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Concerned with the future of cartel market, official statemant requested


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1.6 brings a new tier of ship gear, that you can purchase with real money.

I, and many others, believe that this is wrong, and has sings of pay to win in it.

While it doesn't give you advantage over other players directly, the new space missions reward endgame tier commendations, which over time, speed up the process of acquiring endgame gear (to either use or reverse engineer for crafting materials).


Sure, you can say that "you can get the gear with fleet comms if you don't want to pay for it", but what if in 1.7 (or another update) they will do the same with a new tier of pvp or pve gear?


This is simply not fair, seeing as the ammount of commendations required for the new ship gear is quite high and there are no missions for "grade 6" (previous purple craftable gear), inteded for transition to the new gear, which makes it even less enjoyable to acquire.


Seeing how many people are concerned by this, I would like to request an official statement on reasoning behind putting the gear on cartel market, as well as plans of doing it with pvp/pve gear in the future.

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1.6 brings a new tier of ship gear, that you can purchase with real money.

I, and many others, believe that this is wrong, and has sings of pay to win in it.

While it doesn't give you advantage over other players directly, the new space missions reward endgame tier commendations, which over time, speed up the process of acquiring endgame gear (to either use or reverse engineer for crafting materials).


Sure, you can say that "you can get the gear with fleet comms if you don't want to pay for it", but what if in 1.7 (or another update) they will do the same with a new tier of pvp or pve gear?


This is simply not fair, seeing as the ammount of commendations required for the new ship gear is quite high and there are no missions for "grade 6" (previous purple craftable gear), inteded for transition to the new gear, which makes it even less enjoyable to acquire.


Seeing how many people are concerned by this, I would like to request an official statement on reasoning behind putting the gear on cartel market, as well as plans of doing it with pvp/pve gear in the future.


I second this, and my subscription (as well as my Cartel purchases) hangs in the balance here Bioware. I'm all for snazzy little cosmetic items like a new saber crystal or a reskinned armor. But when you start screwing over your own in-game economy...well... I kinda find that hilarious actually. :3

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Space Missions are single player. There's no reason to complain about Pay 2 Win when it doesn't effect you personally, unless you get REALLY chaffed watching people strut around in Pilot Gear.


You should have read beyond the second sentence. I think the OP means, while this wont give you an advantage against players, it's still paying to advance in content, or be forced to grind. If EAWare sees that peple are willing to spend cash on ship upgrades compared to playing boring space missions on rails (which they will), this will eventually lead to more greed, and soon P2W for the actual PvE/PvP side.


Which I happen to agree with, but ofcourse EAWare will eventually take the P2W route anyways, as they have done with most of their Play4Free titles. +41 stat crystals were testing the water. Now we're going to push it a little bit further. Soon, it will be gear sets or armor mods.

Edited by Katsuragisama
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OP, they aren't going to tell you that they intend to embrace Pay to Win. Even if that's the eventual goal. It's really simple. If the Cartel Market makes the game no longer fun for you, then you are right to vote with your dollar and leave. What the developers say is irrelevant. If they say we don't intend to go Pay to Win, then folks will either not believe it or act all huffy when they do.


Assume that in a year we will be full on Pay to Win. Whatever Pay to Win means to you.

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You should have read beyond the second sentence. I think the OP means, while this wont give you an advantage against players, it's still paying to advance in content, or be forced to grind. If EAWare sees that peple are willing to spend cash on ship upgrades compared to playing boring space missions on rails (which they will), this will eventually lead to more greed, and soon P2W for the actual PvE/PvP side.


Which I happen to agree with, but ofcourse EAWare will eventually take the P2W route anyways, as they have done with most of their Play4Free titles. +41 stat crystals were testing the water. Now we're going to push it a little bit further. Soon, it will be gear sets or armor mods.


There's already Armor sets, so you're already halfway there.

I find it's more a matter of willpower. Sure...I can buy myself that advantage...But then logic strikes me, that I'd be spending money I can use elsewhere on...well, +41 to a stat. It doesn't make sense to me, an I'm hardly enticed by it.

If I buy anything from the Cartel Market, it's because it looks cool. Like the Life Day Orb I bought this morning. Or the Frozen in Carbonite emote thingy. That's cool, and well worth the cost, in my opinion. And I never buy extra coins, I only rely on my monthly stipend I get from supporting that game.


But I guess I can see how it might be an issue for others. I just find it a simple matter of common sense and willpower to not buy the so called P2W items.


Consider that one of the several benefits to being a "Casual", I guess.

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1.6 brings a new tier of ship gear, that you can purchase with real money.

I, and many others, believe that this is wrong, and has sings of pay to win in it.

While it doesn't give you advantage over other players directly, the new space missions reward endgame tier commendations, which over time, speed up the process of acquiring endgame gear (to either use or reverse engineer for crafting materials).


Sure, you can say that "you can get the gear with fleet comms if you don't want to pay for it", but what if in 1.7 (or another update) they will do the same with a new tier of pvp or pve gear?


This is simply not fair, seeing as the ammount of commendations required for the new ship gear is quite high and there are no missions for "grade 6" (previous purple craftable gear), inteded for transition to the new gear, which makes it even less enjoyable to acquire.


Seeing how many people are concerned by this, I would like to request an official statement on reasoning behind putting the gear on cartel market, as well as plans of doing it with pvp/pve gear in the future.


The missions are hard, but I've got enough fleet commendations saved up to buy some tier 7 gear, next post please.

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