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Pub's on POT5


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So i have 2 Imp 50's (PT and Sin) on POT5, knowing this HK-51 thing is going to require me to have a pub(what lvl i wasnt aware). But anyways i rolled a smuggler healer which i hit 50 Saturday. I PvP'd from lvl 28-50 with a FP here and there for the daily(so a good 100+ warzones). Why are you guys soooo bad?!!? Running way leaving 1 or 0 people guarding, using guard on your dps buddy instead to the healer dropping 350k+ heals every WZn not once did i ever see a target marked except when me or my gunslinger guildie marked them. Best of yet REMOVING THE MARK'S OFF THE HEALERS no joke ever single gosh darn time we marked a healer someone would take it down no exaggeration here. I did meet a handful of good players over there after grouping and talking with them every last one was doing the same as me( an imp at heart rolling a pub alt for HK).


Last for my rant which doesn't really belong in this forum, after hitting 50 and putting on my gear(full 61 bis mods and enhacements only missing barrels to be full 61+) i ran a few operations the story mode ones went ok noticed a few dummies but u always get those with GF. Next I did a HM EC we downed Z & T using the cheep method, next the tanks, every single dps in the was 61 or better in every slot a few had more 63 then 61, they hit enrage timer!! My gunslinger buddy had MOX open he was pushing 1800 dps and @ times still getting a second DD from SC.



So I ask you are there any good pubs out there, or are all the good ones just Imp ats??!?!?!?

Edited by wetslampigduex
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Are you talking the sub-50 PvP?


I know I have a scoundrel there and they wonder why they don't get any healers. Well, I tried healer spec there but it is just awesome when it is a race to get away from the node that needs guarded, hoping the last person stays, or just not caring if anyone does, in such a hurry to get to a fight at another node. It gets old being the healer left to guard a node by yourself because no one else was willing and you were the only person who seemed to notice or care the node gets vacated. Why play a healer then when the chances are better in the DPS build.

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Yes, you are the master of the republic side on POT5. Your capacity for awesomeness in both pve and pvp is unsurpassed. They should remove the VIP area in the middle of carrick station and, in its place, erect a 400 ft tall statue in the likeness of your bis 61 scoundrel - as you are truly the only VIP, anyway.
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There are a few *AMAZING* Republic players out there for POT5. Unfortunately, there is an extreme emphasis on "a few". :D


Though I got fed up with it and rolled a few Imperial characters. The Developers have shown favoritism towards that faction, and I've played the underdog faction in far too many games as it is.

Edited by Lexlo
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So i have 2 Imp 50's (PT and Sin) on POT5, knowing this HK-51 thing is going to require me to have a pub(what lvl i wasnt aware). But anyways i rolled a smuggler healer which i hit 50 Saturday. I PvP'd from lvl 28-50 with a FP here and there for the daily(so a good 100+ warzones). Why are you guys soooo bad?!!? Running way leaving 1 or 0 people guarding, using guard on your dps buddy instead to the healer dropping 350k+ heals every WZn not once did i ever see a target marked except when me or my gunslinger guildie marked them. Best of yet REMOVING THE MARK'S OFF THE HEALERS no joke ever single gosh darn time we marked a healer someone would take it down no exaggeration here. I did meet a handful of good players over there after grouping and talking with them every last one was doing the same as me( an imp at heart rolling a pub alt for HK).


Last for my rant which doesn't really belong in this forum, after hitting 50 and putting on my gear(full 61 bis mods and enhacements only missing barrels to be full 61+) i ran a few operations the story mode ones went ok noticed a few dummies but u always get those with GF. Next I did a HM EC we downed Z & T using the cheep method, next the tanks, every single dps in the was 61 or better in every slot a few had more 63 then 61, they hit enrage timer!! My gunslinger buddy had MOX open he was pushing 1800 dps and @ times still getting a second DD from SC.



So I ask you are there any good pubs out there, or are all the good ones just Imp ats??!?!?!?


So you probably have a fairly full guild Imp side and are pugging on Reb side? Pugs are horrible on every server tbh...both sides. You just probably get a bit more jumpysmashy-rollface jedis on the Imperial side I guess.

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so i have a pt, and a sin......im on pot5, funny my two fav targets which i absolutly destroy....throw jugs into that mix to....imp teams = op op jug jug sorc sorc bh bh or jug jug jug bh bh op op sin, all with there fotm abilitys....actully miss the 50000 maras used to see but hey...
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Last night I played like crap; because I really didn't have to play any better due to some terrible players in sub-50. I really have to get this toon to 50 because it was just as bad facing either side.


By me playing bad, I will say I was on a team with my sniper, 1 DPS sorcerer, 1 DPS operative, 1 assassin, 1 marauder, and 2 other snipers. I and at least half my team were in the low 20s for level just to give you an idea where we were at group wise. The other team sent all 8 snow, where I was capping. By the time they brought me down, my team had the other 2 nodes.


We then fend off grass, then I head to mid. Here comes all 8 again. Me and another 2 teammates face tank them long enough that we get a 3 cap and we fend them off after a 2nd zerg by me; which was another dumb face tank, but it was hillarious because they had to put so much effort into a level 21 sniper to just get a cap.


This went on the entire match. My numbers were not great doing the stupid face tanking as a sniper; but I still had way more kills than deaths and some one on ones and a couple times, I did a 2 on one only to then root the 2nd guy and retreat to my group who then finishes them off when they insist on pursuing me.

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There are a few *AMAZING* Republic players out there for POT5. Unfortunately, there is an extreme emphasis on "a few". :D


Though I got fed up with it and rolled a few Imperial characters. The Developers have shown favoritism towards that faction, and I've played the underdog faction in far too many games as it is.


First off, there are plenty of great players on the pub side. I see them all the time while queuing.


Secondly, what favoritism is there again? I would love to hear the examples that haven't been fixed yet.

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First off, there are plenty of great players on the pub side. I see them all the time while queuing.


Secondly, what favoritism is there again? I would love to hear the examples that haven't been fixed yet.


No there isn't. Republic on POT5 is an absolute embarrassment. Sub-50 and 50 alike. A big part of the problem, admittedly, are players like me who run in with Recruit gear and maybe a couple pieces of BM. Right now I'm in mostly Recruit with BM weapons, relics, and a couple other pieces.


Most imps I run across are in WH. I don't know exactly how it happened but imps seem to badly outgear reps on Prophecy of the Five. I also run into a lot of premades.


To be sure, Republic doesn't help itself with its terrible skill and nonexistent teamwork, but if we tightened those things up a bit, we'd win more often than we lose. Not much we can do against people that have such a big gear advantage, but skill can be a great equalizer.


As it stands right now the best thing for a Republic player to do is get in there and lose as quick as possible so we can requeue and get into another losing match. We at least get more medals that way.


I don't even try anymore.

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No there isn't. Republic on POT5 is an absolute embarrassment. Sub-50 and 50 alike. A big part of the problem, admittedly, are players like me who run in with Recruit gear and maybe a couple pieces of BM. Right now I'm in mostly Recruit with BM weapons, relics, and a couple other pieces.


Most imps I run across are in WH. I don't know exactly how it happened but imps seem to badly outgear reps on Prophecy of the Five. I also run into a lot of premades.


To be sure, Republic doesn't help itself with its terrible skill and nonexistent teamwork, but if we tightened those things up a bit, we'd win more often than we lose. Not much we can do against people that have such a big gear advantage, but skill can be a great equalizer.


As it stands right now the best thing for a Republic player to do is get in there and lose as quick as possible so we can requeue and get into another losing match. We at least get more medals that way.


I don't even try anymore.


Almost everyone in sub 50 is terrible on both sides. This is a non factor.


I can tell why you do not win warzones based on your philosophy alone. If your goal is to lose as quickly as possible, you won't win very often. Based on your gear, I can tell that you haven't been playing long either. Your view is somewhat skewed by your own experiences. Admittedly, the gap between augmented Wh and mostly recruit with no augments is significant. I would say, however, that the people you think are in full WH are probably more likely in full BM with some WH and plenty of augments.


If you aren't in one already, find a guild to help you out. It doesn't have to be the top tier ranked warzone group, but having some people to bounce ideas off of, duel for experience, and group with for warzones might give you a different perspective of faction balance.


There may be more imps, but we have more bads as well.

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First, I have to agree with you for the most part as far as PUG pvp goes. On the other hand, there are some very good Pub players, but they all play together so you wont see them much on your team. Hoth ski patrol, bubbles guild, rude dudes- are all good overall guilds that pvp. There are a few outstanding players as well--- such as-- zurules (rude dudes), bubbles(bubbles), shield/pistols(gangsta rap), Ig, spitta, mezeker, etc. I could go on, but the thing is that the pvp players on pub side know who is good and they play together. I know that rude dudes are a pve main guild but they pvp most of the time and they are the only pve guys that do so at a half/decent level. Just stinks how in this game the talent pool is so limited.


TL;DR- There are good pub pvpers, but they all know each other and play together.

in the words of will ferral.... Gator don't play no ****, he aint never been about ****.

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So i have 2 Imp 50's (PT and Sin) on POT5, knowing this HK-51 thing is going to require me to have a pub(what lvl i wasnt aware). But anyways i rolled a smuggler healer which i hit 50 Saturday. I PvP'd from lvl 28-50 with a FP here and there for the daily(so a good 100+ warzones). Why are you guys soooo bad?!!? Running way leaving 1 or 0 people guarding, using guard on your dps buddy instead to the healer dropping 350k+ heals every WZn not once did i ever see a target marked except when me or my gunslinger guildie marked them. Best of yet REMOVING THE MARK'S OFF THE HEALERS no joke ever single gosh darn time we marked a healer someone would take it down no exaggeration here. I did meet a handful of good players over there after grouping and talking with them every last one was doing the same as me( an imp at heart rolling a pub alt for HK).


Last for my rant which doesn't really belong in this forum, after hitting 50 and putting on my gear(full 61 bis mods and enhacements only missing barrels to be full 61+) i ran a few operations the story mode ones went ok noticed a few dummies but u always get those with GF. Next I did a HM EC we downed Z & T using the cheep method, next the tanks, every single dps in the was 61 or better in every slot a few had more 63 then 61, they hit enrage timer!! My gunslinger buddy had MOX open he was pushing 1800 dps and @ times still getting a second DD from SC.



So I ask you are there any good pubs out there, or are all the good ones just Imp ats??!?!?!?


Sub 50 Imperial PvPers aren't any better. Seriously.

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Most imps I run across are in WH. I don't know exactly how it happened but imps seem to badly outgear reps on Prophecy of the Five. I also run into a lot of premades...To be sure, Republic doesn't help itself with its terrible skill and nonexistent teamwork...
^ This. At peek times you'll get a lot of well-geared imp premades in regular WZs - FOTM team composition, fast coordination on voice chat, tag-team stealthers, etc. Actually, POT5 PvP now feels a lot like it was on The Fatman circa Jan-March of this year when there was a critical mass of strong imp PvP'ers.
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^ This. At peek times you'll get a lot of well-geared imp premades in regular WZs - FOTM team composition, fast coordination on voice chat, tag-team stealthers, etc. Actually, POT5 PvP now feels a lot like it was on The Fatman circa Jan-March of this year when there was a critical mass of strong imp PvP'ers.


Well I will just say this. Voice chat in a 3-4 man premade is of only limited value. I still end up saying most everything via text typing because the rest of the team's got to know what/where to go. I type a LOT in the ops chat. I'm a big believer in coordination, even if it hurts my own personal gameplay slightly. I find it consistently works out for the best.


Where voice comes in handy is at the very start. Example: We voice coordinate where we'll start attacking/capping in Alderaan, or who will stealth the weak side door in Voidstar.

Edited by islander
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Most PUBS are terrible post 50. Just like OP said, if I don't mark healers, no one will. If I don't call out to focus healers, no one will. Pffft, even after calling out what targets to kill, no one listens. I switched over to IMP side recently and the pugs are just a bit better. They will mark healers, call out targets, and focus fire most of the time.


There are some great players on the PUB side but they rarely solo queue. But as of late, most are either no longer playing or have re-rolled IMP.

Edited by Asukaa
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Last night I played like crap; because I really didn't have to play any better due to some terrible players in sub-50. I really have to get this toon to 50 because it was just as bad facing either side.


By me playing bad, I will say I was on a team with my sniper, 1 DPS sorcerer, 1 DPS operative, 1 assassin, 1 marauder, and 2 other snipers. I and at least half my team were in the low 20s for level just to give you an idea where we were at group wise. The other team sent all 8 snow, where I was capping. By the time they brought me down, my team had the other 2 nodes.


We then fend off grass, then I head to mid. Here comes all 8 again. Me and another 2 teammates face tank them long enough that we get a 3 cap and we fend them off after a 2nd zerg by me; which was another dumb face tank, but it was hillarious because they had to put so much effort into a level 21 sniper to just get a cap.


This went on the entire match. My numbers were not great doing the stupid face tanking as a sniper; but I still had way more kills than deaths and some one on ones and a couple times, I did a 2 on one only to then root the 2nd guy and retreat to my group who then finishes them off when they insist on pursuing me.


This description sounds familiar. Were they all knights, and what was your toon name?

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I have to agree with the OP. I have a scoundrel healer and I'm actually leveling a operative and sending my gear over via legacy. It's insane how many games I have to play to finish my weekly. I know there is some really good pubs but the majority of the unranked warzones are just horrible. I've solo queued plenty of times on my imps and its never as bad as I've experienced on the pub side of this server.


Those that are good at this game on the pub side shouldn't take offense to this. If you're good then obviously this isn't pointed at you. This is just an observation and I agree with him. My observation is 50 PvP not sub 50.

Edited by HammerHermann
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A lot of them were warrior classes, but I am sure there was some sages and shadows.


I was on Technohik


I'm getting this one confused a bit with another, but remember at times seeing on map a hero at a side node and amazed he was still alive. Might've been you then.


Since they were being so predictable and easy I joined in the overrotations or loafed at mid picking them off.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I'm getting this one confused a bit with another, but remember at times seeing on map a hero at a side node and amazed he was still alive. Might've been you then.


Since they were being so predictable and easy I joined in the overrotations or loafed at mid picking them off.


Could have been.


It was a dumb situation I normally do not like to put my sniper in; face tanking like that, but they showed no reason to respect them and I maxed my medals anyway.


A lot of times, it just happened from me being befuddled as I rotated to defend the next node only to see all 8 of them rushing in again. Rather than run away or call for help as we are already capping the 3rd node; just as easy to try to take some with me or annoy the piss out of them pillar humping with frag grenades and default attack preventing the cap.

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