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[Cartel Market] Please provide more services for players ASAP


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Dear devs,


I humbly submit some service ideas (many, or possibly all, of which have been expressed already by others) for the Cartel Market, in no particular order of preference or importance:


1. Character name change tokens.

2. Legacy name change tokens.

3. Change server tokens (allowing you even to move to a different type of server if you wish).

4. Modify character appearance token.

5. Modify character gender and appearance token.

6. More character slots (beyond the 12 currently available per server).


On a more controversial note perhaps, I would also like to suggest you consider a way to allow players to acquire end-game gear faster, especially for casual players who do not wish to spend weeks or months on a single character just to be able to get the gear they wish, often for the aesthetics.


You might wish to consider, for example, selling the end-game item shells (without the high-end components inside) as armour packs. Alternatively a faster way to acquire the commendations at a cartel coin cost would be greatly appreciated by those players who enjoy the game but are lacking in time.


Please do think about this properly but also swiftly, as many players have been waiting on such things since pre-launch.


Kind regards


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most of your 6 listed services will come in time, server transfer I see coming after a month or two when the new f2pness wears off and pop on the servers are stable to let them see which server need higher or lower pops first.


as to the last part about buying end game raidding gear with cartel coin, NO that is pure pay to win and should be avoided completely

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Regarding end-game shells with no stat effect (i.e. no set bonus, no mods installed), I don't see why these shouldn't be available as schematic boxes from PvE vendors, in the same way that Battlemaster schematic boxes are available from PvP vendors.


Agree with the rest of your requests.

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