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So it become the worst release in modern MMO time.


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i stopped reading after this "Aion had better release then this" as i couldn't breath for ten minutes because of laughing.


sir/miss you havent got a clue.


I had no problem with Aion. Just as you have no problem with SWToR I guess.

I did not have 4-5 houres queue time in Aion like I have here.

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What where BioWare and AE thinking about? Did they have no precausjon to make the release as good as possible? Have they not learned anything from other MMO’s and what they did wrong?


Lets see….


No grace timer on DC’s.

If you end up DC’ing you end up at the wery end of the queue. Sucks to be you then :s


No character transfer system in the game from release. They KNEW that there would be queues, so why have they not made this an option? Every freaking MMO game in the world has some form for queue problem. BioWare should have known this from the beginning.


Queue problem.

In early access we got a look in how they handled the queue. They could not handle it.

I was complaining about it but ½ of the people were saying, stop whining, at lunch they will open all the servers for max population. The queue will be acceptable then.

Right, we see how well that went.

If BioWare even had an idea about what queues other MMO’s have been through, they did a terrible job of trying to prevent it on their MMO.


Then there is the player support.

Still no e-mail support when it comes to account problems. You just get an automatically mail saying that you have to call the support or not get any help at all.

Still no toll free phone to others then UK, France and Germany so the cost of that call my be quite a surprise do to extreme phone queue time.


Then you have the in game stuff like UI etc etc.

They have tried to go their own way, but by doing so they have made things bad. A fresh person coming into the world of MMO would probably accept it as it is, but most of the players are experienced MMO players. They WILL bring with them experience and ideas from other games and compare SWToR against that game. BioWare trying to invent the wheel again, but not by improving it, but by making it square. It works, but by god it is a bad ride.

BioWare do have a team working on the UI now, but what have they done up to now? Extended summerholyday?



The forum is working on ½ machine. Should have been up and running from day 1 in release.


A few days ago I said all this will happen but people keept saying. Wait to release and everything will straighten out.

You are playing early access, whitch is the same as an Beta, abig patch will be done on release so many of the bugs and problems in the game will be gone.

Where is that dame patch? I can’t see any…..


So in basic. Early access game is the same game as release game.

BioWare, /boot to the head.




I guess all the people playing and the ones waiting in the queue is a sign of the worst launch ever........


I guess you weren't around when WoW launched and had daily server crashes for the first 6 months.


And, the game hasn't launched yet. They owe you nothing.

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I guess all the people playing and the ones waiting in the queue is a sign of the worst launch ever........


I guess you weren't around when WoW launched and had daily server crashes for the first 6 months.


And, the game hasn't launched yet. They owe you nothing.


Guess you cant read either. Try again.

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I really like a BIO fans.


before months - this is beta, wait to release

early access - this is not released yet, it is early access wait to release

released - this is release wait month or two, or go back WoW :D

after year - no UI customize, no other things which should be included in 6 years of development, they will be saying it is only year, wait two or more :D


I will wait, but only to TERA release :D then I wipe this pseudo MMO from my SSDs :D


this BIO fans community is really smart :D


I tell you, what did Bioware badly.


Idea about spreading of clans across the servers was right, but they should make also VIP access to assigned servers(because they can easily count number of members and add some more for sure). They are saying you will be play on this server, WE accepted this so we will no wait. Kick from server to queue players which are not in clans, which were assigned to server. They will wait, or they will go play on different low populated server. Or if clan switched server, so they must count with queues...

But telling me that I must reroll to another server with whole clan, which will be overpopulated in few days is just stupid, this is destroying whole their theory.


But this situation is ridiculous.

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Again, another thread that I entirely have to disagree with you on. (Apart from the calling thing, I'm in the UK but getting those guys to pick up the phone is at least a 15min wait. Lucky I didn't have to pay)


As you said, all MMO's have problems at launch, Rift and WoW both had queuing problems in their games. WoW actually had queuing problems on some of their EU servers up until recently (WOTLK). SW:TOR has been out for like 5 days, The dev's have been saying that they are keeping an eye on the situation and are in fact raising the population caps.


The game itself has been amazing so far, the storylines are intriguing, the combat feels fluid and some of the game is actually quite challenging. I'm willing to wait in a 2 hour queue to play, and if not then I'll re-roll on one of the new servers.


Also keep in mind that the game had a huge amount of people in early access, queues on my server are 2h+ at peak times. Logged on this morning and there is already a 400 person queue, at 10am. I think that just goes to show the multitude of people playing the game. I don't think any other game has had this much people at the very launch. (Correct me if I'm wrong there)

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I really like a BIO fans.


before months - this is beta, wait to release

early access - this is not released yet, it is early access wait to release

released - this is release wait month or two, or go back WoW :D

after year - no UI customize, no other things which should be included in 6 years of development, they will be saying it is only year, wait two or more :D


I will wait, but only to TERA release :D then I wipe this pseudo MMO from my SSDs :D


this BIO fans community is really smart :D


I tell you, what did Bioware badly.


Idea about spreading of clans across the servers was right, but they should make also VIP access to assigned servers(because they can easily count number of members and add some more for sure). They are saying you will be play on this server, WE accepted this so we will no wait. Kick from server to queue players which are not in clans, which were assigned to server. They will wait, or they will go play on different low populated server. Or if clan switched server, so they must count with queues...

But telling me that I must reroll to another server with whole clan, which will be overpopulated in few days is just stupid, this is destroying whole their theory.


But this situation is ridiculous.


So why don't you go away? -------> kthxbbfobbq

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Who are talking about WoW? WoW was a disaster compered to modern MMO. Days on days of downtime. Graphic errors and buggs all over the place etc etc etc.


What I compere with is moder MMO that will be today. you have something called evolution. You have to expect some improvement from erlier games.


Do you realize you are complaining about characte transfers when the only game that has those kind of deals implemented is Wow? How hypocrital can you be? You ARE comparing to Wow.

And the reasons you are complaining about are mostly "Can't play this game coz I queue for long" that sorta makes it kinda sucessfull don't you think?

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Compared to various MMO's I've seen in the past, this has been quite a good release I think. Other MMO's including WoW had some major server problems early on, many disconnects etc, whereas this seems ok. My main complaint is the queues, they suck :p
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What where BioWare and AE thinking about? Did they have no precausjon to make the release as good as possible? Have they not learned anything from other MMO’s and what they did wrong?


Lets see….


No grace timer on DC’s.

If you end up DC’ing you end up at the wery end of the queue. Sucks to be you then :s


No character transfer system in the game from release. They KNEW that there would be queues, so why have they not made this an option? Every freaking MMO game in the world has some form for queue problem. BioWare should have known this from the beginning.


Queue problem.

In early access we got a look in how they handled the queue. They could not handle it.

I was complaining about it but ½ of the people were saying, stop whining, at lunch they will open all the servers for max population. The queue will be acceptable then.

Right, we see how well that went.

If BioWare even had an idea about what queues other MMO’s have been through, they did a terrible job of trying to prevent it on their MMO.


Then there is the player support.

Still no e-mail support when it comes to account problems. You just get an automatically mail saying that you have to call the support or not get any help at all.

Still no toll free phone to others then UK, France and Germany so the cost of that call my be quite a surprise do to extreme phone queue time.


Then you have the in game stuff like UI etc etc.

They have tried to go their own way, but by doing so they have made things bad. A fresh person coming into the world of MMO would probably accept it as it is, but most of the players are experienced MMO players. They WILL bring with them experience and ideas from other games and compare SWToR against that game. BioWare trying to invent the wheel again, but not by improving it, but by making it square. It works, but by god it is a bad ride.

BioWare do have a team working on the UI now, but what have they done up to now? Extended summerholyday?



The forum is working on ½ machine. Should have been up and running from day 1 in release.


A few days ago I said all this will happen but people keept saying. Wait to release and everything will straighten out.

You are playing early access, whitch is the same as an Beta, abig patch will be done on release so many of the bugs and problems in the game will be gone.

Where is that dame patch? I can’t see any…..


So in basic. Early access game is the same game as release game.

BioWare, /boot to the head.


I beg to differ wow had probably the worst launch of all time and look where its at today...its launch stop begging for every little thing and just play the damn game

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Then you don't remember WoW's ACTUAL vanilla launch. I was there. Many will claim to be, but I was.


For WoW it was so bad that Day 2 you lost EVERYTHING. All characters were erased and you had to start again.


Imagine the QQ'ing now if that happened. This launch is amazingly good imho. :)

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You cant have played many MMO's then.

And I said modern time. 6-7 years ago cant be counted.



I wet my pants a little when I read that.... Shows how much experience at gaming you actualy have. I've played every mmorpg that hit the Western market since Everquest and all I've learned is that you have to give games a chance to evolve.


Heck, nearly "every" single games, single or multiplayer has been patched within the first month... There are "no" perfect games, none. Well, other then PONG when it appeared, but hey, I take it that's the Jurrasic for someone who conciders 6-7 years ago to be ancient...


You would do well to play a game that's been around for a few years and had it's kinks worked out, those would be better suited for you...

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Oh no!, the worlds at an end!...there's a queue and they won't let me play!!. RESET THE SERVERS SO I CAN PLAY, I DEMAND IT!...


I support BioWare's method.


Long queue times? Yes.

Server crashes? No.


The suffering of a few for the benefit of the many.


If my guild server is loaded, I switch to another server for an alt and play a different story, or play another game.

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This game is fully playable and works really great. I'd ratehr have queues for a few days tha nnot being able to play the game barely like it was in wow, war, aoc aso.


Do the best of the situation grab a book or soemthing and wait until you get in and then play. This will all be sorted by bioware I have no doubts.

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People really have no idea what a bad release is.


They pop into a brand new MMO expecting the caliber of an MMO that's been out for 7 years.

We expect some form for evolution from earlier games. At least we don’t want to have a new game that is just the same as a 7 year old game. But most fanboys won’t support evolution. They are more interested in slamming down on people who asks questions and demand improvement on things that should have been improved.

This game is like a new car, just without power staring and ABS, but has the same price as a new one with everything.

If you don’t have any form for demand or expectation, you won’t get any form for evolution either. As long as you expect the same thing over and over again, and they deliver the same thing over and over again and you are happy, nothing will happen.

I guess SWToR will just be a dinosaur in the world of MMO. Huge, but old.

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Then you don't remember WoW's ACTUAL vanilla launch. I was there. Many will claim to be, but I was.


For WoW it was so bad that Day 2 you lost EVERYTHING. All characters were erased and you had to start again.


Imagine the QQ'ing now if that happened. This launch is amazingly good imho. :)


Try again. Read at least the headliner instead of just the 1st 4 words.

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Smooth run for me. Made a char on highest pop server on the 16th so i would have someone to play with. Now i have no hope of ever seeing this char again so i made a new one on a low pop server yesterday and am enjoying the char all over again.


If only all the qq'ers thought more like you... they'd very soon realise its one the smoothest launches thats happened (from my experience anyway, and apparently from a lot of others judging from peoples posts)

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We expect some form for evolution from earlier games. At least we don’t want to have a new game that is just the same as a 7 year old game. But most fanboys won’t support evolution. They are more interested in slamming down on people who asks questions and demand improvement on things that should have been improved.

This game is like a new car, just without power staring and ABS, but has the same price as a new one with everything.

If you don’t have any form for demand or expectation, you won’t get any form for evolution either. As long as you expect the same thing over and over again, and they deliver the same thing over and over again and you are happy, nothing will happen.

I guess SWToR will just be a dinosaur in the world of MMO. Huge, but old.


Question....what is wrong with being happy with a product?


It's a game. Not Medical Research.

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