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Bring me up to speed. Medic in PvP


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After a long hiatus I returned a few weeks ago.

Before I left the Commando Medic could survive and be of use in pvp.

Now my gear has 723 Expertise. Basically Champions gear with a few pieces of Battlemaster.


Did the Medic take alot of nerfs? Alternatively, did the lightsaber classes get major buffs (Non-smash Juggernauts excluded)?


I feel useless. Stick one guy to me and I almost have to spam heals on myself to stay alive. Two and Im dead. I feel so completely out-dpsed. Like I cant keep up with the damage being tossed around.


Three scenarios that happend in my last WZ (Should be called jedizones):

- Two Shadow jedis jump me. Dead before the stun fade.

- Two agents jump me. Dead before the stun fade.

- Near dead Marauder on 2k HP jump me. He hits Shield Wall and nearly kills me in 10 seconds.

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After a long hiatus I returned a few weeks ago.

Before I left the Commando Medic could survive and be of use in pvp.

Now my gear has 723 Expertise. Basically Champions gear with a few pieces of Battlemaster.


Did the Medic take alot of nerfs? Alternatively, did the lightsaber classes get major buffs (Non-smash Juggernauts excluded)?


I feel useless. Stick one guy to me and I almost have to spam heals on myself to stay alive. Two and Im dead. I feel so completely out-dpsed. Like I cant keep up with the damage being tossed around.


Three scenarios that happend in my last WZ (Should be called jedizones):

- Two Shadow jedis jump me. Dead before the stun fade.

- Two agents jump me. Dead before the stun fade.

- Near dead Marauder on 2k HP jump me. He hits Shield Wall and nearly kills me in 10 seconds.


You get a free recruit set that will be better and put you in the 900 exp range. Now the CM was nerfed hard in 1.2 and then got a minor buff not long ago. The class is still much worse off than it was pre1.2 mostly because dps are doing much much more damage and heals are doing about the same healing they were pre 1.2.

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After a long hiatus I returned a few weeks ago.

Before I left the Commando Medic could survive and be of use in pvp.

Now my gear has 723 Expertise. Basically Champions gear with a few pieces of Battlemaster.


723 is quite low. Top geared players are currently running around with 1200-1300 expertise, which translates to a lot more damage dealt to you compared to how much healing you can do. They also have fully augmented gear. If you have some credits, invest in some recruit MK-2 gear from the vendor to replace your Champion gear.


But I wouldn't spend any comms on any more BM pieces at this point, just collect them to spend on War Hero pieces when 1.6 drops in a week or two.


More to your question, yes, healing in PvP has generally taken a huge nerf over the last several patches, at the same time (for some inexplicable reason), leaping smash monkeys keep getting buffed.


Operative/scoundrel healers are the current king of the hill IME, due to their big heals on short cast times, plus stealth.


That said, CMs are still effective, at least as distractions. Try to get the enemy team to fill your resolve bar with stuns and CCs, but not actually kill you. I find running in plain view around their current focus target while spamming hammer shot to be very effective at getting them to notice me. Good teams simply kill me, bad teams CC me and leave me alone...letting me pop my stun/CC break with a full resolve bar and reactive shield.


Best PvP moment of the night....I disarmed a door in voidstar with full resolve and reactive shield. Definitely the hero of that match.

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Thanks for the informative replies.

Found the Recruit-set in my bags. 1012 expertise \o/


One other, rather clueless, question: Why shouldnt I buy Battlemaster gear? Do they upgrade the tiers? Dont I need the Battlemaster-gear in order to obtain War Hero-gear?

Edited by AlistairC
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One other, rather clueless, question: Why shouldnt I buy Battlemaster gear? Do they upgrade the tiers? Dont I need the Battlemaster-gear in order to obtain War Hero-gear?


WH in 1.6 will cost what BM does today on live, and no, you will not need to turn in BM pieces to get WH. The BM vendor is going away in 1.6.

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