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Those irritating whining skippers in HMs...

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Wonderful generalization there. If you don't want to take 30 min to do a FP doable in 15, you're anti-social. Newsflash: As much as you say people are jerks because they want to skip things that are unnecessary, I can say people who demand to do it all irregardless of everyone else are just as douchey. Not everyone sees things your way and not everyone who wants to speed things up is an anti-social a-hole.

Wonderful not reading what I wrote.


Thinking you did not read anything or at least you did not comprehend what I wrote...


Both sides that only want their way are being antisocial. If they were not, then they would let the group decided what is done or not done.


Personally like I wrote BEFORE, I skip and I want to skip, but I will do everything too if that is what the majority of the group wants to do. Why, because I am in a group and the moment I am in a group my commitment is getting that group through that instances, so I will follow the group’s decision and put the group over my desire to get through as fast as possible so I can do it all over again on another toon.

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Wonderful not reading what I wrote.


Thinking you did not read anything or at least you did not comprehend what I wrote...


Both sides that only want their way are being antisocial. If they were not, then they would let the group decided what is done or not done.


Personally like I wrote BEFORE, I skip and I want to skip, but I will do everything too if that is what the majority of the group wants to do. Why, because I am in a group and the moment I am in a group my commitment is getting that group through that instances, so I will follow the group’s decision and put the group over my desire to get through as fast as possible so I can do it all over again on another toon.


Wonderful not comprehending what "antisocial means." Because one person doesn't agree with the others they are antisocial? Neither behaviours are antisocial. This forum isn't about people who want to skip it all or people who want to do it all; it's about people whining about them and calling them antisocial. They aren't.

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Wanting your way only in a group context when the majority of the group wants to do it a different way, is antisocial. Not wanting to skip or wanting to kill is not antisoical...never said it was.... It is antisocial of me to say we are skipping when the other 3 in the group say they want to kill all bosses.


I can disagree, but holding the majority of the group hostage to my wants is for a fact antisocial and would just be me being a total jerk.


Edit: Wait I want to apologize Twolightsabers, I reread wrote what I wrote and it does come off like I was calling people antisocial. I should have been clearer that I feel they were acting antisocial by saying thing had to be done their way and not allowing the group to decide. Sorry

Edited by mikebevo
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Wonderful not comprehending what "antisocial means." Because one person doesn't agree with the others they are antisocial? Neither behaviours are antisocial. This forum isn't about people who want to skip it all or people who want to do it all; it's about people whining about them and calling them antisocial. They aren't.

Antisocial is perhaps a strong word. I just don't understand what is so difficult about being polite? Examples:


"First time in fp, mind if I watch convos?"


"We're doing a speedrun, right?"


"Follow me, I know an easy way to skip trash"


"Can we do the bonus boss?"


Most people I know would respond favorably to this tone. Compare to:


"****** N00B Y U PULL TRASH?"




The player who never says anything and just speed runs and vote kicks anyone who can't keep up.

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You put them on ignore and forget them. That is how you solve your problem


Because this isn't stated enough. You won't get paired with someone on your ignore list. This is what happened to the guy who couldn't shut up about me not skipping enough stuff for his liking, and this after me agreeing to skip the bonus boss because of his whining. The sad part, to me, is if he had asked nicely I would have been more willing to be accommodating, but he was also obsessed with not killing anything that could possible be skipped, even if it took longer to sneak around it then to just kill it.

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