games are always balanced around 1v1, All e-sport games are balanced around 1v1 if not they will never make it into MGL, WoW at one point got into MGL but got kicked out because they lacked true balance that can only come from 1v1 balance.


GW2 is the closest MMO that comes to mind that is balanced around 1v1 to make team vs team work like an E-sport.


As for the rest of your comment, I see you're point but what ever the case maybe I still do better with this spec then a full spec, maybe it's me the play style meshes well with me, it gives me what I need to have a good 50/50 with any class or spec thrown at me. that being said I always spec for a class to be strong 1v1 first no matter the cause.


I did the same with my Jedi Knight and as you can see from this old post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=450918 I was one of the players that played this spec Lonnnnng before most, as now it's pretty much the main tank-y jedi pvp build, very strong 1v1.

Edited by Nijraw
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Why this spec works for me::

1. 2 Dots

2. 3 Snares

3. 30% stronger unloads that proc CGC & 100% snare from unload alone.

3 Root every 9 seconds

4. Power Barrier


Low damage output and most of your "annoyance production" against the enemy team is coming from Unload. Which is still prone to be interrupted. You are better off simply being a Jugg tank. More snare effectiveness, more survivability, more utility and your team's healers will love you.


In order to be viable for a team, a subclass needs to be able to do something, ANYTHING, better than the other classes. And Merc dps doesn't. There isn't a single thing Merc dps does better than every other class. And on many scores it is the worst. Overall, Merc dps is the worst class in the game. No top ranked player will dispute this.

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