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1.6 Cartel Market has gone a little too far...


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It is hard to disagree with any of this, it's a poor, poor show from Bioware EA. :(


(the irony being that 1.6 is quite good if you can ignore these issues - but it's impossible to do so)


I agree with you.


I feel like the updates would be a lot different right now if it weren't for EA's greed. We'd still have the original development team around for one thing.

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OK, here we go.

1.) As subscribers we get free cartell coins to WASTE. We don't need them for any game purpouse. So when it didn't cost you any real money why are you complaining?

2.) All things end up on the GTN, just buy what you want . OP you can't convince me that you are not sitting on a plump pile of credits just like every other lvl50. We all did dailies into the ground , so we all should have the cash for the inflated second hand prices.

3.) To the crafters - I have no sympathy for you. They have RE'd every usefull item to hock on the market, how many credits did you make this week selling BiS mods? Is it fair to make you the sole maker of saber crystals? No.

4.) Am I hearing this right?????? YOU don't like the games new sense of fairness and gear entitlements!!! Heaven forbid that after the gaming community screamed at the Devs to make noob 50 pvp fairer than gankfest, and they listened. To give new 50's a starter set of gear......Wait! You guys don't like it?!? Is it because the crafters don't get to farm for credits off of noobs?

So after the Devs try and bring a better gear balance and game balance by letting it not be the haves vs the have nots. You guys are mad? The F2P players don't have the resourses a subscriber gets. The cartell coin stuff is almost useless to a raider. Or is this thread about being a elitist and the F2P are second class? So every one spends cartell coins on packs to buy vanity items and gear useless to a subscriber- so what. Remeber as a subscriber you didn't have to pay any RL money to get them.

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OK, here we go.

1.) As subscribers we get free cartell coins to WASTE. We don't need them for any game purpouse. So when it didn't cost you any real money why are you complaining?

2.) All things end up on the GTN, just buy what you want . OP you can't convince me that you are not sitting on a plump pile of credits just like every other lvl50. We all did dailies into the ground , so we all should have the cash for the inflated second hand prices.

3.) To the crafters - I have no sympathy for you. They have RE'd every usefull item to hock on the market, how many credits did you make this week selling BiS mods? Is it fair to make you the sole maker of saber crystals? No.

4.) Am I hearing this right?????? YOU don't like the games new sense of fairness and gear entitlements!!! Heaven forbid that after the gaming community screamed at the Devs to make noob 50 pvp fairer than gankfest, and they listened. To give new 50's a starter set of gear......Wait! You guys don't like it?!? Is it because the crafters don't get to farm for credits off of noobs?

So after the Devs try and bring a better gear balance and game balance by letting it not be the haves vs the have nots. You guys are mad? The F2P players don't have the resourses a subscriber gets. The cartell coin stuff is almost useless to a raider. Or is this thread about being a elitist and the F2P are second class? So every one spends cartell coins on packs to buy vanity items and gear useless to a subscriber- so what. Remeber as a subscriber you didn't have to pay any RL money to get them.





Seriously couldnt say it any better, people need to play and enjoy it or quit and forget it

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I have two cartel crystals in my lightsabers that are only available through the cartel market, giving me stats I'm not even supposed to have at much lower levels than I'd be able to have them at with any craft in the game.


If that's not pay to win, then I'll shave a wookie


This. +41 stat crystals on a lvl 10 character is ONLY available via cartel market.


ps. I know full well what EA does best. But as long as I'm getting what I want, Im not opposed dishing out few extra bucks. When I stop getting what I want, I will stop paying.


pps. Would even the staunchest naysayers admit its pay-to-win when a +41 expertise crystal thats allowed for lvl 10 shows up in cartel market?

Edited by Karkais
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This. +41 stat crystals on a lvl 10 character is ONLY available via cartel market.


Not only a virtual exaggeration.....it's not even correct. It's a random drop off of the cartel packs, and freely tradeable in game. Also readily available on the GTN.... pages and pages of them, for reasonable prices too. ;)


And, it's been hashed to death already before F2P even went live... a single crystal is not over-powering or pay-2-win... no matter how much you pretend that it is.

Edited by Andryah
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I mean you still have to play the game, Its not game breaking to be honest


Of course that it isn't, but resident drama queens and more than a handful of trolls who are generally very negative about everything regarding this game on these boards, would beg to differ.

Edited by Vlacke
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resident drama queens and more than a handful of trolls who are generally very negative about everything regarding this game on these boards, would beg to differ.


kind of like catnip for cats...getting all wound up over a scent..... to use a metaphor. :p

Edited by Andryah
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EA/BW big failing to its subscribers is placing items in the Cartel Market that should be obtainable in game. The Cartel Market should be focused on the F2P players, giving them the "al la carte" stuff they don't want to pay 15 bucks a month for.


As a subscriber, I should not have to plop down cash to enjoy new item rewards or those item costs should be steeply discounted so that I can purchase them with my monthly freebie CC's. As it is, the only way for a subscriber to get these new items is by ponying up cash for extra coins.


Let's not forget that crafters are getting royally screwed since all the new items coming out are Market items instead of craftables.


It is easy to see the road that is being paved towards a P2W game. Which is sad because I'll be one of the first out the door the moment that happens. Were it not for good guild friends I enjoy gaming with, I'd be out the door already.

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I wont waste my hard earned money (real life) on the CM. I just wait for all the idiots to get the item on GTN and ill buy it with credits i earn from crafting. I paid 1.5mil for the Throne and 500k for the mast. nothing else i need ATM. if ppl are wasting real money for vanity items, thats just lame.
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Actually no game thats gone f2p or has a cash shop feels as cheap or as much of a blatent cash grab as SWTOR now does it wouldnt be so bad if you could vendor the 80% garbage that you get in the cartel packs but you cant so its just outright insulting.


Never played STO F2P huh?

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I agree. Why am I paying a subscription when I still have to buy stuff on the market?


They said before F2P that subscribers would have access to everything. That's why people stuck around...


You don't have to buy them from the market. You can buy them in-game with credits. I don't see what all the whining is about.

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You don't have to buy them from the market. You can buy them in-game with credits. I don't see what all the whining is about.


Its the principle, they tested the waters with gear that had mods in it; it sold. The cartel packs have crystals with +41 stats in it; it sold. Now they are testing the market with the ship parts, if it too sells mark my words it just a matter of time till purple gear shows up. People will eventually be able to pay-2-win gear, im calling it now. Its not about the availablity or the cost. Its the principle of the thing.

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Not only a virtual exaggeration.....it's not even correct. It's a random drop off of the cartel packs, and freely tradeable in game. Also readily available on the GTN.... pages and pages of them, for reasonable prices too. ;)


And, it's been hashed to death already before F2P even went live... a single crystal is not over-powering or pay-2-win... no matter how much you pretend that it is.


Yeah, cause 82 expertise is just no good sub50 :rolleyes:


Who uses just 1 crystal? Or did you forget the offhands are now able to be modded? Yeah 2 crystals 82 expertise in sub50 PvP is lol. You should try it sometime, I think maybe even YOU could find something to complain about after facerolling the opposition ( assuming you aren't a clicking keyboard turner :p )

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Yeah, cause 82 expertise is just no good sub50 :rolleyes:


Who uses just 1 crystal? Or did you forget the offhands are now able to be modded? Yeah 2 crystals 82 expertise in sub50 PvP is lol. You should try it sometime, I think maybe even YOU could find something to complain about after facerolling the opposition ( assuming you aren't a clicking keyboard turner :p )


5k Surgeon medal on a sage @ level 16 is not overpowered you hush your pie hole! Leave the +41 expertise crystals alone!

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Its the principle, they tested the waters with gear that had mods in it; it sold. The cartel packs have crystals with +41 stats in it; it sold. Now they are testing the market with the ship parts, if it too sells mark my words it just a matter of time till purple gear shows up. People will eventually be able to pay-2-win gear, im calling it now. Its not about the availablity or the cost. Its the principle of the thing.


Ya, and you'll probably be able to buy that for in-game currency as well. Again, why all the whining?

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Ya, and you'll probably be able to buy that for in-game currency as well. Again, why all the whining?


Because not everyone has to agree? Just because YOU think something is okay, means everyone should just bend over, assume the possition and deal with it? No thanks, I'd much rather speak my mind. I will however laugh in your face when they do finally do something that YOU don't like and you start voicing your opinion, I'll ask you "why you whining" and "what's the big deal"? It'll be fun!

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Well if you look at it, in truth they have actually captured the way this holiday season now is. Complete commercial capitalism. It all about the buck now at this time of year. Its why I hate this time of year.


As opposed to the rest of the year, when game designers work ridiculously long hours to make games for free. :rolleyes:


Can we just go ahead and change "General Discussion" to "Entitled Rantings"? I'm quickly remembering why I spend almost zero time in the SWTOR forums....

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Because not everyone has to agree? Just because YOU think something is okay, means everyone should just bend over, assume the possition and deal with it? No thanks, I'd much rather speak my mind. I will however laugh in your face when they do finally do something that YOU don't like and you start voicing your opinion, I'll ask you "why you whining" and "what's the big deal"? It'll be fun!


I've come to the point that I don't really care that much what they do. I just play the game. If I don't like something I stop doing it. Not that difficult of a concept.

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As opposed to the rest of the year, when game designers work ridiculously long hours to make games for free. :rolleyes:


Can we just go ahead and change "General Discussion" to "Entitled Rantings"? I'm quickly remembering why I spend almost zero time in the SWTOR forums....


And yet, here you are complaining about people complaining. :rolleyes:

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