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How do I build up credits? Read up :)


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Now I know I am still learning this game but I would like to pass on some knowledge I have learned from playing so far. The most popular issue we new players deal with is how to get credits. This is the way I am doing it and it is working so far. I hope this helps answer some questions.


These are my 3 choices for crew skills


1. Archaeology

2. Slicing

3. Underworld Trading


Results achieved so far


1. Archaeology - I have picked out this one as I am able to not only send my companion(s) out on missions but I can find spots in the different areas I am leveling and get those free materials. When I sent my companions out I send them out on the Power Crystals as i find those to sell the fastest and bring in a good profit.


2. Slicing - I know everyone says pick slicing for making money and you know what, the are right :). Not only do you make a little credits but you also receive schematics and other goodies you can sell for decent credits. Also you can pick up spots in those areas you level just like Archaeology so that = more free credits.


3. Underworld Trading - While this is strictly a mission and you can't find spots on leveling areas you do...or at least I have... made good money from doing these missions. I only pick the Underworld metals and not the other ones. I get a good selection of purple materials which sell pretty well.




1. SELL EVERYTHING - Including those greys, everything gives you credits. Make sure you sell those Bind on Equip pieces too since every now and then those will sell on the GTN. Don't forget if your short on inventory space and your in the middle of the world you can send your companion out to sell all grey items you have. They are only gone for a minute so it's worth the wait.


2. Get those gathering spots while leveling - This not only helps you level your crew skill but it also gives you free materials you can sell later. Even if you see a few mobs around the spot, just kill them (free exp) and get it. It won't take up much of your time.


3. Sell on the GTN in small groups - Don't sell in large chunks. I try to sell in this order - Greens = stacks of 20, Blues = stacks of 10, Purples = Stacks of 2. Doing it this way seems to sell the quickest. And make sure you look at the GTN prices to make sure you aren't overpricing it or underpricing that way it has the best chance to sell.


Ok that is all I can think of that hopefully can help everyone just starting out. And if you don't think this is a workable strategy, so far through level 24 with the latest batch of materials I have earned 486k credits which I think is a good amount for a new character to work with. I hope to earn enough by the time I'm level 50 to pick a crafting skill and level it up. We shall see. Anywho I hope at least 1 player can use this information to their benefit.


Have a great day everyone

Edited by USAFNut
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Yeah I've decided to pick up Slicing, Investigation and Underworld Trading for my Bounty Hunter. I figured I would check out investigation since I've never used it on any of my alts, so it's the only gathering mission I don't have. I'll sell mats to see if they make a profit and if not give them to my other alts or wife who needs it as well.


Slicing has been great for me though! I just long onto a character I don't use often and run slicing missions for the cash. Once I start leveling him up again he'll be rich lol :p

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personally, once I made my first million I started buying up under-priced materials in archeology, scavaging, and bioanalysis. I spend about 1 million credits per day buying up low priced material and then turn around and re-list at going rate which turns into 1.5-3 million credits. Rinse and repeat every day.


I do not bother crafting but rather pick just gathering profession of archeology, scavaging, and bioanalysis on all my toons as those materials sold are 100% profit.

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While leveling up, picking stuff off the floor and selling it, be it materials, drops, etc always pays. Mind your pennies old people say. It is true, a few credits at a time add up. I think the issue most people have is spending it too soon. Up to level 20 I don't buy any armor at all. You really go through it soo fast you should just wear what drops.


Later on, I like to make money running solo FPs. Between the credits, rewards, and selling all drops, you can make a chunk. And you are playing (vs farming, which can get boring). Boarding Party is a L33 FP that leaves you 65K credits and another chunk in drops to sell, as an example.


Some crafting skills CAN produce some credits. Armoring and mods always sell well (Cybertech) and crystals always sell (Artifice). With so much armor on the game, synthweaving and armormech don't really pay off.


Good tips OP.

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Slicing was good while leveling my first character but after that I made far more money on the purple Armor I had learned.

I hate giving away tips but with all the Jedi Flavor of the Month characters right now I make a killing selling purple synthweaving Armor to people who re rolled and are leveling their facesmashers.


It's all about seeing that demand and filling it. The problem is that it draws so much purple Underworld Trading materials (another high demand item its good to sell).

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While we're on the topic of selling junk items and saving every penny... Turn in those extra unused planetary commendations. Once you've geared up, if you have spares, buy a lockbox or two and sell the items. Don't have enough for a lockbox, stock up on 2 comm mods, head over to another vendor, and make a quick few hundred credits or more.


That's about all I got that hasn't already been said. Good post, good thread!

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While we're on the topic of selling junk items and saving every penny... Turn in those extra unused planetary commendations. Once you've geared up, if you have spares, buy a lockbox or two and sell the items. Don't have enough for a lockbox, stock up on 2 comm mods, head over to another vendor, and make a quick few hundred credits or more.


Good point, I didn't think of that but I know I have a few extra commendations from the areas. I should go ahead and use them. Thanks for the advice :)

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You can also play roulette with the boxes. The comms get you boxes at the equipment commendation vendor. The boxes, and its contents, are bind on equip. So if you have enough comms for blue or purple boxes, you can get good stuff to GTN.


Sometimes when you go back to earlier FPs etc you might get low level commendations. So check your currency and if the stuff is way below you just cash them in this way. :)

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Bioanalysis is a good one to, I am selling stacks of Green Goo and other stuff by 50 a stack for 20k. :) Or they are just stupid.


Lazy more likely. Doing a tour of the lvl 50 dailies easily nets me 500k+ in credits. With that amount of cash you don't want to spend hours either gathering in low level areas or running missions to get stuff for leveling up your crafting alts.


For me those 20k for the stack is a good deal, the time I need to spend to get those 20k credits is way less then the time I'd need to gather the resources myself (from nodes/creature/missions).

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Making money story : so right now my brother (new to the game) and I are leveling up BHs. I have been here for a year, so obviously been helping the newbie. Since I already have all skills at 400 on other toons, I decided to repeat cybertech. I crafted armoring and mods for myself, and had some extras, sent them to him.


He already had some, so he put it up on the GTN : 30K for each piece of L35 armoring. Sold them!! ;)


He was surprised. He asked me how much it cost me to make them, I go well the materials are free, and the flux, so no big deal. :) Now he wants a tutorial on crew skills. :rolleyes: He he he


Can you imagine 5 tiny pieces of armoring a day making you 150K????

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