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Probably getting banned for this


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Probably getting banned for this, but i really dont give a crap...your pvp is broke and you dont want us to talk about it...I put up a post yesterday which has been removed from these forums. You then sent me a PM stating that i had violate some agree (i guess an agree to not talk about how bad the pvp in your game has become).


The post was about hackers ive seen in warzones. You tell me i must report the hackers i see in game and not in the forums but that does no good...If anything happens to them at all, its a very short term ban and they are right back at it again...Maybe not so obvious as before, but the hacks are there never-the-less; just incase they start losing.


Here is an interesting thought...If you dont want us discussing the bad stuff, maybe fix it???????




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You have received a warning at STAR WARS: The Old Republic.




Rules Notification


Your thread was recently removed for violating the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ community Rules of Conduct. Please note that this is just a friendly reminder of the Rules of Conduct - no infraction points have been added to your account!


Please do not discuss Terms of Service violations (such as hacking) on the forums. If you feel that someone is hacking or otherwise cheating, please use the in-game report tool to report them to Customer Support.


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Feel free to contact the Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Team at Communitysupport@swtor.com if you have any questions about this message or its contents. Thank you for respecting our position and helping us create a fun and safe environment for our community.


I find it funny as heck that you can take the time to reprimand me for bringing up a serious issue while you do nothing to fix the real issue...Heck, ill probably get banned for longer than a hacker does.


We watched the same guy get banned 2 times and keep right on doing it...All the time taunting us about turning him in...Laughing saying he would see us in a couple days...They only reason he left was he got bored with swtor...Is that what people who like the game are supposed to do? Just outlast the hackers/exploiters??????


Why should i have to quit playing a game i love and PAY FOR??? I dont hack or exploit...and i have less rights than someone who does...Maybe we all should start hacking...then atleast all would be on equal footing...its not like your going to do anything to stop it...

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EA/Bioware/Mythic have had this issue for a long time and dont care to support the honest player base. they also go out of their way to remain silent when they should speak up and speak up when they should remain silent. Warhammer Online had this very issue and they have continued it SWtor as many of my friends thought they would before the game was released.
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EA/Bioware/Mythic have had this issue for a long time and dont care to support the honest player base. they also go out of their way to remain silent when they should speak up and speak up when they should remain silent. Warhammer Online had this very issue and they have continued it SWtor as many of my friends thought they would before the game was released.


The OP is just a bad player and doesn't understand anything about PvP in this game. He claims he knows of certain hacks that exist in this game when I can go to a certain website where all the hacks that are ever made for any game come from and there are none like that.

OP is just bad.

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OP...if you are going to go out banstyle, then go out with a better rant than that. By the way, you have to build up multiple cases of Infractions before you get banned, unless you just completely douche-out.


And ordinarily, you only receive Infractions when other players report you. There are no real moderators in these forums, just a bunch of reactionary thought police that stick it to you when someone complains. Unfortunately, I know this from experience.


Edit: This past weekend I had someone rage-whisper me that I was using the speed hack on my Trooper. I laughed at him and explained all I was doing was strafing. He thought I was speed hacking. lulz

Edited by DarthOvertone
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And ordinarily, you only receive Infractions when other players report you. There are no real moderators in these forums, just a bunch of reactionary thought police that stick it to you when someone complains. Unfortunately, I know this from experience.


Pretty much this ^


I have numerous infractions on my account. I think I was even banned for 24 or 48 hours once. Derps who disagree with something you've posted will report you, and rather than actually reading what was written, you're just issued an infraction. :rolleyes:


I've also had posts and threads removed, especially the ones noting what was actually broken with this game and calling out the devs to fix them. There's no room for trickery such as this on the interwebs. Just know that your opinion means exactly squat to this development team anyway, and the mod monkeys will just remove your posts anyway.

Edited by TheronFett
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yes watching somebody use a speed hack is because the player who sees it isnt a good player right?




watching a guy sit under the floor shooting people is not a hack right? although havent seen people doing it lately.. maybe the hackers quit... LOL


yes its the guys who sees it that suck for seeing it right...


get off your pedestal. There has been hacks in this game since launch. in fact most Alpha and Beta players play the game during the time to figure out the hacks to use them at launch. They dont really help the game or much less report the problems.


bad player... wow just wow.... cant believe the mentality of some of you epeeners

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bad player... wow just wow.... cant believe the mentality of some of you epeeners


The last time I saw an actual hack in this game was more than 6 months ago. Sorry, but a lot of people here have a very valid point. Most of the "hackers" are reported by players who simply have no idea how other classes work.

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The last time I saw an actual hack in this game was more than 6 months ago. Sorry, but a lot of people here have a very valid point. Most of the "hackers" are reported by players who simply have no idea how other classes work.


i just saw a hacker 2 days ago... he was using a speed hack.. how do i know... see its called animations... you see the trails behind a speed burst from skill...


when a speed hacker uses it... you dont see the trail.... or the glow from sents... you see them jerking forward... im on a top of the line bulldozer...


nobody lags like that for me in game... i have used the speed hack to see how it works before.. mind you not in this game.. but we used it to see what it looks like... and if you put the speed up to fast.. it jerks you around. if you max it out you can be across the board in one jerk.


thats how i know if i see it.. I have seen people lag before.. but they wont be lagging forward like that. been playing MMOs since the days of Asheron's Call and EQ.. and numerous of MMOs that followed and you can clearly see who is using it.

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I used to think that when I saw the Huttball go from mid to goal in 3 seconds, it was Hax~~

Then I found out that people are actually so good at this game that they actually do sprint, pull, pass, score in a line. Then I started killing the links in the scoring chain. Suddenly...there was less cheating in my WZs!!!!

Edited by Journeyer
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The fact that they took time to go out of their way to message you (wow they actually read these complaints and never respond? Lol), which is shady for starters..... IMO. I believe you, and I think they knew about them. But also in their defense. You can't announce hacks like that either. Not just 1 guy and his friends will be doing it, but now everyone who reads this will be like....I wonder how they do that? See what I mean...snowball effect. 5 guys can turn into thousands. :(
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i just saw a hacker 2 days ago... he was using a speed hack.. how do i know... see its called animations... you see the trails behind a speed burst from skill...


when a speed hacker uses it... you dont see the trail.... or the glow from sents... you see them jerking forward... im on a top of the line bulldozer...


nobody lags like that for me in game... i have used the speed hack to see how it works before.. mind you not in this game.. but we used it to see what it looks like... and if you put the speed up to fast.. it jerks you around. if you max it out you can be across the board in one jerk.


thats how i know if i see it.. I have seen people lag before.. but they wont be lagging forward like that. been playing MMOs since the days of Asheron's Call and EQ.. and numerous of MMOs that followed and you can clearly see who is using it.


I have video footage of UFO's, know who killed JFK, 2poc is still alive, have seen Bigfoot and am also a psychic. Don't ask me to prove any of it, but I will talk about it all day.

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I used to think that when I saw the Huttball go from mid to goal in 3 seconds, it was Hax~~

Then I found out that people are actually so good at this game that they actually do sprint, pull, pass, score in a line. Then I started killing the links in the scoring chain. Suddenly...there was less cheating in my WZs!!!!


no this is good play..... i have seen this many times... they dont jerk around.... they utilize 2 skills.. the sorcs speed burst and sents speed burst... especially if you have 2 sents... plus pulls help hugely too... you see them all over the rafters...


see these arent hacks.. there is a big difference

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I have video footage of UFO's, know who killed JFK, 2poc is still alive, have seen Bigfoot and am also a psychic. Don't ask me to prove any of it, but I will talk about it all day.


yeah there is no such as a million dollars too since you have never seen it in real life... right?


oh and there is no such thing as the president of the United states.. its all computer image right? you never shook his hand and seen him in the flesh... i bet he isnt real either?


i can do it too.

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I haven't seen any actual hacks for months- there used to be some hacks that let you teleport the huttball across the map. Otherwise- most 'hacks' back then were more exploiting two things 1- stealth capping taking advantage of it taking over half the cap before they showed 2- people jumping over the VS entrance zone before the game started and getting in position to pretty much free win before the game even started.


That was a while ago- and for all the things wrong with PVP right now, hacks aren't one of the issues. If there is an actual hack though- they don't want people here reading it, and deciding to give it a try.

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The OP is just a bad player and doesn't understand anything about PvP in this game. He claims he knows of certain hacks that exist in this game when I can go to a certain website where all the hacks that are ever made for any game come from and there are none like that.

OP is just bad.


I vaguely remember that thread and my recollection is the post I'm quoting is pretty accurate. The hacks he was talking about didn't exist in the game. Neither did the website.


I don't recall exactly what he was alleging, but it wasn't speed hacks or latency switches. In some cases he was calling bugs hacks (such as that weirdness where a marauder is represented as two floating lightsabers), in others he was confusing one AC for another, in still others he just didn't understand what particular ACs were capable of doing, and in still others he was talking about things that happened in every warzone that nobody else in the thread had seen in ANY warzone ever.



i just saw a hacker 2 days ago... he was using a speed hack.. how do i know... see its called animations... you see the trails behind a speed burst from skill...


when a speed hacker uses it... you dont see the trail.... or the glow from sents... you see them jerking forward... im on a top of the line bulldozer...





Those are errors with bioware's ***** engine, most commonly seen on huttball. The ball carrier will try to run up a ramp, phase through it, appear to be in the pit, then show up on the scaffolding. It's not a 'hack.' It's a rendering error on your local client.


The flip side of this is if you're that guy on someone else's screen, be prepared to run through a fire pit, then get sucked back about 10 meters into it by a stun or a force leap (not a grapple, which is designed to do that).

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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It is not financially profitable to ban people from paying you.


I don't agree with it, but EA doesn't win when people get banned and are prevented from paying for their services.


BW has banned plenty of people. people like to promote this myth that games dont ban paying players... totally false. every MMO i have ever played has banned people and even have had mass banning.


fact is, when people are actually caught using hacks they are banned and that char is never seen again. problem is, what most people think are hacks are not.

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BW has banned plenty of people. people like to promote this myth that games dont ban paying players... totally false. every MMO i have ever played has banned people and even have had mass banning.


fact is, when people are actually caught using hacks they are banned and that char is never seen again. problem is, what most people think are hacks are not.


I didn't say they never ban anyone. I just said it doesn't help their bottom line.


They are not putting in overtime hours just to ensure that warzones are hack free.

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