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UI improvements for faster play: aoe centered on target, and keybinding ops group


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I propose two changes to the UI of this game, in order to allow players to cast their spells on targets more quickly.


1) aoe centered on target

Presently, spells like Kolto Bomb (6 sec cooldown), Force in Balance (15 sec cooldown), Mortar Volley (60 sec cooldown), and others require that the spell be selected, and then the aoe center must be placed in the game environment with the mouse. I'm sure some people like this functionality, but I personally would prefer to be able to specify sometimes that I want the game to center an aoe on my present target. This will speed my casts up because without this modification, I have to select the spell (usually with a keybind) and then place the spell's aoe center with my mouse. Whereas with this modification I could hold something like a modifier key (to indicate I want to center an aoe on my current target) and at the same time push another key (to select the spell and place it immediately).


2) keybinding ops group members

Another UI modification that would speed up my gameplay is if I could keybind each of the ops group members to a key. The game already supports a self target modifier, focus target modifier, and allows you to keybind group members 1 to 4. It is a great idea that I'd like to see fully realized, by letting me keybind the 8 members of my ops group. (I honestly don't care about keybinding any more than 8 targets.)


Also in the current keybind system, I can keybind group members 1 to 4 but if I'm group member x, I can't use the standard keybind for group member x to select myself. Please fix this, it's unintuitive.


This would allow me to select an ops group member using a keybind, rather than clicking on their portrait with my mouse.




I think the general consensus is that keybinding is faster than using a mouse to select something, and this holds true for both using a mouse to select spells and using a mouse to select ops group members.


I play on a laptop without an external mouse, which means I'm using the laptop's built in touch-pad. My mouse and keyboard drivers are so borked that I can't input move my mouse while I'm typing on the keyboard. As a result, I really hate using the mouse to place aoes.

Edited by MGNMTTRN
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1) aoe centered on target

This was the first thing I suggested when I started playing a balance shadow. Drag and Drop as a mandatory part of the core DPS ability in your rotation = FAIL.


But it's like hood-down robes; one of those simple things that would make a big difference, which people have asked for over and over and over since before launch, that will probably never get addressed.


If they did it right, we would have two modes that we could toggle between in preferences and a second option that we could toggle on or off:


1. Drag and Drop -- The way it works now (always give the ground reticle that you have to click to drop)


2. Auto Drop -- Display no reticle and cast at the feet of the currently selected target, if one is selected, or behave as Drag and Drop if no target is selected (applies to hostile targets only for attacks and friendly targets only for heals)


(*) Hot Drop -- A second preference toggle that will cause the reticle to drop immediately wherever the mouse cursor "is" on the visual field, if you press the hotkey a second time when in Drag and Drop mode

Edited by Heezdedjim
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Excellent ideas, I think its time we saw some improvments to UI functionality. Other things unrelated to what you listed that would be nice.


1. Better buff/debuff tracking, something like buff/debuff bars.


2. Some new unitfame appearances would be nice, variations without portraits for example.


3. May not be fore everyone, but should you not want to manage a large number of binds to target ops members as you suggested having mouseover functionality for casting abilities on team members could be another option, and casts default to you if you have nobody as a target or not hover casting via the ops frame.

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1) aoe centered on target

Presently, spells like Kolto Bomb (6 sec cooldown), Force in Balance (15 sec cooldown), Mortar Volley (60 sec cooldown), and others require that the spell be selected, and then the aoe center must be placed in the game environment with the mouse. I'm sure some people like this functionality, but I personally would prefer to be able to specify sometimes that I want the game to center an aoe on my present target. This will speed my casts up because without this modification, I have to select the spell (usually with a keybind) and then place the spell's aoe center with my mouse. Whereas with this modification I could hold something like a modifier key (to indicate I want to center an aoe on my current target) and at the same time push another key (to select the spell and place it immediately).


My guess here is that aoe works exactly as intended. These are strong abilities that affect a plurality of targets and you're not supposed to cast them as part of a rotation, but rather as tactical abilities, at the right time and with some planning. This makes gameplay a little more demanding, which is not a bad thing.

Edited by Cretinus
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I don't want the AoE to center on a particular character because In many cases I wouldn't be able to cover a whole group unless there was a character standing in the middle of all the others.


BTW, with a macro mouse, or Nostromo, you can create a mini macro that will place and fire off your AoE with the click of one button.

Edited by Belacose
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2) keybinding ops group members

Another UI modification that would speed up my gameplay is if I could keybind each of the ops group members to a key. The game already supports a self target modifier, focus target modifier, and allows you to keybind group members 1 to 4. It is a great idea that I'd like to see fully realized, by letting me keybind the 8 members of my ops group. (I honestly don't care about keybinding any more than 8 targets.)


Also in the current keybind system, I can keybind group members 1 to 4 but if I'm group member x, I can't use the standard keybind for group member x to select myself. Please fix this, it's unintuitive.


This would allow me to select an ops group member using a keybind, rather than clicking on their portrait with my mouse.


I've brought this up a couple of times in the Suggestions area to no avail. It makes little to no sense for this not to be an option. The argument could have been in the past we have too many abilities, and it would limit the tool bar options. That argument is now thrown out of the window with the additional tool bars. If we're going to be forced to click portraits past HM's, four person groups, etc, to target members, remove the option to key bind group members altogether, or open it up to OPs group capacity.


As a healer, this is very beneficial.

Edited by Pirana
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I don't want the AoE to center on a particular character because In many cases I wouldn't be able to cover a whole group unless there was a character standing in the middle of all the others.

Which is why there should be an option you can choose for it to behave how it does now, or in other ways. Some specs like Balance Shadow have an AOE ability in their core rotation that has to be spammed in order to make the rotation work, and the current behavior is a huge annoyance in those cases. It also is a stealth nerf to your DPS depending on how bad the lag is, since three to five things need to happen in order for the ability to fire rather than just one.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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These are strong abilities that affect a plurality of targets and you're not supposed to cast them as part of a rotation.

Except that you are, e.g., with the AOE DOT buff for Balance shadows, and the AOE heal for Sage / Sorc.

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3. May not be fore everyone, but should you not want to manage a large number of binds to target ops members as you suggested having mouseover functionality for casting abilities on team members could be another option, and casts default to you if you have nobody as a target or not hover casting via the ops frame.

Healers have been asking for mouseover since beta and prelaunch, and it still hasn't happened.

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Except that you are, e.g., with the AOE DOT buff for Balance shadows, and the AOE heal for Sage / Sorc.


The sorcerer's AoE heal is actually an AoE HoT which makes it way to strong to be an instant on keypress, particularly in PvP. This is why it needs to have some delaying component. Instead of having to place it, they could give it a longer casting time, of course. But why would I want to waste that additional time with standing there and casting, if it can also be used for placing the heal as good as possible?


I don't play a balance shadow, but I would assume that the same applies to his AoE DoT.

Edited by Cretinus
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The sorcerer's AoE heal is actually an AoE HoT which makes it way to strong to be an instant on keypress, particularly in PvP. This is why it needs to have some delaying component. Instead of having to place it, they could give it a longer casting time, of course. But why would I want to waste that additional time with standing there and casting, if it can also be used for placing the heal as good as possible?


I don't play a balance shadow, but I would assume that the same applies to his AoE DoT.

You don't play either of these classes, which is why you have no idea what you're talking about.

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The only problem I have with the AoE click and press system is that it catches on every terrain doodad regardless of the logic. It is kind of immersion breaking when my heavily armored trooper can't fire a mortar volley into the center of a group of mobs because they are standing around a potted plant. Sure it looks like a normal potted plant, but it is apparently a top secret plant designed to deflect targeting systems.


Having to spin your camera around to get the right angle on a terrain object in addition to having to point and click is pretty annoying.

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