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Hey Guys I'm back!...wait? Where did the Fun go!?


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I just started playing the game again after a 5 month hiatus and what excited me most about my return was getting to play my Mercenary because I remember how much fun it was. I didn't realize at the time why it was fun, it just was... and it was a major reason why I wanted to come back.


Upon my return (yesterday) I realized something was missing, where did the Fun go!?


Honestly I'm crushed... Flame me all you want but the RP knock back wasn't just an effect from a single skill...it was the epicenter of what gave the class an identity and made Mercs fun to play. You heard it right, FUN! The fact is that a source of FUN was taken away.


Did you suddenly lose users when you took away RP knockback..? I wouldn't be suprised if you did.


Was it worth a balance change..? You know it wasn't


BioWare, please don't let me (us) down.... bring back the Fun for Mercs!




Knock Back the Knock Back BACK!!!!

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they also nerfed electro dart from 30m to 10m radius , nerfed tracer missiles , nerfed power barrier from 2% per stack(stacks up to 5) to 1% per stack so a quick overall dmg nerfed, defenses nerfed, control nerfed =u are a guarantee kill for any decent melee.


P.S. welcome back!

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Yeah, I felt the same way coming back from a very lengthy break and realizing my merc isn't so much fun anymore. While I wait for some sort or fix to this problem, or news from the devs that they are at least working on it I have been playing an assassin which has been pretty fun.
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Here we go again...


Long story short, you can either re-discover how incompetent the Merc design team is as you get ganked from WZ to WZ (unless you are graciously ignored), Or you can do what I did...


Roll a powertech, and transfer all your gear.


The difference is night and day. Those who deny it are incurable masochists who refuse to be honest with themselves. Save yourself the painful realization.... Don't be fooled, there are TONS of bads rolling Mercs because at the end of the day it is indeed very easy to sit on a ledge in huttball and hit Tracer Spammage. But if you want to be effective, just cut to the chase and roll a Powertech. (There are other choices, I'm just assuming like me you enjoy the BH class).



To get you up to date we (the communitty) have pressed BW hard for answers and fixes. They (BW) believed they 'fixed' things for both Mercs and Sorcs about 2 patches ago. For Mercs they brainstormed a nerf on rocket punch (which truthfully did fill resolve too much), and a terrible heal component tied to tracer missile. (As a side note, Sorcs got a free mini-heal that cycles in 30 seconds, and a stun bubble that doesn't break on damage. As a result they are once again a staple in RWZ's.)


Fastforward past an unprecedented amount of complaining, and demands by the community and we got a dribble of information from a dev amounting to: "We realize Mercs have 'escape issues' and are working on it"


There, now you're up to date!


Welcome back. Good luck, and I'm sorry you came back for Mercenary.

Edited by Krozis
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The large crits on Heat-seekers were a big part of what made the class fun to me. I like seeing big crits. Every dps class should have one big crit ability. When heat-seeker hits for under 2k a part of me dies inside.


And yes, I agree with you that the KB on rocket punch was an integral part of the class.

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Here we go again...


Long story short, you can either re-discover how incompetent the Merc design team is as you get ganked from WZ to WZ (unless you are graciously ignored), Or you can do what I did...


Roll a powertech, and transfer all your gear.


The difference is night and day. Those who deny it are incurable masochists who refuse to be honest with themselves. Save yourself the painful realization.... Don't be fooled, there are TONS of bads rolling Mercs because at the end of the day it is indeed very easy to sit on a ledge in huttball and hit Tracer Spammage. But if you want to be effective, just cut to the chase and roll a Powertech. (There are other choices, I'm just assuming like me you enjoy the BH class).



To get you up to date we (the communitty) have pressed BW hard for answers and fixes. They (BW) believed they 'fixed' things for both Mercs and Sorcs about 2 patches ago. For Mercs they brainstormed a nerf on rocket punch (which truthfully did fill resolve too much), and a terrible heal component tied to tracer missile. (As a side note, Sorcs got a free mini-heal that cycles in 30 seconds, and a stun bubble that doesn't break on damage. As a result they are once again a staple in RWZ's.)


Fastforward past an unprecedented amount of complaining, and demands by the community and we got a dribble of information from a dev amounting to: "We realize Mercs have 'escape issues' and are working on it"


There, now you're up to date!


Welcome back. Good luck, and I'm sorry you came back for Mercenary.


You mean AP PTs who have no real heat issues, or Pyro PTs with that 90% armor pen Rail Shot and loads of mobility?

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