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Will the Mary Sue factor be dialled down in chapter 4?


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Look, the fantasy has it's own logic and "reality" that you can't compare to the real world. Force-users have heightened reflexes when they are attuned to the Force because it enables them to react to the immediate future, but they are not infallible. They can become distracted or surprised and lose their edge. Edited by MorgonKara
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This is what is know as a railgun. A mass is accelerated so fast that it ceases to be matter and turns into energy. Regardless, blocking an arrow with a sword is impossible, a bullet moreso. A railgun is shooting its projectile far, far, far faster than any bullet.


The weapons in Star Wars are really slow moving. I mean, you can see them... That's not fast at all. That's incredibly slow, in terms of accelerating an object with the intent to do harm with it. Superheated or otherwise. They can't be moving much faster than say a baseball, and people hit those quite often :p


That's not even my problem here. The point that seems to elude these people is that the Force user can just toss the other person aside or simply rip them apart without them being able to do *anything*. And since we are, again, talking about the most powerful Sith of the time, the feat would be trivial to them. They do it all the time, in cut scenes etc. Being force pushed into a wall would kill pretty much anyone, regardless of armour, unless that armour also protects you from being hit over by a truck.


See, this is the main issue I have in general with this stuff. They are trying to work a story around people that can destroy you with their minds without you being able to do anything about it. With that premise, any straight up fight is simply, logically, one sided without exceptions.


It's like a 10 yearold attacking an MMA fighter. It's preposterous.

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That's not even my problem here. The point that seems to elude these people is that the Force user can just toss the other person aside or simply rip them apart without them being able to do *anything*. And since we are, again, talking about the most powerful Sith of the time, the feat would be trivial to them. They do it all the time, in cut scenes etc. Being force pushed into a wall would kill pretty much anyone, regardless of armour, unless that armour also protects you from being hit over by a truck.


No, Force Push usually does not kill people, it's not a very aggressive technique so most of the Sith prefer to use Force Lightning/Force Choke/Force Crush. And powerful non force users could still dodge from it and open fire.


You chose to ignore EU, then tell me which character got killed by one Force Push in the movie?


See, this is the main issue I have in general with this stuff. They are trying to work a story around people that can destroy you with their minds without you being able to do anything about it. With that premise, any straight up fight is simply, logically, one sided without exceptions.


It's like a 10 yearold attacking an MMA fighter. It's preposterous.


Please, read more EU. The Force users are not that superior like you thought.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Just an FYI the holocron for the sith inquisitor revealed itself to him because of his bloodline.


learn that if ya play it all the way through. They even talk about all the people who tried to open it in similar ways.

Edited by Chiltonium
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I hope so. As much as I like his flashpoints I kinda wish they left him out of it completely.


But in doing so, leave out the central Star Wars motif in how fanatacism in any regard leads to madness and the dark side. Revan was prodigal. He was also driven insane.

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Look, the fantasy has it's own logic and "reality" that you can't compare to the real world. Force-users have heightened reflexes when they are attuned to the Force because it enables them to react to the immediate future, but they are not infallible. They can become distracted or surprised and lose their edge.


That's exactly my point.


In the orginal trilogy it is such a rare ability that it is 'believable' that a few beings can have a magic power, and Vader, Obi-Wan and Luke all show they aren't infallible. It's acceptable that Vader can block Han's shot, it's acceptable that Luke can deflect a few blaster shots on the barge.


From there we jump to armies of Jedi blocking armies of robots with laser chainguns. Lucas loses the audience over and over because he never had any grasp of the "less is more" theory of storytelling. Surprising really since Indy is such a great character because he is so human and fallible.

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But in doing so, leave out the central Star Wars motif in how fanatacism in any regard leads to madness and the dark side. Revan was prodigal. He was also driven insane.


For me it would have been better to introduce a new antagonist for the purposes of this game.

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That's exactly my point.


In the orginal trilogy it is such a rare ability that it is 'believable' that a few beings can have a magic power, and Vader, Obi-Wan and Luke all show they aren't infallible. It's acceptable that Vader can block Han's shot, it's acceptable that Luke can deflect a few blaster shots on the barge.


From there we jump to armies of Jedi blocking armies of robots with laser chainguns. Lucas loses the audience over and over because he never had any grasp of the "less is more" theory of storytelling. Surprising really since Indy is such a great character because he is so human and fallible.


For over a thousand generations, the Jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the old republic, before the dark times, before the empire.


It was also clearly mentioned in the beginning of the novel of EP IV, which was published BEFORE the movie.


Once, under the wise rule of the Senate and the protection of the Jedi Knights, the Republic throve and grew. But as often happens when wealth and power pass beyond the admirable and attain the awesome, then appear those

evil ones who have greed to match.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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I agree.


There isn't enough depth in the stories. Rather than the your so great your the best rubbish I would prefer to see deeper and more personal story telling which has some real impact.


As it stands enemies are meaningless, achieving the highest ranks in the empire appears to have no effect and there is no consistence from choices I make. Kill or spare a captain doesn't matter he never appears again and the mission is completely forgotten.

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I agree.


There isn't enough depth in the stories. Rather than the your so great your the best rubbish I would prefer to see deeper and more personal story telling which has some real impact.


As it stands enemies are meaningless, achieving the highest ranks in the empire appears to have no effect and there is no consistence from choices I make. Kill or spare a captain doesn't matter he never appears again and the mission is completely forgotten.


IA, BH and SW all had good character development, especially IA.


That's totally not true, play BH, SI, SW and IA story and you will know what I mean.

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That's totally not true, play BH, SI, SW and IA story and you will know what I mean.


You should play your IA again and trash talk to Jadus when you meet him the first time, cause that's a logical outcome of a fight between a Sith of great power and a normal person. :D


I'll spoil it for you, you get to visit the med center because he WILL just simply kill you without any real effort.

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For me it would have been better to introduce a new antagonist for the purposes of this game.


No one would have cared about them as much. Jump off into the "Story and Lore" forum and see the arguments that have been going on; there are a *lot* of people who care about that character. It carries more weight to see it occur when you don't know the outcome. With Darth Vader, we all knew what was going to happen to Anakin Skywalker. Everyone had flipped to the end of the book and saw the final pages. It wasn't a surprise to see what was going to happen, as the prequels basically just answered "how" and "why" instead.


No one could have seen the parallels with Revan back and forth, and finally back again in that last moment where he quotes Malak. He was blinded by his own zealotry, and saw only his ways (genocide of billions) to be absolute. He became the Anti-Emperor (as in an Anti-Christ, or Anti-Matter), using similiar methods to obtain opposite means, but did not see himself being consumed by the Dark Side until the final blows struck him.

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You should play your IA again and trash talk to Jadus when you meet him the first time, cause that's a logical outcome of a fight between a Sith of great power and a normal person. :D


I'll spoil it for you, you get to visit the med center because he WILL just simply kill you without any real effort.

I finished it 7 months ago.

I'm sorry but he/she became the most elite rank of Cipher agent of the Empire I remember in Kaas, so that's NOT a normal person at all.

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