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Tracer Missile VS Grav Round


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I was wondering along with a lot of my Bounty Hunter friends, that if the Tracer Missile's armor debuff is applicable to everyone and not just the individual Merc who stacked it.


To my knowledge the Trooper's Grav round stacks universally and applies the debuff to everyone, while the Merc's Tracer Missile debuff only applies when the Merc who applied it, hits the target, which in my eyes is complete nonsense and should be fixed.


If anyone knows the story for certain, please post here.

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Extract from Community Q&A June 2012


VexedLucifer: How do armor debuffs work? Do they allow for more damage from other players besides the one who put the debuff on the target? If two characters of the same class put an armor debuff on do they both allow for more damage or does only one take effect while calculating damage? For example, would a raid do more damage to a boss if it had 3 unique armor debuffs opposed to no armor debuffs?


Austin: Game Update 1.3 introduces a new system to regulate the stacking of buffs and debuffs, such that only the highest of any same-effect applies. There are some exceptions to this, but by and large (and in the case of armor reduction), only the highest of any same-effect will apply. You will still benefit from the presence of your own debuff (for example, your 5 stacks of Armor Reduction will enable your Guardian Slash to strike nearby enemies), but only the biggest debuff will affect the target's stats. And yes, armor debuffs do benefit all attackers.

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