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Merc Healing - Am I Missing Something?


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I've decided Empire is suffering from a lack of PvP healers on my server, so decided to make one. I'm seeing a lot of Sorc vs Operative healing comparisons, but not really seeing what the issue seems to be with Merc healers. Is there something I'm missing?


As it stands now I'm only level 16 so am pretty much stuck with Rapid Shots as my on-the-move heal, and I know Kolto Missile is also instant. What are the main heals we use at 40+ for PvP? I do like the idea of Operative heals but Merc seems more burst heals versus HoTs and more survivable when seen.


Just looking for some higher-level insight so I don't spend a month leveling and hate it.

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don't spend a month. roll a Op healer and be far happier for it. trust me


Never reroll just to got with the FOTM. Just because Op healers have been arguably the best for a while now, does not mean merc heals will never get a buff or op heals will never get an "adjustment"


Now to address the OP My merc is currently fairly low-level, so I can't speak purely from first-hand experience. But I do know that the focal point of merc heals in pvp is the great survivability with a full resolve bar and talented energy shield to be immune to interrupts. Basically a brief "God Mode" for heals. Just make sure your heat management is good, and make the best use possible out of your talents. (Such as the supercharged gas+kolto missile combo for increased healing received and damage taken reduction.)



EDIT: I would also like to suggest that you try all healing classes at least a bit to get a feel, and check out the skill trees to get an idea of the talents and playstyle of the class. Pick the heal class that fits you the most, not what others tell you are the best.

Edited by Wrthlessnoob
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Operative is the current best healer in PvP due to their mechanics. solid resource management, plenty of HoT's and fast heal capability, along with CC and stealth. It really is a class designed well for PvP. Sorcs/sages get by due to their bubbles (and a few instants themselves). Merc's main heals are cast based, which leaves them more vulnerable.


but as stated above, smart use of kolto missile, Emergency scan, and your auto-shot worked in conjunction with your energy shield, emergency scan....Its doable, but poses a greater challenge then the other two healers have


Bio has even outright stated that they're aware of the limitations that mercs have. so if you love playing the class, there's no reason to quit just for that....there is change coming in the future...just not sure how happy i am about the possibilities from a PvE perspective, but I guess we'll have to see what happens.

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Merc healing isn't the highest but it is the easiest, so in turn, it is also the fastest. Kolto missle and emergency scan (And standard bolts) are your mobile, well hitting heals. Sadly, you get no HoT, however you get the "kolto shell", which makes the target get healed slightly every time they take damage (10 stacks per use), which works sort of like a HoT. Only one person may be targeted by kolto sell at a time.


Hope that explains it.

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Never reroll just to got with the FOTM. Just because Op healers have been arguably the best for a while now, does not mean merc heals will never get a buff or op heals will never get an "adjustment"


Now to address the OP My merc is currently fairly low-level, so I can't speak purely from first-hand experience. But I do know that the focal point of merc heals in pvp is the great survivability with a full resolve bar and talented energy shield to be immune to interrupts. Basically a brief "God Mode" for heals. Just make sure your heat management is good, and make the best use possible out of your talents. (Such as the supercharged gas+kolto missile combo for increased healing received and damage taken reduction.)



EDIT: I would also like to suggest that you try all healing classes at least a bit to get a feel, and check out the skill trees to get an idea of the talents and playstyle of the class. Pick the heal class that fits you the most, not what others tell you are the best.


Actually i re-rolled to get the IA buff on all my alts but your point is still valid. I have a 50 merc, and in pvp Mercs get targeted first. Why? Far easier to lock down when focused. Sorcs have bubble stun and force speed, IAs have flashbang and re-stealth. Mercs have.....a shield that stops 25% damage and interupts for 12 seconds and a knockback that won't stop those melee classes from just leaping right back to you.

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Never reroll just to got with the FOTM.


Well that sort of depends actually....


Once you understand how the devs base their decision making regarding class balance you can predict which classes will perpetually be OP and which ones will be forever gimped. Merc falls into the latter category. At least for Merc healers, the gap between them and the other healing classes is not as large as it is for Merc dps vs. other dps.


But no, Operative healing will not be nerfed. It will always be the king of the hill. It simply follows from the dynamic they have regarding stealth. Because BW does not place any value on class utility generally, or stealth specifically when making class balance changes, and instead only relies on its ingame collected statistics, BW will never recognize the true power of the Operative healer.

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