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Will the Mary Sue factor be dialled down in chapter 4?


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It's Star Wars. To call Star Wars over the top, is to call the Pacific Ocean damp.


It's a solo game. People are just now noticing that the emphasis is on the individual player and not the game world?


Completely besides the point. You can have a story about a person without that person being omnipotent.

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They don't. Satele just says "We cannot grant you the title of master because you've fallen to the dark side" or some such thing. But due to beta whining, you still get the title master LOL. So it's irrelevant after the cut scene is over anyways.


Which is a damn shame. I would have killed so many people to get a General title.


Anyway, the one really egregious thing (Republic on Correlia) isn't even a class quest, it's a general quest.


General consensus is that the general quests are worse than the class ones (with certain exceptions).

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Completely besides the point. You can have a story about a person without that person being omnipotent.


Not in Star Wars you can't.


It's a cartoon. The badguys have all the competence of Wile E. Coyote. The goodguys have all the depth of a Kleenex.


Compare the flying car chase/combat scenes of whichever prequel had SuperAni in a flying death duel miles above the ground with the flaying car chase/combat scene of Fifth Element. Fifth Element's was at once, more believable and more exciting... and Fifth Element was a comedy!

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Mountain via molehill...


It's a game. I expect to be entertained in a game. In the class story line I AM the hero and as such I expect to do heroic stuff.


I also don't have the unreasonable expectation to be the only person playing an MMO doing heroic stuff. I don't care if other people have done the same heroic stuff because I'M REALISTIC ABOUT THE LIMITATIONS OF AN MMO...


There is no way any MMO can personally tailor an individual characters personal story and whining about it won't change that fact.


It's a sight better than watching NPC's do all the heroic stuff while you tag along as a lackey (coughWoWcough)...

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I really think people simply put "Sue" on whatever they don't like.


Great hero and little character both can make good story, it depends on how is it written. Did the hero get power from logical way? Did other characters' persona make sense or did get? Did the hero get too much poweful traits and never lose?

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Also remember that the character you're currently playing is the "canon" character. Everyone else is just a typical, run-of-the-mill Jedi, Sith or whatever else. You are the important one, and they merely populate the galaxy. Of course, you fall into that category from their perspective.
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And I still fail to see someone reply me about LotR's "Sue".


Aragorn was the heir of Isildur, the rightful claimant to both thrones.


He didn't just "rise up from a Ranger" as you seem to believe, it was his bloodline.


His lineage was kept secret at his mothers request after his father was killed and he was sent to Rivendell. It was done so to protect his identity from Sauron.


Sounds a bit like the whole Luke hidden from Vader thing.


But before some muppet says Lord of the Rings stole from Star Wars (believe me, i've heard it said before) remember that Lord of the Rings is far older than Star Wars. Lord of the Rings being written between 1937 and 1949 ..... around 30 years before Star Wars.


Had to add that last bit because i've seen so many idiots claim Lord of the Rings has stolen it's concept from things such as Warcraft, Warhammer and (as I said above) Star Wars.

Edited by Gomla
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Aragorn was the heir of Isildur, the rightful claimant to both thrones.


He didn't just "rise up from a Ranger" as you seem to believe, it was his bloodline.


His lineage was kept secret at his mothers request after his father was killed and he was sent to Rivendell. It was done so to protect his secret from Sauron.


Sounds a bit like the whole Luke hidden from Vader thing.


But before some muppet says Lord of the Rings stole from Star Wars (believe me, i've heard it said before) remember that Lord of the Rings is far older than Star Wars. Lord of the Rings being written between 1937 and 1949 ..... around 30 years before Star Wars.


Had to add that last bit because i've seen so many idiots claim Lord of the Rings has stolen it's concept from things such as Warcraft, Warhammer and (as I said above) Star Wars.


Bloodline of some royal is a Sue trait in most of the "Sue tests". Then how about Bilbo, Frodo and Sam?


And if you play SI you should know he/she has the bloodline of Kallig, while I dislike it.

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Well DS JK gets kicked out.


Ummm. I played exclusively as DS on my Shadow and didn't get kicked out of the Order or scolded for the things I did. It was always met with, "Well. I guess it was for the best." or something to that effect. I was always praised for completing the mission regardless of how many people I slaughtered along the way.

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Also, people shouldn't be surprised if the JC/JK went dark but the council didn't say anything.


Jedi does not equal to purity, especially there is war going on, they need powerful individuals to help them win it, so they could ignore some dirty stuff they committed. Just like Satele aided Revan in the Foundry and let Jun Seros start that witch hunt.

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Ummm. I played exclusively as DS on my Shadow and didn't get kicked out of the Order or scolded for the things I did. It was always met with, "Well. I guess it was for the best." or something to that effect. I was always praised for completing the mission regardless of how many people I slaughtered along the way.


Because you ended the Emperor at least stopped him for a while, he's the threat of all beings, compare to that they could ignore those killing you did.

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Aragorn was the heir of Isildur, the rightful claimant to both thrones.


He didn't just "rise up from a Ranger" as you seem to believe, it was his bloodline.


His lineage was kept secret at his mothers request after his father was killed and he was sent to Rivendell. It was done so to protect his identity from Sauron.


Sounds a bit like the whole Luke hidden from Vader thing.


But before some muppet says Lord of the Rings stole from Star Wars (believe me, i've heard it said before) remember that Lord of the Rings is far older than Star Wars. Lord of the Rings being written between 1937 and 1949 ..... around 30 years before Star Wars.


Had to add that last bit because i've seen so many idiots claim Lord of the Rings has stolen it's concept from things such as Warcraft, Warhammer and (as I said above) Star Wars.


Indeed - the only reason Lord of the Rings seems derivative to a lot of uninformed people is because it is, essentially, the first modern fantasy piece of which nearly everything to follow took inspiration from. That being said, the work is indeed derivative itself, from actual legends and histories, but as for fantasy, it was the father of everything any fantasy nerd holds dear.


Even elves and orcs, although these "races" seem common and more and more ancient than the Lord of the Rings mythology, that is owed to great writing. Although the words exist before Tolkien, he completed reinvented these races, their reinvention now becoming the popular perception.

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Indeed - the only reason Lord of the Rings seems derivative to a lot of uninformed people is because it is, essentially, the first modern fantasy piece of which nearly everything to follow took inspiration from. That being said, the work is indeed derivative itself, from actual legends and histories, but as for fantasy, it was the father of everything any fantasy nerd holds dear.


Even elves and orcs, although these "races" seem common and more and more ancient than the Lord of the Rings mythology, that is owed to great writing. Although the words exist before Tolkien, he completed reinvented these races, their reinvention now becoming the popular perception.


I know it, since it's not Sue, why is SW Sue?

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Let's face it, the class stories feature lots of fanfiction-tier mary sue crap. Here are some examples:



Some of this is a needed plot device. We got all these bases run by empire and republic in which NPCs are just sitting around as scenery, rather than doing the things that the quests call for. How do you explain or justify that. You need to make those people be demoralized, wounded and of incompetent and the only one that can really get the job done is the great hero in question.

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What about Corellia on Pub side?



You just mow down THREE dark council members with no real trouble. These guys are built up to be the boogeymen of the Empire. It's worse because it's not class specific. A random Smuggler can do it!


I can understand a powerful force user beating someone in single combat because that's just the way it is but I don't care how good you are with a blaster, you are not going to defeat people that rank among the most powerful Sith at the time.



On the other hand, reversing the trend now will result in the stupidity of TBC when it launched in WoW.


"So, you killed immensely powerful dragons and defeated Kel'thuzad, forcing him to retreat?" "Well, good on ya. Here is a shovel, my pigs need tending".


hahahah exactly this crap right here. i never got that ever. Things like this can honestly be kept at lower lvls. After youve become epic or whatever you shouldnt be doing anything poop or animal tending related.

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True, but if that had happened in SWTOR, your character would have done it solo, while dryhumping a twi'lek poledancer and letting out farts that smells like rainbows and unicorns.


While I appreciate BioWares attempt at making our characters Big heroic figures in the conflict they are trying to display, I've gotta admit that they went overboard. Don't get me wrong, we should be heroic, but in a much more subdued way. But I guess that's never been BioWares strong side. They love making their protagonists Superheroes, instead of just heroes.


hahah yeah guess the previous poster forgot that said simple farmboy had a battlefleet / armada with him AND had hax because he was a jedi and used the force for targetting. That farmboy also had yrs of experience shooting womp rats..which is the same thing as blowing up a deathstar..so theres that.

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BioWare are famous for having over heroic characters.


Shepard. 1 man manages to bring together an entire universe to battle the greatest threat they have ever seen. Not only that but at one point he comes back from the dead.


The galaxy would obviously be doomed by this one single man not being around. No one else in the history of ever in the Mass Efeect 'verse would be able to do it.


The Grey Warden. Pick an origin and within an hour you are the best warden EVER and the only one capable of stopping this terrible blight and killing the Arch Demon.




Indeed magic quote fairy ... HOWEVER ... you have only been a warden for 5 minutes and are the junior member behind a fully combat trained ex Templar who suddenly wishes to follow a rookie with no previous experience into battle.




The best thing to do with BioWare games games is to suspend disbelief and go along for the ride.


While the stories may be about as far fetched as they come they are worth going through.


hahah this makes me think Bioware also had a part in writing the script for the movie Battleship. Good thing all those useful non bed ridden old world war 2 sailors were on that prehistoric fully operational battleship , in their swabby uniforms and ready to kill aliens!


That was a close one. Earth was doomed if not for that...phew.

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hahah yeah guess the previous poster forgot that said simple farmboy had a battlefleet / armada with him AND had hax because he was a jedi and used the force for targetting. That farmboy also had yrs of experience shooting womp rats..which is the same thing as blowing up a deathstar..so theres that.


He had not completed his training yet, he truly became a knight in EP VI. Also most of his teams got shot down at that time.


Most of the characters were much better trained before this.

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Didn't see that much planning other then, "Hey everyone, glad you could make the time to come here this morning. So we have the plans to the Death Star. See this spot riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight here? We need to shoot it and the station will explode. Any questions? Good. May the force be with us."


There is your "lots of planning."


Still, not sure why anything listed so far is an issue other than to just complain in this thread. I didn't feel Gary sue(ish) at all with my Trooper. I simple felt like the next best thing since Malcom. Everyone is the "top of their class" so yeah, a new [insert class] with a fresh mind using new tactics defeating their enemies....makes sence.


Im glad these posts hurt your feelings. nah im kidding but your above quote just cracks me up :)


(its sense not sence or since )

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Because Tolkien was a master of fantasy (and character) who will be seen as a master of fantasy 500 years from now and George Lucas is a pulp writer who is seen as a master of selling toys?


So that's the answer, it depend on how good you make the story and build the character. But even Tolkien's characters fit quite a few "Sue" traits such as royal bloodline, the ability to resist the One Ring.


Then what's wrong with Luke in the movies, and why did people blame Bioware for make characters heroes?

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