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Patch 1.6 and the frustrated PVPer


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Lol.. that is pretty much every mmo with a tier system for gear. New patch comes out, that means mean tier of gear. The new tier becomes the old tier. And, if you are really that impressed with the fact that you grinded full BM set.. when that really does not even take long then Idk what to tell you.. Either suck it up or leave I guess. This type of thing happens to many players in many games and its just something you need to deal with. Be happy you are still not in Recruit gear.. at least you can accomplish some nice numbers with BM gear.


I think he is saying in long term....He's ****in two tiers down after grinding a full set lol. I feel for you bud. That is why this is my last mmo. That is the way they do it and I still don't like it one bit. If it wasn't star wars I'd be gone already. Especially the first day I found out that there was no combat log...I still can't grasp how a mmo comes out without one...goes through beta and all with NO COMBAT LOG. **** lol We look like morons asking for cross sever Queues from a company who can't even implement a combat log lmao

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;) this man speaks truth


He only speaks his opinion. Your telling me if you get a job and work for ten years then finally get a raise for say $2...then they hire a new guy that same day and he starts at same wage as you? Lol Same sh_t....You will cry to your boss and if you say that you won't, then you're full of crap. ...well our OP is just crying to his boss....let him do so.

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He only speaks his opinion. Your telling me if you get a job and work for ten years then finally get a raise for say $2...then they hire a new guy that same day and he starts at same wage as you? Lol Same sh_t....You will cry to your boss and if you say that you won't, then you're full of crap. ...well our OP is just crying to his boss....let him do so.


yeah i know....i just got my full war hero too .....sht happens.... ITS A GAME and if my boss did that to me i wouldnt cry about it i would quit.

If the attainment of higher gear then others, outways the enjoyment of the pursuit of said gear, time to give it up and find something else that you enjoy.

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IMO they are doing it wrong with this patch and every patch since launch. You don't reset the curve, you continue the curve on it's ever-flattening trajectory. You take the most OP'd class and ding it ever so slightly. You take the most pathetic class and give it a little something.


HOWEVER, I keep playing. But really, it's only because I really like my guild. Without them I'd have been ghandi after 1.2 lol.

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Try to imagine what the guys who farmed the gear from release felt when they started with Centurion gear, then champion, then random bag shi* and single BM pieces in it, when peeps opened 40 bags and got only BM bracers (a guy from my guild). :) And then all of a sudden they started selling BM gear for commendations. Then WH gear appeared requiring a MONTH of farm to get the whole set. THAT is unfair bro. So, don't worry. It's just BW style of making people happy about the gameplay.


I'm glad the difference b/w wh and ewh isn't so great. Not gonna farm it anymore. I dont' like GW2 but i like the way they made the competition. The gear means nothing. ALl you can change is the appearance only. Weak motivation but it's better than endless farm and gear gaps between fresh meat and profs.

Edited by dejavy
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Try to imagine what the guys who farmed the gear from release felt when they started with Centurion gear, then champion, then random bag shi* and single BM pieces in it, when peeps opened 40 bags and got only BM bracers (a guy from my guild). :) And then all of a sudden they started selling BM gear for commendations. Then WH gear appeared requiring a MONTH of farm to get the whole set. THAT is unfair bro. So, don't worry. It's just BW style of making people happy about the gameplay.


I'm glad the difference b/w wh and ewh isn't so great. Not gonna farm it anymore. I dont' like GW2 but i like the way they made the competition. The gear means nothing. ALl you can change is the appearance only. Weak motivation but it's better than endless farm and gear gaps between fresh meat and profs.


I think he said it best. Some on the other side of the argument keep saying to suck it up, its the nature of the beast etc... But it doesn't have to be this way. There are other games that dont do this. This is finally deal breaking for me. I've enjoyed my time up till recently and I think it might be time for me to move on.

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I'm not happy at all with war hero being made to cost the same as battlemaster.


I originally thought bioware had a great idea that endgame content could be achieved and you could be the most powerful character PvP wise if you just put the time in.


LOL! "Most powerful". Work on your skill, not your gear. Good players don't need gear advantages.

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I felt the same but I'm over it now. It was grief the last round going through the champion armor to get the BM, then have war hero dropped on you. Took me months to solo queue my way into full war hero now I could do it in a few weeks. So it does make you feel like what you played hard on has become worth a whole lot less. But then, I can't say I didn't have fun through a lot of it, and the good feeling of finally getting a full set of war hero was good at least for a while. I'm on to solo queuing into the few worthwhile pieces of Elite that are there, most of it is not an upgrade from regular warhero as far as I can tell. I still plan to queue and laugh when crazy crap happens in wz. Edited by Ybini
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Try to imagine what the guys who farmed the gear from release felt when they started with Centurion gear, then champion, then random bag shi* and single BM pieces in it, when peeps opened 40 bags and got only BM bracers (a guy from my guild). :) And then all of a sudden they started selling BM gear for commendations. Then WH gear appeared requiring a MONTH of farm to get the whole set. THAT is unfair bro. So, don't worry. It's just BW style of making people happy about the gameplay.


I'm glad the difference b/w wh and ewh isn't so great. Not gonna farm it anymore. I dont' like GW2 but i like the way they made the competition. The gear means nothing. ALl you can change is the appearance only. Weak motivation but it's better than endless farm and gear gaps between fresh meat and profs.


^ As one of those guys I'm glad to see the 1.6 changes.

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I noticed a few of the previously fully min maxed teams out enjoying their last games of overpoweredness. My 3 day old 50 sin already has 1300 expertise. In a week I'll be competing with the "greats"


That said, lowering the gap is a temporary thing. Anyone with any logic knows this is to appeal to the f2p'rs to pick up subs. They'll widen the gap in the future when they want to appeal to the power gamers if they determine they have any left at the time. This change will bleed elitist subs but they're the minority.

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FYI, there was a change that is not widely talked about. You can convert ranked comms to regular 1:1. Some may disagree but I think your game play experience would be better getting fully decked out in regular war hero gear, than using these ranked comms for the non-turn in elite WH stuff. Just my opinion.
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LOL! "Most powerful". Work on your skill, not your gear. Good players don't need gear advantages.


You misinterpreted me. I meant most powerful in terms of gear. As in you could achieve the best items in the game for fighting other players. That's what I care about. After all fighting a computer is not nearly as fun. I thought it was a good thing compared to the days back in EverQuest where you needed 40 people to get a possible drop for one person. That was lame. Sure skill matterrs but jyou make assumptions about me. As far as the class and role I chose to play there's not much more to get better at 1v1. With someone playing a similar role and similar gear its going to be a close call if he's good. Now all classes and roles are deifinitely not equal. Some have a distinct advantage over others. It's also fun to be able to take multiple targets in warzones as well as open world. If you're doing that to simarly geared groups, don't kid yourself that its skill. Your one of the spec'd classes with an advantage. I got my *** rolled when I was a new 50 and I understood it was going to happen and was okay with it. I hadn't been playing that long.


I could still learn more about teamwork, other classes etc. but I'm not looking forward to every fight being a tough one. Especially the new guys. Where is the sense of accomplishment and advancement if everyone is the same? Think about your favorite game. What if every encounter in it was a boss fight? That would get old fast. No you start out the underdog, gear up polish your technique and eventually youre a top contender. Then every so often as your dishing out the pain another ****** steps into the picture to challenge. Basically what swtor is doing now is a little like the elderscrolls and leveling all content up with you instead of making difficult areas and easier ones. Instead of auto leveling the npcs they are auto leveling the players. I'd rather not have the gear to begin with if the gear curve is going to be constantly reset. I'm on a phone so I can't edit my paragraphs easily. It's buggy.

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After finally achieving lvl 50 on my Trooper and after having suffered through the initial gear imbalance of a fresh 50 PVPer and working my way through full battlemaster gear and finally having enough rank warzones to purchase my first piece of war hero gear. The 1.6 patch made all that effort null and void. I feel like all that time and effort was wasted. Its a complete let down. I am sure there are other players under similar circumstances.


I started PvPing about a month ago, so yeah, I *could* be in the same position as you. Except I paid attention to what was going on, and stopped spending my WZ/RWZ comms two weeks ago on BM gear that was going to be obsolete. I stacked enough comms so that yesterday I picked up my WH MH and OH, and EWH relics.


I don't see how you could *not* know 1.6 was coming soon if you were paying any attention at all, so if you spent your comms on soon-to-be-obsolete gear, that is your fault.

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I think what a lot of people are misunderstanding is the stat change. It took me a lot of time to get my wh, and then min max it just like anyone else. Was I surprised when it became so easy to obtain, not even in the slightest. This is how practically any other current MMO on the market works. This is how a game keeps it's player base interested in the grind. However, making the following tier almost identical stat wise is the real let down. I've never seen an MMO do this, just doesn't make much sense.


Most of the people who are directing comments towards those disappointed, don't seem to understand MMO basics. The continuous replies saying "gear shouldn't matter, only pure skill", is interesting. Obviously skill plays a role, but "gear gap" has always been one of the main factors of an MMO. It is something that separates an MMO RPG from other games. The opportunity to acquire superior gear over a period of time has always been a satisfying element. Now this game doesn't even have that.

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I think what a lot of people are misunderstanding is the stat change. It took me a lot of time to get my wh, and then min max it just like anyone else. Was I surprised when it became so easy to obtain, not even in the slightest. This is how practically any other current MMO on the market works. This is how a game keeps it's player base interested in the grind. However, making the following tier almost identical stat wise is the real let down. I've never seen an MMO do this, just doesn't make much sense.


Most of the people who are directing comments towards those disappointed, don't seem to understand MMO basics. The continuous replies saying "gear shouldn't matter, only pure skill", is interesting. Obviously skill plays a role, but "gear gap" has always been one of the main factors of an MMO. It is something that separates an MMO RPG from other games. The opportunity to acquire superior gear over a period of time has always been a satisfying element. Now this game doesn't even have that.


ok. how fun would end game PVE content be if the devs kept adding new more powerful tiers of gear without making mobs and bosses more powerful for new content. imagine having new hard modes or even nightmare modes were all the mobs and bosses are still tunned for tier 1 pve gear. would be boring and no challenge at all.


well, that is what PVP is like when you have large gaps in gear.

Edited by MiaRB
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ok. how fun would end game PVE content be if the devs kept adding new more powerful tiers of gear without making mobs and bosses more powerful for new content. imagine having new hard modes or even nightmare modes were all the mobs and bosses are still tunned for tier 1 pve gear. would be boring and no challenge at all.


well, that is what PVP is like when you have large gaps in gear.


Not quite sure I understand what you are implying, my apologies. As pvp gear gets better stat wise, so does the player's health bar. Again, not sure what pve has to do with my post, but trying to understand yours.

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Lol @ the people who are whining that eventually gear becomes obselete


This game will become obselete. Your "accomplishment" of full hazmat or ewh or whatever will mean absolutely NOTHING. If you play the game for the gear, ur doign it rong, and you're suffering of the fallacy of the converse.


You play to get gear to play, not just to get gear, because gear becomes obselete. Back before 1.6, war hero was the ****. Now it's not. Suck it up. Next time, know when the patch notes come out. Honestly, battlemaster gear only takes a few weeks to grind up. Do you want a week or a month? Maybe it's just the way we perceive the grind.

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Yeah, because the gear should determine how good of a PVP'er you are, not your skill. :rolleyes:


So true. Did you all forget that you are PLAYING A VIDEO GAME? The "grinding" is also called, Warzone PvP, which is what you are paying a subscription fee to do.


Lol, seriously, how are some people complaining about playing a video game.

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After finally achieving lvl 50 on my Trooper and after having suffered through the initial gear imbalance of a fresh 50 PVPer and working my way through full battlemaster gear and finally having enough rank warzones to purchase my first piece of war hero gear. The 1.6 patch made all that effort null and void. I feel like all that time and effort was wasted. Its a complete let down. I am sure there are other players under similar circumstances.


We should get an opportunity to get our ranked warzone commendations back or SWTOR should allow battle master gear to be exchanged at a reduced cost or even traded in. This is completely frustrating and unfair.


What say the community? What say you Dev's? Do you think its fair?


I'm with you. Extremely unfair. Had I known this I could have practically a full War Hero suit if I'd saved my coms. I spent all my coms last weekend buying dual WH light sabers.


It's like WoW season changes all over again.


PvP is causing me so much rage right now I'm about to give up on it entirely. But I built this char RP-wise solely to PvP and it's my only empire character. I might just get rid of my Empire stuff entirely.


Why do something like this? Why? It causes an even bigger gap.


This is so incredibly frustrating. We already have to deal with a fresh wave of pvp new players, some kind of crazy nerf I don't understand, and a complete obsoletion of an entire tier of gear.


I'm just spinning right now. Why even bother? Why even bother pvping now. ..............


I effectively paid 12,000 coms for now 3000 coms worth of gear. I'm sure there are others with full suits who feel even stronger about this. What a huge slap in the face. This's completely backwards from what I expected. How about a reprieve or something. I'm so confused.


Someone please tell me some reason why anyone should continue pvp'ing now because I'm very confused. I understood there was a tiered system prior to 1.6. There isn't one now. I don't see the point of continuing.

Edited by siegeshot
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After finally achieving lvl 50 on my Trooper and after having suffered through the initial gear imbalance of a fresh 50 PVPer and working my way through full battlemaster gear and finally having enough rank warzones to purchase my first piece of war hero gear. The 1.6 patch made all that effort null and void. I feel like all that time and effort was wasted. Its a complete let down. I am sure there are other players under similar circumstances.


We should get an opportunity to get our ranked warzone commendations back or SWTOR should allow battle master gear to be exchanged at a reduced cost or even traded in. This is completely frustrating and unfair.


What say the community? What say you Dev's? Do you think its fair?


Well now you know to check the forums for news and updates.

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