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Mercenary Pyrotech PvP survival Gudie!


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I think the suggestion about standing on the stairway platform before the 3rd door is a very good one. But I really question the "hide behind pillars" stuff when your team is attacking. What you wind up doing in that situation is spreading your damage amongst a large number of enemy players because you are constantly switching targets. In your video that isn't so bad, but against a good opposing team, you are going to do almost no damage - it will all be absorbed by their bubbles. Against a good enemy team, your team's dps needs to focus fire on selected targets. Targets which, once they realize they are being focused, will evade using the same pillars. And that means for you to keep them in your LoS, you must reduce the range and engage them up close. Bottom line - when attacking, your strategy is basically sacrificing objective based play in order to increase your survival chances. I don't think that is good.


The "hide behind the pillars" strategy when you are defending has a lot more validity. Simply maintaining your presence when defending in Voidstar is *usually* a good thing. I will note two items though. In your video you frequently lose LoS to the door. Again, it didn't matter in that match because your opponents had crap for dps and your other teammates covered for you. But against good opponents, they will seize the opportunity to stun you once you place that pillar in between yourself and the door. And then you are screwed. Secondly your opponents seemingly never snared you when you were on defense. Combined with their atrocious dps, this made the "hide behind the pillar" strategy quite effective. But you really can't count on that happening vs. good opponents.

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i see you point and i agree, but as i said merc is a terrible class in pvp and you need to make the best of what you have, you will not always come up against the BEST opponents all the time, my server is fairly populated and i solo que most ofthe time so i usually get in with one premade, what i do provide to my team is taking out enemy healers, i almost always focus fire them with anyone else, but as i sad i was using the vid to HIGHLIGHT my LoS spots , i wasnt going for good team play nor was i showing how to play the WZ i was stressing the importance of LoS and how some skills can be used to achieve this, as for roots and snares, i do get snared a ton, but i dispell it, i bound my dispel to Q and frantically mash when i take one step out and feel that im moving like a sloth.
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This is a realistic video... I like it. It shows a more realistic expectation for people getting into 50 warzones.


Being really picky here but when you talk about targets I agree light targets are better, but as you elude to in the video any BH can struggle to find a meaningful role.


What I like to do is set target of target, or simply note (if you are solo queuing) which of your melee types seem to understand the value in healer hunting. Piggy-backing your damage like that can greatly increase your effectiveness imo.


Your defensive positioning is spot on. When you're crossing the bridge, every powertech/assassin and his dog use that pull trick (I'm sure it's not the first time this has happened to you.)


What I do in that situation is as soon as I am crossing the bridge, I spam the stealth detector in about that spot. It's an educated guess, but if you have an assassin/shadow you know the good spots to stand.


I'd like to say that the powertech isn't really more survivable, they just face tank more effectively. They have one additional survival mechanism (Carbonize which I pleaded with BW to give to mercs, that soft cc stun is nearly useless without the instacast, and almost always broken). BTW: That is the additional thing I do.... I always use the free cast ability with heal or conc. grenade. Not sure I saw you do that, but if you can't use it on a melee turd in your face, take out a free-wheeling healer in the distance, or just after a door blowing in door-star. It really annoys people.


Great video. Lots of good stuff in there.

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This is a realistic video... I like it. It shows a more realistic expectation for people getting into 50 warzones.


Being really picky here but when you talk about targets I agree light targets are better, but as you elude to in the video any BH can struggle to find a meaningful role.


What I like to do is set target of target, or simply note (if you are solo queuing) which of your melee types seem to understand the value in healer hunting. Piggy-backing your damage like that can greatly increase your effectiveness imo.


Your defensive positioning is spot on. When you're crossing the bridge, every powertech/assassin and his dog use that pull trick (I'm sure it's not the first time this has happened to you.)


What I do in that situation is as soon as I am crossing the bridge, I spam the stealth detector in about that spot. It's an educated guess, but if you have an assassin/shadow you know the good spots to stand.


I'd like to say that the powertech isn't really more survivable, they just face tank more effectively. They have one additional survival mechanism (Carbonize which I pleaded with BW to give to mercs, that soft cc stun is nearly useless without the instacast, and almost always broken). BTW: That is the additional thing I do.... I always use the free cast ability with heal or conc. grenade. Not sure I saw you do that, but if you can't use it on a melee turd in your face, take out a free-wheeling healer in the distance, or just after a door blowing in door-star. It really annoys people.


Great video. Lots of good stuff in there.


hahah thanks for your great reply! i do love playing my merc but more often than not i feel like dead weight to my team, but w/e i get dual pistols and look cool, aww yeah

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