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Real MOB DPS Questions - Assault Spec


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This is my posting from Sith Warrior, which I haven't gotten a reply about. Perhaps someone can help me here.


Assault Spec Commando (no, I do not want to switch spec), I feel like my numbers are a bit low for my spec. I've seen between 1600-1900 for Assault, yet I can't get that close. The highest I hit was ~1500. I do have to mention I am my guild's RL, and the general babysitter for those participating by watching over what everyone is doing to make sure they are not standing in things.


We ran TFB HM on Sunday, picking up on the Dread Guard. However, I'm not quite happy with the numbers I am putting up. Is it just me or are my numbers not quiet high enough?


Here's the Parse from AMR:



And here is my Gear on AMR:



Can someone please point me in the right direction? I would like to find what I'm doing wrong if possible so that I can increase these numbers. Thank you much for your time

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I dislike the AMR parser.


But nevermind.


Here's the last clear we did on TFB HM.




Between 1300 and 1700 is a realistic dps from assault.


I use both. :)




I just feel like I'm a bit on the low side. Granted, our guild is still learning that fight, but again...I want to make sure I can put out as much as possible.

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Well once you're comfortable at when and how to move your dps will go up.


Also I'm geared pretty heavily. Ear short of maximum 27.


Yeah, I'm still in full 26 here...I'm sure it will change in the near future, once we get things rolling a bit more in TFB. I need to spend a lot of time just sitting infront of a dummy. I just need to know where I am making my mistakes I suppose so I could build that up a bit more.

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two things:


i recently took assault plastique out of my sustained dps rotation and only use it for burst dps situations.

the reasoning is: it gets no bonus damage against burning targets and has no chance to proc plasma cell and provides no real synergy with the rotation.

whereas charged bolts and hammershot have a chance to proc plasma cell, CB has a chance to reset HIB, and they both do 9% more damage to burning targets.



also i've toyed around with the idea lately of using the PVP eliminator shells for assault PVE dps. HIB seems to do more damage overall in spite of charged bolts' +15% crit chance, and the extra ammo reduction for HIB is almost negligible since most of them are free, and assault sustained dps seems to have lots of ammo to spare

Edited by oaceen
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The PVP shells do result in a small damage difference.


Not enough imo to swap out and risk losing an extra ammo every now and again.


Also you use Plastique just after you've procced and used your free HiB because nothing does more damage for 2 ammo and you cant proc another for 6 seconds after the last proc.

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The PVP shells do result in a small damage difference.


Not enough imo to swap out and risk losing an extra ammo every now and again.


Also you use Plastique just after you've procced and used your free HiB because nothing does more damage for 2 ammo and you cant proc another for 6 seconds after the last proc.


This right here was the reason I kept AP in...but I just realized I should throw MV in while Ionic Accel is on cooldown. I have a few things I'm going to look over and see what I come up with, but for the most part, this was my belief as well. I'll toss in AP and a CB as a gap filler when MV is down.

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The PVP shells do result in a small damage difference.


Not enough imo to swap out and risk losing an extra ammo every now and again.

as i said though, i have too much ammo in assault


Also you use Plastique just after you've procced and used your free HiB because nothing does more damage for 2 ammo and you cant proc another for 6 seconds after the last proc.
this situation is only ideal if plasma cell is also currently on the target and is not about to expire



i'll try to find my parses, but i did some testing with and without AP and did relatively higher without it in the rotation at all.

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Well better bag yourself a battlemaster shell before they get removed from the game.


You'll then have to equip it with blank or hazmat armourings because DG armouring bonuses override shells bonuses.



Thing is, Gunnery does sustained casting better, it parses more reliabily and for higher numbers.


I have a theory of how to maximise Assault dps to rival Gunnery but it has to be as part of a team and if any of the others are not there then assault loses damage. Gunnery just turns up and gets casting with all the debuffs and ammo regen hard wired.


Assault gets mobility and burst which AP helps with.

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Well better bag yourself a battlemaster shell before they get removed from the game.
i already have a full set of battlemaster and centurion and


You'll then have to equip it with blank or hazmat armourings because DG armouring bonuses override shells bonuses.
yes, i know.

that's why i haven't done it yet. with the new campaign armorings being available from the vendor, i RE'd all my old black hole armorings for mats and bought new campaign armorings. i really wished that i had kept the BH armorings.

it would have been an easier process for me had i kept all those armorings, so it's preventing me from having the motivation just now.



i parse relatively the same with gunnery as i do assault. if there is another gunnery commando, guardian, or gunslinger in the group, i'll go with assault for the better mobility and on-demand burst (and an actual finisher).

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Not sure what you mean by parse.


If we're talking dummy bashing I parse 200dps higher with gunnery ( ~1700 vs ~1900)


However I'm fully aware that gunnery gets all its bonuses by itself and assault needs at least an armour debuff (and perhaps certain other debuffs from other classes) to do maximum damage.


Oh and burnout damage booster on low hp doesn't do anything on an immortal dummy either ofc, I don't call it much of a finisher tbh but if we've got the ammo and cooldowns to put all three dots up i guess it can sting.


One of these days I need to hire two people to set up the debuffs on the ops dummy for half an hour or so, I'm sure it can parse over 1900 if set up properly.

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Not sure what you mean by parse.


If we're talking dummy bashing I parse 200dps higher with gunnery ( ~1700 vs ~1900)


However I'm fully aware that gunnery gets all its bonuses by itself and assault needs at least an armour debuff (and perhaps certain other debuffs from other classes) to do maximum damage.


Oh and burnout damage booster on low hp doesn't do anything on an immortal dummy either ofc, I don't call it much of a finisher tbh but if we've got the ammo and cooldowns to put all three dots up i guess it can sting.


One of these days I need to hire two people to set up the debuffs on the ops dummy for half an hour or so, I'm sure it can parse over 1900 if set up properly.

the only thing i really parse on dummies is variation in rotation with the same spec.


of course i parse higher on a dummy with gunnery, so i don't typically put much stock into how different specs perform because, as i said, i parse relatively similar, and i am talking about raids.


so basically, as i said, if there's someone else in the group providing the 20% armor debuff, i'll run assault because of more on-demand blah blah and being more fun yadda yadda.

otherwise, i run gunnery for everyone's benefit.

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