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Pub's on POT5


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I have to agree with the OP. I have a scoundrel healer and I'm actually leveling a operative and sending my gear over via legacy. It's insane how many games I have to play to finish my weekly. I know there is some really good pubs but the majority of the unranked warzones are just horrible. I've solo queued plenty of times on my imps and its never as bad as I've experienced on the pub side of this server.


Those that are good at this game on the pub side shouldn't take offense to this. If you're good then obviously this isn't pointed at you. This is just an observation and I agree with him. My observation is 50 PvP not sub 50.


Maybe you're just terrible at playing your scoundrel?

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Pub side definitely has less talent than imp side on Po5, but that doesnt mean there arent any good players lol. There are plenty of good ones, just more so on the bad side.....that stands out alot more sadly:( Edited by Jmenks
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Could have been.


It was a dumb situation I normally do not like to put my sniper in; face tanking like that, but they showed no reason to respect them and I maxed my medals anyway.


A lot of times, it just happened from me being befuddled as I rotated to defend the next node only to see all 8 of them rushing in again. Rather than run away or call for help as we are already capping the 3rd node; just as easy to try to take some with me or annoy the piss out of them pillar humping with frag grenades and default attack preventing the cap.


Sounds fun and it worked! I felt sorry for anyone on that team that was trying to play smart and win.

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I'm the OP and i am not saying everyone is bad, just the majority. I come from the fatman server and last i remember the pubs on our server had much better teamwork than the imp side(except T.W.A.T and Seal team Sith they just facerolled everyone). People pulling the marks off healers!?!? gimme me a god damn break if it was once i would have been eh just another bad but it happened damn near every game. On the Imp side i started a sniper and have won my first 14/15 matches(the 1 loss was against imps). Pub side most i ever won was 2-3 maybe 5 at most in a row.
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From this entire thread I may have recognized 3 names. There are good people on republic side, but for the majority my conclusion is:


1)Healers don't want to heal because people don't know how to guard/peel and face tanking to victory gets old: I average around 300k damage received every WZ I enter.

2)Damage dealers are badly geared or play useless specs - resulting in low pressure on the other team

3)Tanks believe that if they just throw a guard on a healer then that's that - hardly ever see guard switching and often enough I just click the guard off because the tank has ran off into the wilds.

4)Nobody effin' taunts

5)Little nubbies want to face tank and do their 80 DPS instead of guarding nodes. Or when guarding and they see 3 people coming towards them - they do their Jedi Knight mojo and leap to the 3 enemy players instead of trying to buy time, getting stuffed in 3 seconds.


Am I close?

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I remember Ajunta pall used to be almost as one sided in terms of balance, but as of the past month Jung Ma broke the whole "Pubs are terrible, and the faction balance is nonexistant" In the warzones I play pubs win against the imps way more than they lose, its gotten to the point that half my warzones are pub vs pub cuase imps wont Queue, and yes these are PUG 50 lvl warzones. But both factions display good teamwork and coordinations, I havent seen a 6-0 huttball or even 6- anything in heaven knows how long.


Good thing the complainers on my server didnt get their way and have JM merged into PoT5, its sounds terrible over there.

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