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1.6 Cartel Market has gone a little too far...


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And now you do, I try to learn something new everyday myself too. :)


Yeh.... I learned today that apparently some people here are indeed playing against their MPD counterparts and don't like winning against themselves....


Meanwhile in land of sanity, I couldn't be bothered less about that. Never cared how people play singleplayer aspects, never cared if people used cheat codes in games or whatmore, never bothered about the use of trainers, never bothered about people buying game guides, never cared about people using experience boosts, etc.


I don't consider there being any winning in that. It's simply playing for your own fun. Something you do by yourself, alone.


Just as like how you don't win by doing a 5 mile run through the park with only parameter to go by being whether you finish it or not.

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I'm sad that I can't get Revan's gear, cool lightsaber hilts, new color crystals, new pets, new weapons, new gear sets, etc. by PLAYING swtor (flashpoints, ops, quests, pvp, anything...). Instead I can buy packs or buy from the GTN. How's that remotely fun?


A lot of the Market stuff could have been such cool content drops. :( :( :(

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the spaceship parts I can see people being concerned about, although as far as I know there are only 2 components that are craftable. Everything else is purchase only. Perhaps you can reverse engineer those items to learn the schematics? What I do know is this; ALL OF THE LIFE DAY ITEMS ARE COSMETIC. That means they're not "pay to win" they aren't game-breaking and you don't need them. If you CHOOSE to purchase them you can, but they absolutely fit the description of what Bioware said would be in the cartel shop. Cosmetic vanity items that don't affect the game in any way.
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Yeah I agree with everything you said. Making Festive items cost cartel coins is a slap in the face for those of us who have subscribed since release. Even on games such as wow (on the trial, I know that there's no real free to play option) you can get event items for free just by signing in or by doing a quest. I think that making them a cartel market item shows where the game's at now. Get used to it guys, since from now on all of the event or festive items are going to be put on one place: the market. Other than that I don't mind the new pack, and I agree with what you said about it.
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IMO the packs are fine, I actually enjoy the crates from TF2 and these are pretty much the same thing.


Buut, to put a Revan outfit inside the pack is actually insane. To get this armour should either be a massive Operation drop or a long quest line. Not some random pieces of gear you get in a pack.


Also as people have said holidays items only available using the in game shop is a *********** disgrace. Look at GW2 haloween special you could buy certain outfits in the in game shop but it was possible to get some nice loot without using real money.



P.S I resubscribed to this game not too long ago and this is very worrying. I can only get these items if I pay, which is wrong.

Edited by DigitalShield
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Compared to the other F2P I am subscribed to, Champions Online, there is no comparison. In CO, almost everything except cosmetic items is free to subscribers. The prices on cosmetic items are also far lower. As a subscriber, I've bought a majority of the "fluff" stuff and never paid a cent above the subscription fee. I also have thousands of whatever they call their Cartel Coins sitting unspent.


The model employed here is at best taking subcribers for granted, and at worst, treating them like second class citizens.


DCUO, where I have been a subscriber since launch (except for 3 months where I gave being Premium a solid try) is also a good example of how to do F2P to get the money from the non-subscribers, but absolutely not dick over your subscriber base.


And that is a SOE game, no less.

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the spaceship parts I can see people being concerned about, although as far as I know there are only 2 components that are craftable. Everything else is purchase only. Perhaps you can reverse engineer those items to learn the schematics? What I do know is this; ALL OF THE LIFE DAY ITEMS ARE COSMETIC. That means they're not "pay to win" they aren't game-breaking and you don't need them. If you CHOOSE to purchase them you can, but they absolutely fit the description of what Bioware said would be in the cartel shop. Cosmetic vanity items that don't affect the game in any way.


I doubt they will let us RE those items they want you to either grind for weeks or pay to get ahead instantly. That's how BioFAIL rolls.

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Bioware just game me a Christmas idea.


I have already picked and wrapped my children's presents. I was going to give them for free. Just for being family and always supporting me.


Now ill just put price tags on everything .. They can work up the money to pay for the things they actually want.


Thanks for the idea!

Signed.. The Grinch

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I agree. Why am I paying a subscription when I still have to buy stuff on the market?


They said before F2P that subscribers would have access to everything. That's why people stuck around...


I agree 100% ! I think subscribers should get at least a 85% discount on all stuff sold on the cartel market! The stuff on the cartel market is over priced for people who pay a monthly fee!

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Been reading through my thread and I just wanted to address the idiots who would assume that I feel entitled:


Hell yes, I do feel entitled!


I'm a subscriber. I'm the customer Bioware is supposed to care a great deal for because I'm going to give them my money each month, guaranteed. I expect them to make good on making my subscription worthwhile, by providing new content for me to consume every release.


Let's examine if they've made good on that promise since 1.4.


Terror From Beyond (Operation)

Nightmare Explosive Conflict

New mount in NM EC


Ancient Hypergate

New space missions


Not too bad. However, where is the gear/rewards for this content? All in the Cartel Market.


Elite War Hero gear is War Hero with a different color set.

Dread Guard gear is Campaign gear with a different color set.

No new lightsaber crystals added to in-game content since Magenta +41 schematics, Black-Orange, and Black-Purple (1.2!!!)

No new weapon schematics or model changes since 1.2.

No new armor schematics since 1.2 (excludes War Hero schematics, Elite War Hero schematics).


And I can keep going on and on. Quite frankly, their art and modeling teams were working behind the scenes for a long time making these cool items we're seeing released in the Cartel Market. It is evident by the extremely lazy effort in re-hashing the War Hero and Campaign gear sets for the new tiers. Before that, there wasn't much difference between Columi and Rakata, either.


So instead of making cool, rewarding armor and weapon sets for end-game content, you know, to keep the hamster wheel going, they throw them in a cash shop. What's the point of doing the content repeatedly then? I feel most would agree that the current end-game armor sets in this game are just pathetic in appearance. I rarely see people wearing them in-game.


So in a nutshell, that's what I'm upset about. I don't mind the cash shop, really. I'm glad it's there. However, you can't focus all your energy on making cool items just for that shop. You need to put it in end-game content too so people actually play your game to get things. You know, that's what they subscribe for.


There needs to be a system or some flexibility where you can get most of the items in the Cartel Market in-game through time, effort, or a combination of both. You also cannot, simply cannot, take "event" style items, all of them, and throw them in a cash shop while we get some fireworks at some point or another. Especially when other MMOs just don't do that. It's not as if SWTOR has been some blazing success where they can take a gamble and piss off their customer base. You've done that enough already.

Edited by JediMasterSarynn
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I've been a patient subscriber since launch, never had any issues with BioWare's handling of the game.


However, having to pay $17.50 EXTRA to take part in a "holiday" is crossing the line for me. Unsubbed as of now, thanks for killing a potentially good MMO.


Way to nickel and dime people into leaving...teams of stunlocking operatives didn't cause people to unsub, greed did.

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I'm perfectly fine with having a lot of stuff on the cartel market, I'm ok with the cartel packs in general, but I agree that


1) More stuff needs to be directly purchasable. I don't have it in my genes to enjoy taking chances. But I'd buy some things directly if I could, even if it cost more.


2) Subscribers need to be at least thrown a bone here. Yes, I appreciate that we get free coins every month, but not enough to buy most of the stuff on the holiday list. They could at least give subscribers a complimentary item. You know, for the holiday cheer and giving and stuff. :rolleyes: And don't say "what about the fireworks?" that's for the 1 year anniversary, ZING

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I've been a patient subscriber since launch, never had any issues with BioWare's handling of the game.


However, having to pay $17.50 EXTRA to take part in a "holiday" is crossing the line for me. Unsubbed as of now, thanks for killing a potentially good MMO.


Way to nickel and dime people into leaving...teams of stunlocking operatives didn't cause people to unsub, greed did.


I'm leaning that way too. And I don't care about events.


I just see the latest crop of CM items as a major shift towards a Farmville game, and I have no interest in that.


The CM should be there to entice people to subscribe not to entice subscribers to unsub.

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I agree. Why am I paying a subscription when I still have to buy stuff on the market?


They said before F2P that subscribers would have access to everything. That's why people stuck around...


You don't have to buy anything on the market to play content. You have access to everything. Pretty much everything on the market is fluff or can be obtained in-game....except the boosts and you don't need those to access any content.

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And I can keep going on and on. Quite frankly, their art and modeling teams were working behind the scenes for a long time making these cool items we're seeing released in the Cartel Market. It is evident by the extremely lazy effort in re-hashing the War Hero and Campaign gear sets for the new tiers. Before that, there wasn't much difference between Columi and Rakata, either.



Tionese, Columi and Rakata are reskins. Because they're part of the same tier.


Tier 1


Tionese, Columi, Rakata


Tier 2


Campaign, Dreadguard, ????


Likewise centurion, champion, and battlemasters were reskins. This was an intentional part of the design philosophy, to make each of the tiers easily recognizable.

Edited by Vandicus
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Agreed. Sad that I pay 15 a month and still had to pay 15 bucks so I could even DO the new space missions which feel like torture even WITH the grade 7 stuff. These are the new dailies? I will pass on that!!


Agree mate, Bioware has sadly failed again.....

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agree with op...when i played swg (starwars galaxies),, they had an event with a small quest line and a random life day gift at the end.. some got robes, others got orbs, life day tree, wreaths, etc... eveyone got something and in turn those items created a small market of trading and interactivity.. and it felt like christmas err lifeday!


shame on you bioware! you scrooges!!! bah humbug!!!



but i guess they made it like real life xmas..... nothing but a money grab

Edited by Wookubus
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Been reading through my thread and I just wanted to address the idiots who would assume that I feel entitled:


Hell yes, I do feel entitled!


I'm a subscriber. I'm the customer Bioware is supposed to care a great deal for because I'm going to give them my money each month, guaranteed. I expect them to make good on making my subscription worthwhile, by providing new content for me to consume every release.


Let's examine if they've made good on that promise since 1.4.


Terror From Beyond (Operation)

Nightmare Explosive Conflict

New mount in NM EC


Ancient Hypergate

New space missions


Not too bad. However, where is the gear/rewards for this content? All in the Cartel Market.


Elite War Hero gear is War Hero with a different color set.

Dread Guard gear is Campaign gear with a different color set.

No new lightsaber crystals added to in-game content since Magenta +41 schematics, Black-Orange, and Black-Purple (1.2!!!)

No new weapon schematics or model changes since 1.2.

No new armor schematics since 1.2 (excludes War Hero schematics, Elite War Hero schematics).


And I can keep going on and on. Quite frankly, their art and modeling teams were working behind the scenes for a long time making these cool items we're seeing released in the Cartel Market. It is evident by the extremely lazy effort in re-hashing the War Hero and Campaign gear sets for the new tiers. Before that, there wasn't much difference between Columi and Rakata, either.


So instead of making cool, rewarding armor and weapon sets for end-game content, you know, to keep the hamster wheel going, they throw them in a cash shop. What's the point of doing the content repeatedly then? I feel most would agree that the current end-game armor sets in this game are just pathetic in appearance. I rarely see people wearing them in-game.


So in a nutshell, that's what I'm upset about. I don't mind the cash shop, really. I'm glad it's there. However, you can't focus all your energy on making cool items just for that shop. You need to put it in end-game content too so people actually play your game to get things. You know, that's what they subscribe for.


There needs to be a system or some flexibility where you can get most of the items in the Cartel Market in-game through time, effort, or a combination of both. You also cannot, simply cannot, take "event" style items, all of them, and throw them in a cash shop while we get some fireworks at some point or another. Especially when other MMOs just don't do that. It's not as if SWTOR has been some blazing success where they can take a gamble and piss off their customer base. You've done that enough already.


Are you that idealistic to think they care or owe you anything? Welcome to an EA game with a cash shop.. Enjoy!

I don't support it in any way and I hate the RNG packs but for some odd reason they work because people buy them.. Like I said sure we would all love to get the cool things in game or even buy outright but that will never happen..

For all those who white knighted the FTP system and that FTP is the future well here you go!

Wait for the X-mas stuff and the new Jedi looking armor they are promising.. they will all be in packs with that lovely small change to get them..

I'm only laughing cause you expected something different out of EA.. LOL Its actually kind of cute.


As a sub you get unlimited access to WZ's, FP's ,OP's, tool bars, equipping gear, ripping out mods, unlimited creds, sprint at level one, access to speeder training at 15, and a bunch of other crap, but nowhere does it say you are entitled to fluff!!!, and get used to it cause that cartel shop is gonna be the main source of income and so that every 6 week thing is gonna be cash shop galore. You see when it works for Bioware they will call the cash shop items content and when you cry about not having free access to all the content they will then reply its only fluff not required to play content which all subs get part of the sub.

Every patch newer bigger shiny crap till everyone looks like a clown driving a pimp car from the 70s then the cash shop sales will drop and thats when the PTW comes in.

Just wait till new zones come in that are not required to play to max level or gear, it will be some guild base or ship with some private story or phase on a planet for you and your closest friends for $20 to $40 bucks with some super duper fluff!

Edited by Razot
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Let Bioware do whatever they wish with their Cartel Market. Still, I can't help but have this sour taste from all the little things that make it look like they're trying to create value out of nothing. They brought the Quick Bars fiasco on themselves, and the mere fact it happened at all says a lot about the company's mindset. And now, again, they may try to sell whatever they like, but beyond the speeder, all the Life Day stuff appears to have an extra zero attached to their true value.
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Agreed. Sad that I pay 15 a month and still had to pay 15 bucks so I could even DO the new space missions which feel like torture even WITH the grade 7 stuff. These are the new dailies? I will pass on that!!


... umm why didn't you just use in game tokens to buy the upgraded gear?

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