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Those irritating whining skippers in HMs...

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Really? Clearly you've never been married, had kids, have a job, or anything else to do besides play this game.




Other than that all you can really do is get a guild. A good guild will run a HM FP the way you want to even if your the only one who wants to because they are your friends.


Uu some rant you put in there! No I don't have kids but I have a girlfriend and a job if you really are that interested :p I always have atleast 1 hour time when I queue the Group Finder for random HM if I'm queueing alone because I don't want to shout people "skip, spacebar, skip" and I actually like playing the game, killing thrash and using my abilities. Running through to the end boss is for people who have no patience as they are "I want it all and I want it now" people, like Queen sing.


And yes I have a guild. We do HMs together but sometimes I also queue up alone to kill some time. I repeat myself again: I'M OKEY TO SKIP RANDOM THRASH AND USELESS CONVOS but I don't want to skip bosses because they can have something valuable to drop and it's a nice "challenge" to fight against them.


So did you understand now what I was originally meaning and saying? Comprende??

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BW can't make people more patient and helpful. But, every single time someone in my group asked us to kill something we were about to skip, we've done it. What I don't get is the ppl who don't say anything during the fp then complain after the fact because they didn't get to kill something.

This...My main is a healer, no clue how many HMFP I have done...She has been 50 since January and has done HM FP daily since BH Comms have became a reward. Sometimes she does 2 or 3 a day when a guild dps or fresh tank want to do their daily random. Have a dps shadow too. She does not do them as often since she and her companions are geared, but in her time she did her fair share. Three, out of the hundreds of HMFP I have done do I remember people refusing to kill a boss that someone in the group wanted to kill and one of those times we still killed it after the tank refusing quit the group. So 2 out of the hundreds.


I have no clue how many times people didn't want to skip, but just went with the flow. It doesn't matter, had they really wanted to do it, then they should have spoken up.


I don't care either way, I will kill everything (well heal the group while they kill) or I will skip everything possible. However, I prefer skipping, not because of time or because I don't enjoy being social. I would rather skip because of repair bills. Many dps do not know kill order, so while I am getting hammered by strongs and weaks while trying to keep myself and the tank on our feet, they are busy hitting/shooting the elite or champion, you know the same one the tank is tanking... :)

Edited by mikebevo
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the design of the hm fp propagates this behavior. if they were not implemented that way then people wouldn't be able to skip them. this is the only mmo i have played with this problem but then the others had bosses which unlocked the content behind them and rare drops which were actually very good. some of these drops were bis or near it for certain classes.


the space bar issue is rather comical since spacers want you to do the story fp and now it is nearly impossible to get a group for them even with the group finder. there really isn't that many in most hm anyways to skip.


story ops are just as bad when the weekly only needs you to kill up to the second boss. the rest is then not even done because of such. so telling players to gear up here isn't a solution either.


what most players dont know is that the loot tables have been changed which now most of the bosses skipped can drop columni grade gear. but not any set pieces. they can drop waist, wrist, implants and earpieces all columni. some of these also drop non set chest and leg columni grade also, the first bosses still drop pooh however and some of the other ones have the old tionesse items still on their loot tables.


skipping for the most part has become a art of risk far exceeding the reward. jumping, waiting, failing, dying just to miss 15 -30 secs of combat when everyone is successful is idiotic. it is idiotic because if one dies or causes a wipe you are wasting 2-5 mins to run back or wait for a group member to do so. not everyone can jump well nor keep up when doing such.


personally i no longer pug any hms. i have five 50s with four all bh and above geared out. the fifth i dont like the mechanic of his class and finished him only because of the buff. however i will do guild runs to fill up a role when asked. we take our time, cc and enjoy ourselves. it is the same with ops. i still enjoy listening to the cut scenes even though i have been doing these hms since February. (you do know they are different for each class)


i feel lucky and fortunate to be in a guild of decent people who are also good players. i also feel sorry for anyone now returning to or starting the game now having to put up with all of the skipping and space bar issues. these are not limited to the hms any more and are now trickling down into the fps as well.


how can this game attract new players when they act as such is a issue bioware needs to address and soon.

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Uu some rant you put in there! No I don't have kids but I have a girlfriend and a job if you really are that interested :p I always have atleast 1 hour time when I queue the Group Finder for random HM if I'm queueing alone because I don't want to shout people "skip, spacebar, skip" and I actually like playing the game, killing thrash and using my abilities. Running through to the end boss is for people who have no patience as they are "I want it all and I want it now" people, like Queen sing.


And yes I have a guild. We do HMs together but sometimes I also queue up alone to kill some time. I repeat myself again: I'M OKEY TO SKIP RANDOM THRASH AND USELESS CONVOS but I don't want to skip bosses because they can have something valuable to drop and it's a nice "challenge" to fight against them.


So did you understand now what I was originally meaning and saying? Comprende??



Considering it was a reply to this


Constant whining "spam the spacebar, run through this and that because I have to and clean my room in 20 minutes because my mommy says so".


I comprehend quite fully from the original post. No where in that post did you say anything about being ok with skipping convos and I was replying to the absurd rant that everyone that can't listen to the convos must have mommy screaming at them to clean their room. It was insulting.


You don't believe me check your post yourself.


Yeah as the title says! I'm starting to be absolutely full of those whining people in Group Finder based Hard Modes who keep whining "spam that spacebar", "run through that boss" and who want to skip every single group of normal mobs. Constant whining "spam the spacebar, run through this and that because I have to and clean my room in 20 minutes because my mommy says so". I'm completely okey with skipping some of the useless mobs but skipping all middlebosses only to get the 5 daily BH comms is ridiculous...There are many people around who would find the possible columni drops very useful and could use the tionese crystals so killing normal bosses should be required to complete the HM Flashpoint.


A whole another story are those healers and tanks who just refuse to join into the fight because "they are so busy and do not need the drops". I have seen some of those who just sit outside the fight and tell people that "good luck soloing that boss because I won't come as I don't need the drops". Also those people who start to call other people names when they happen to pull the aggro from a random thrash group because they don't know how hard they will have to hug the wall to be able to skip it. Why are these skippers even playing the game if all they want is to skip everything but the last boss to get daily commendations?

Edited by ZackAlklazaris
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Considering it was a reply to this

*useless rant*



Check this part of my post "I'm completely okey with skipping some of the useless mobs but skipping all middlebosses only to get the 5 daily BH comms is ridiculous..."


I'm very sorry that I did not know I would have had to pinpoint every single little detail what I'm okey to skip and which convos I want to watch and which I don't...I assumed you would have understood that by reading my posts but I guess I was hoping too much...

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This...My main is a healer, no clue how many HMFP I have done...She has been 50 since January and has done HM FP daily since BH Comms have became a reward. Sometimes she does 2 or 3 a day when a guild dps or fresh tank want to do their daily random. Have a dps shadow too. She does not do them as often since she and her companions are geared, but in her time she did her fair share. Three, out of the hundreds of HMFP I have done do I remember people refusing to kill a boss that someone in the group wanted to kill and one of those times we still killed it after the tank refusing quit the group. So 2 out of the hundreds.


I have no clue how many times people didn't want to skip, but just went with the flow. It doesn't matter, had they really wanted to do it, then they should have spoken up.


I don't care either way, I will kill everything (well heal the group while they kill) or I will skip everything possible. However, I prefer skipping, not because of time or because I don't enjoy being social. I would rather skip because of repair bills. Many dps do not know kill order, so while I am getting hammered by strongs and weaks while trying to keep myself and the tank on our feet, they are busy hitting/shooting the elite or champion, you know the same one the tank is tanking... :)


This is my experience as well. The default/expected mode for most players is to skip as much as possible, but I have never been in a group that refused to kill bosses, listen to conversations and even kill trash for the XP if even one person in the group wanted to. A fast run is "normal", but if you ask the group to go on a boss killing spree, you'll almost never be denied, and nobody will hold it against you.

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brb... making thread called "Those irritating whining people who insist on killing every boss and pull in HMs and then complain on the forums when their group kicks them because they have done the content 200 times and just want the comms"


Okay, I'm back. That didn't all fit in the subject line.

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I need to beat this FP as fast as possible so i can do other content..... What content exactly ? If it´s raidnight then you might have a point, but killing a boss is faster than doing a daily quest and most bosses grant a daily mark.

But then you might not need daily marks. Why would you need to rush through a FP then ? When you have you 5 BHcoms then what ? Daily quests ? Surely killing bosses in a FP is as fun as killing whatever it takes to finish your daily.

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to the OP: Just tell them beforehand that you need the gear! Heck I wanted to gear my companion and told my GF group that I would be needing on Sorc drops and they we're fine with it. Killed all the bosses in HM LI too.. Like what another guy has posted here, communication is key. Tell them politely of your needs / experience (need tokens for columi gear / first time playing and havent seen story yet). Your mileage may vary!
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So when you're questing in the world zones do you engage every mob you see? Or do you try and avoid them?


There is a difference between going out of your way to kill things and killing things that are in a specified path. FPs are built to follow one specific path, with a few minor exceptions. There are even roads on your map that show you what the main path and side paths are.


But to answer your question, yes, I tend to walk when I do world quests and yes, I do tend to kill whatever is along the way, within reason. You also apparently chose to ignore my last line: "Plus, you have to plan for stupid. Plan for someone not paying attention running back from a respawn and aggroing that group you skipped. Not you have to wait even longer. Do them, it's faster."


I have had COUNTLESS groups where people facepulled a mob they forgot was there, or a patrol aggroed them, or they didn't remember how we skipped X mob and accidentally pulled them. I do my job the way I'm supposed to: I protect my group.


If you want to speedrun, say so at the start of a dungeon. But don't whine if people bail and you have to sit in queue. Also, as another note, when I do DPS I follow the tank. If they want to speedrun, fine, I speedrun.

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There were quite a few times I played hardmodes in the past when people trying to skip MOBs or knock them off the ledges actually ended up costing us more time and difficulty than if we just cleared everything on our way through the instance. My favorite is stealth classes that skip MOB that are impossible to skip without stealth and then won't help you when you pull aggro. idiots. How hard is it to clear all the MOBs on the path through the FP? It's not.

Seriously, you're going to sit there and wait minutes to sleepdart a trash MOB so people can sneak past when it will literally take you 12 seconds to just clear them all out. I don't get it.


Just kill everything in your way, it's easier.

Edited by MorgonKara
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There is a difference between going out of your way to kill things and killing things that are in a specified path....


...I have had COUNTLESS groups where people facepulled a mob they forgot was there, or a patrol aggroed them, or they didn't remember how we skipped X mob and accidentally pulled them .

^this exactly^


I'm not against skipping MOBs but there is a big difference between pulls that are easily skipped and pulls you have to go out of your way to avoid fighting. If it's on the main path and you can't easily skip it by hugging a wall or jumping over a ledge or something then chances are you're better off just killing them.

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brb... making thread called "Those irritating whining people who insist on killing every boss and pull in HMs and then complain on the forums when their group kicks them because they have done the content 200 times and just want the comms"


Okay, I'm back. That didn't all fit in the subject line.


Such a cool story, bro! Now go smash your spacebar and yell people "skip, skip, run, run". Oh and this may be shocking for you: this game is a roleplaying game, this is not a Mario-game...

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Yeah couldent agree more with OP, skipping everything and bugging the shait out of the instance just to do it fast enough, quite annoying.


If u dont have time for a mmo game, dont play it. Casuals ruin the feeling of mmos, this type of game is supposed to take alot of time, thats the charm of it.

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Really, going complain about people trying to skip parts of a FP they have done MANY times already?

The only fun thing left is shaving off time doing speedruns...


Obviously I don't require people to do this when I'm using the GF with a non full group. But seriously, complain about the people that whine but don't go all high and mighty about how you have to kill everything and it should take a long time cause that's just BS. Ive got better tjhings to do with my time, like writing on this forum ;)

Edited by GrumpySwe
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Really, going complain about people trying to skip parts of a FP they have done MANY times already?

The only fun thing left is shaving off time doing speedruns...


Obviously I don't require people to do this when I'm using the GF with a non full group. But seriously, complain about the people that whine but don't go all high and mighty about how you have to kill everything and it should take a long time cause that's just BS. Ive got better tjhings to do with my time, like writing on this forum ;)


You clearly DID NOT read the post properly, or atleast you did not understand what I was saying. I, and most other people too, am completely okey with skipping random and useless thrash when it can be done safely without the risk of unnecessary wipes etc. Skipping "everything" including the middlebosses during the FP is stupid as those may drop something useful to some people and will drop comms which are useful in time.


I completely agree with the other poster on this page with the point of casuals who just want to skip everything and get all the prizes with minimum to no effort at all. I myself feel very happy when I get the new gear piece for my char after I have done some work to earn it. That's how things work in the real life too, one does have to work for the goods unless one happens to be lucky enough to win in a lottery.

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You clearly DID NOT read the post properly, or atleast you did not understand what I was saying. I, and most other people too, am completely okey with skipping random and useless thrash when it can be done safely without the risk of unnecessary wipes etc. Skipping "everything" including the middlebosses during the FP is stupid as those may drop something useful to some people and will drop comms which are useful in time.


I completely agree with the other poster on this page with the point of casuals who just want to skip everything and get all the prizes with minimum to no effort at all. I myself feel very happy when I get the new gear piece for my char after I have done some work to earn it. That's how things work in the real life too, one does have to work for the goods unless one happens to be lucky enough to win in a lottery.

Nope, didnt miss the point at all :)

Middlebosses are useless and the ONLY reason I do the HM FP are because speedruns are fun sometimes and that you get black hole commendations.


My point is this: fine complain about the muppets that leave or abuse people that don't want to do speedruns but don't claim that its the way its supposed to be played, Bioware could easily have changed the FP:s so that you cant bypass mid bosses or trash but they havent.

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Considering that people get a set of tionese gear at lv.50, and only the last boss of HM FPs drops any columi pieces worth anything, it makes total sense to skip as much as possible (unless its someone's first time across all their characters).
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Considering that people get a set of tionese gear at lv.50, and only the last boss of HM FPs drops any columi pieces worth anything, it makes total sense to skip as much as possible (unless its someone's first time across all their characters).


You are wrong there. Middlebosses can drop columni earpieces, implants and exotech armorpieces which are just like columnipieces without the set bonus. That is why doing the middlebosses is important when there are people in the group that aren't full columni yet.

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You know, everything is fine. Skipping middle bosses, skipping trash, blasting through the instance in minutes as long as you, the group leader, make it clear that this will be done. Using the group finder is a form of pugging, so you do have to make these things clear. I nearly quit a HM FP yesterday, because no one talked, not even a 'hi', and everyone just blasted off hugging walls, trailing mobs and other pro moves. Tell me. Communicate. I'll be fine with whatever. Really. And if I'm not, I'll just quit and you're welcome to find a replacement.


As a side note, if you do feel a need to do all this to finish the FP asap, you seriously need a new hobby, because this is clearly boring and tiresome for you. This is supposed to be endgame and you're treating it like a chore... What sad little drone are you? Quit already and let others enjoy the game. Or, dunno, run these things with your guild.

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What's most interesting to me about this debate is the perspective it gives now that the game is one year old.


When the game was released, it was touted as the "story based MMO." As opposed to other games, particularly WoW, this was a game about community and narrative and not just comms and purple gear.


Doing my weekly HMs, though, I can hardly tell the difference. Few groups contain even a single player that wants to listen to and role play the dialogue or not skip bosses. If there is such a player, his suggestion is met with incredulity ("what, we're doing the bonus!?!") or sometimes outright hostility. I've probably seen players type the word "spacebar" ten times more than I've heard commentary on the setting and story we're supposedly immersed in.


I don't believe we can really blame Bioware. After all, they spent a Hutt load of money hiring voice actors so we wouldn't have to read anything. Apparently we as a community are a lot more Barrens chat than we would like to believe :(

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What's most interesting to me about this debate is the perspective it gives now that the game is one year old.


When the game was released, it was touted as the "story based MMO." As opposed to other games, particularly WoW, this was a game about community and narrative and not just comms and purple gear.


Doing my weekly HMs, though, I can hardly tell the difference. Few groups contain even a single player that wants to listen to and role play the dialogue or not skip bosses. If there is such a player, his suggestion is met with incredulity ("what, we're doing the bonus!?!") or sometimes outright hostility. I've probably seen players type the word "spacebar" ten times more than I've heard commentary on the setting and story we're supposedly immersed in.


I don't believe we can really blame Bioware. After all, they spent a Hutt load of money hiring voice actors so we wouldn't have to read anything. Apparently we as a community are a lot more Barrens chat than we would like to believe :(


Agreed. And, as above, the experience isn't better on designated RP servers either. The reason why I even got into MMOs is the human element that has a potential to elevate the game to a higher level of interactivity. What's an MMO without any sort of interaction?

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