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My favorite thing about swtor is the story...am i doing it wrong?


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I love the story, the companions, the immersion


At launch I hoped the sub would allow bioware to frequently update the personal story lines and companion dialogue/ missions


It doesnt feel natural to suddenly care about competing with others on gear aquisition at max level, when the majority of my leveling experience has been so story focused


I like having others around me as it makes the worlds feel more alive, and global chats can be fun. I wish bioware would focus on furthering the stuff that sets this game apart, rather than more copy paste end game


I know this is an mmo...but it feels more like a hybrid. I'd like it to be a never ending story that you can share with friends. Something like expanded co-op, rather than a typical mmo

Edited by nysis
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This game is two games in one.


Its KOTOR 3 and its KOTOR online. You may choose to play both or just one. Its up to you.


I enjoy them both.


I wish we had more story, but i only expected more with expansions. The biggest problem with focusing on story content is story doesnt have replay value. Ops, flashpoints, PvP all have replay value.

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I am the same way. I subbed 2 days after making my F2P account because the story just sucked me in in a way no game has before.


Having played other games however I know well that trying to get into the endgame progression grind will destroy it for me. So I believe I am just going to level alt after alt and see the story from all perspectives:)

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If you enjoy the game, you are doing it right. That said, I personally think that such an emphasis on story hurts more than it helps. Bioware should have focused on making a great MMO before focusing so intently on writing/voicing so much story content. They can tell me the greatest story of all time, but I'm going to have a hard time enjoying it if I have to do extremely boring repetitive tasks to see more of that story.


You are on an extremely dangerous mission! I need you to sneak into the base, deactivate the security cameras, find the main access password and slice the computer before the guards catch on to what you're doing.


What that translates to in SWTOR:


You are going to walk through a bunch of static unmoving mobs. Don't worry about sneaking. Just run through a bunch of ******** mobs, click on some cameras, and kill guys until the security password item drops. After you get it just click on the glowing computer.


That is freakin' boring. I've done that in every MMO for the last eight years. You can't get me all excited by this awesome storyline, then go tell me to kill 10 rats and collect some parts. It just doesn't work. It feels fragmented. The quests need to be fun and varied. I understand the need to pad some of the questing content with some kill/fetch/deliver quests, but class stories should be awesome, not go kill 10 rats for ****'s sake. From a questing perspective this game is at least five years late to the party.

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This game is two games in one.


Its KOTOR 3 and its KOTOR online. You may choose to play both or just one. Its up to you.


I enjoy them both.


I wish we had more story, but i only expected more with expansions. The biggest problem with focusing on story content is story doesnt have replay value. Ops, flashpoints, PvP all have replay value.


So, to you, replay value means a reason to do the same thing over and over and over and that reason being a chance to get stuff each time you do it or building up enough whatevers to buy the stuff from a vendor?


Yeah, that's not replay value. That's just a grind.


Replay value is having a story that changes each time you play a new character through it. Replay value is multiple choices that actually have different outcomes. Replay value is having one play through unlock new species or classes with entirely new stories. None of which TOR has at the moment.


I too want the story to continue, but I would also like BioWare to rework some of the current missions so that our choices actually make a difference other than a number of points added to our Light side / Dark side bar. I want the decision to kill a former Jedi to have an impact on what the Jedi Counsel thinks of me. I want the death of one contact to trigger the introduction to a new one. I want a branching story arc that actually branches and makes each run through with a new character into a new and unique experience. And I want turning to the Dark side / Light side to actually mean something. But we're copying WoW, so what am I thinking. That's never going to happen. They'll just continue pretending that their branching story actually has branches and coming up with new ways to explain away why the Jedi Counsel somehow doesn't realize that I am turning to the Dark side.



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I love the story, the companions, the immersion


At launch I hoped the sub would allow bioware to frequently update the personal story lines and companion dialogue/ missions


It doesnt feel natural to suddenly care about competing with others on gear aquisition at max level, when the majority of my leveling experience has been so story focused


I like having others around me as it makes the worlds feel more alive, and global chats can be fun. I wish bioware would focus on furthering the stuff that sets this game apart, rather than more copy paste end game


I know this is an mmo...but it feels more like a hybrid. I'd like it to be a never ending story that you can share with friends. Something like expanded co-op, rather than a typical mmo


The only real solution is play alts. I love the game for the same reasons, but able to deal better because I intend to play all 8 classes at least once. And when I reach my 5th level 50 here, I'm probably going to leave the game a few months and play some of my favorite RPs instead.


As people have said many times before on the board, the kind of content that this game is famous for, (Cuts scenes and voice overs etc.) is the slowest type and most expensive to make. So you just got to switch up your play style with alts, group play, or taking time off from the game.

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You're not doing it wrong.


Bioware, by only adding on to the silly treadmill part, is doing it wrong. 'Course, we can hope that <10% of their efforts has been spent on the silly treadmill stuff that is pretty much all we've seen so far, and the other 90% is being spent on Chapter 4, 5, & 6; coming soon to a computer near you.

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You're doing it RIGHT, and so am I.


Most of us love the Star Wars story and lore. Having dialog and voices really help me get into it. From what I understand, SWTOR is one of the first MMO's to do this, I have no other MMO experience to compare to other than Pool of Radiance and Bard's Tale III, but from what I understand everyone you talk to is just text and you have to read it. Lame.


They really went the extra parsec to try and make the story just as important as the gameplay, and I think they absolutely succeeded. I just wish every class had their own but as it stands you have to share them. I don't mind the same companions but a Power Tech and a Merc should be slightly different, but that's just me nit-picking.



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I love the story, the companions, the immersion


At launch I hoped the sub would allow bioware to frequently update the personal story lines and companion dialogue/ missions


It doesnt feel natural to suddenly care about competing with others on gear aquisition at max level, when the majority of my leveling experience has been so story focused


I like having others around me as it makes the worlds feel more alive, and global chats can be fun. I wish bioware would focus on furthering the stuff that sets this game apart, rather than more copy paste end game


BW knows story can only play for 1 or twice,

but they have no idea to hook ppl after that,

that's why they copy wow,eq,

and they don't tell ppl that SWTOR is a game for REROLL alts,

and even u reroll, all side quests are repeated,

all boring,

now time to quit or move on,

this game is not for casual if U LIKE ppl around u in endgame.

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BW hit a homerun with 3 things in this game:


1. The Combat System - especially in PvP

2. The Class Stories

3. The Companion System


So no, you are not doing it wrong.


I'll give you 2 and 3 but number 1 is rather iffy. Combat is okay but PvP is broken, period.

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I'll give you 2 and 3 but number 1 is rather iffy. Combat is okay but PvP is broken, period.


Of course it is. PvP and RPG are fundamentally incompatible. PvP is only good when it's player skill based. The whole concept of RPG is that all the various outcomes are based on the roles abilities not the players. Looking for an RPG with good PVP is like looking for a good first person shooter poker game.

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My favorite thing is the story, too, and I have tons of MMO experience. Other MMOs have basically the same game as this one, but the story in SWTOR is much more engaging. It's still rather - blatantly power/wish driven and two dimensionally melodramatic, but it's far beyond the one dimensional story that you get in most MMOs.


I also would like more of that and, either new base classes with their own stories, or perhaps alternate stories for the same base classes -- that would probably save the most money as no need to recreate the voice for the character for all the non class quest. Certainly there are other stories that a bounty hunter, smuggler, sith inquisitor or jedi knight could have on their way up - those could be created and put into the game, perhaps for Cartel points or unlockable after getting the normal story for that class to its conclusion.


If we are really fortunate, the alternate story for each class can have different & new companions too. It seems as though there's a lot more that can be done. As for replay value, to me the leveling and storyline have more replay value than flashpoints - I have hardly ever felt like redoing a flashpoint, but I've definitely been interested in trying a new take on a class storyline. Everyone has their own preference.

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I haven't played much of this game, due to not having a computer that can handle it. Had to play on sisters computer, and even then I don't get much time. (She made us get WoW on a black Friday deal, and doing the Refer a friend deal now too -_- Not even at it two days and completely bored and wanna keep playing this game. Come tax time though, I'm getting a week off from work and do nothing but play this.)


Anyways, I had only ever rolled smuggler, and got her to 31 and the story is the best part. That's what's making me hooked on this game. I can't wait to see what happens when you turn in class quests. The companions are awesome, as well as the voice acting. Corso Riggs really grew on me, (even though his voice reminds me of Matthew Mcconaughey :p) Bowdaar is awesome too. I call him my puppy.


Because of that, I've rolled a sith warrior to see what that storyline is like too, and again, loving it. Vette does gets sorta annoying, but in a sisterly way kinda? Malavai Quinn gets uncomfortable when you flirt with him, making for funny scenes ><


It's just making me wanna roll everything, and have a light side character and dark side for everything as well.


When I have to go back to play WoW, I'm just bored. SWToR is something new for me. Please don't kill me, but I didn't even have an interest in Star Wars. Only had seen Episode One, and even then I was meh. Playing this game makes me also wanna watch all the movies. I'd never have a desire to do that before. This game has finally allowed me to be accepted into my own family even :p


In closing, this game is completely awesome based on the storyline alone.

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Actually no you're no wrong.


The problem is some of the story for the generic missions are really boring.

The class stories are the most interesting ones.

Dialogue for companions should be more, and dialogue for generic missions should be less.

I also preferred if they adopted the companion conversation system for Mass Effect and Dragon Age. Where you can replay old conversations. They all seem to have basics like their history, their past, general musings, etc.


Story is always good, but I feel they executed it wrongly in certain areas.

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Of course it is. PvP and RPG are fundamentally incompatible. PvP is only good when it's player skill based. The whole concept of RPG is that all the various outcomes are based on the roles abilities not the players. Looking for an RPG with good PVP is like looking for a good first person shooter poker game.


PVP being good is very subjective. I find melee classes in this game bad but, I stomp face with my merc BH, while others say merc BH suck. Player skill pvp systems of both types do favor people with more skill. i would argue that SWTOR's pvp is more skill based then WOW's with macros not being in this game but, that is my subjective view.


The system isn't broken it works fine yes is there stuff that needs changing? Yes there is but also remember any changes we do to pvp can and most often times change the pve side of the game.

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I'll give you 2 and 3 but number 1 is rather iffy. Combat is okay but PvP is broken, period.


Nah. The Combat System itself is fine and always has been.


PvP is far from broken, but it certainly can be improved. Unfortunately, the emphasis on forcing everyone into Instanced PvP has created issues with TTK and the over-abundance of CC (Resolve System). The gear gap is also a current problem, but that is being rectified somewhat in 1.6.


Please note, that when I refer to PvP, I mean the 50s bracket. The Lowbie 10-49 bracket is a horribly unbalanced mess. But LWZs are just there for giggles anyway and provide a viable leveling alternative to planetary questing which is horridly dull after the first time through.

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I love the story, the companions, the immersion


At launch I hoped the sub would allow bioware to frequently update the personal story lines and companion dialogue/ missions


Having looked at their budget, this part of your expectations does not seem realistic. Voice acting seems to come with a huge price.


They said there are something like 10 KOTORs worth of the story in this game. I have been playing for a year and I am not nearly done (though I raid and PvP quite a lot too).


One way I extend stories is making my own. The game is an excellent theme park for that. Sometimes I can have a dialogue with an insignificant NPC and it just sparks a plot idea in my mind. I may not even write it down, but it still makes playing a lot of fun.

Edited by MariaD
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