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Worst PvP ever in a mmo?


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The gamespeed in SWTOR is faster than GW2 too.


I agree with this, SWTOR's PvP is incredibly fast-paced at higher levels of play.


However for undergeared or inexperienced players, the gameplay can slow down right to a crawl. When no one's focusing the same target healers/tanks never die. In addition, uncoordinated players tend to just throw out their stuns and CCs whenever they are available rather than saving them for a tactically important time, such as for an objective, means that many players will get the impression of being stunned all the time without being able to control their character.


Add coordinated premades versus uncoordinated PuGs and you've got an experience that is most definitely not noob-friendly. As much as I wish that players would simply try to get better rather than complaining on forums or badmouthing in game about the above issues, the truth is that the talent supply is dwindling, as new players are often turned off from PvP before really getting into it. Hopefully BW can think of a way to make it more noob-friendly while still maintaining the complexity and fast-paced gameplay that is enjoyed in ranked warzones.

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Well im thinking that WoW and SWTOR are like the number 1 and 2 biggest mmo's there are, and our pvp absolutely dumps on WoW pvp so I dont get where your coming from Zilliztra. But this is just my opinion you know ;) Edited by Miggzy
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So when i lower my standards to zero, accept that im incapacitated over 50% of the time, ill love pvp?


pvp in this game is VERY BAD.


I am mainly playing PvP. And believe me i did so for a long time in more then one Game ;-) I love to play Melee Champs so maybe i aim a bit used to being CCed, kited and always standing in the fire. But :

All Classes here have some cc options. Ofc, the usage a class can make of it are different. Ranged stun+Ranged attacks feel a bit Op if you are on the other side. But if you are able to handle 30+ Bindings you might still win. The only thing i always thought to be neccessary in SWTOR PvP is that melee fighters should do a tad (not much just some Percent!) more damage then Ranged to reward you for, uhm, crouching to your target for atleast 10 Seconds while he can already dps you. The rest is fine imho. We did a load of Duells and its possible to win in any given 1v1 Combination. Just try to make up a strategy/rotation for the 8 different opponents you might encounter. Heal op? Kick it. Strangle do whatever but check the castbar 11!!11 Tanks op? Lower their armor let them bleed, slow them. They do not do enough damage. OMG that assasin/agent damage!!!11 Nope. -> know when to use the cc breaker. If you get sapped wait. Dont break it. Just be manly and wait for the first blow of their combo. Then break out, use deff cd and turn on them. They will whimper in agony in a few seconds while their dream, of merily finishing you off while helpless, shatters... In this game it is not possible to use the same strat against all classes.

The other thing is...its not 1v1 PvP except happy ganking hour on illum. In a teamfight scenario you will have to find the role you need to fill to win this match. Just a few thought thrown in:

They have a load of healers? Check if they still have enough dps to do anything serious.


They have an uber strong Tank+Healer! Ignore the tank. And stop the healer from healing. If you can keep both busy its a win. And you can do that.


And so on. PvP in SWTOR is quite versatile, sometimes bad luck involved when their setup i stronger in the given WZ but in general more or less balanced.

Edited by WolfSp
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To much stun, to slow gameplay.


I agree that have much stun, but the pvp its not bad and not the worst...

I played some MMO's and the pvp in Sw:tor its the best for me, besides have the best map i have seen until now in pvp: Huttball.



Seriously the pvp in this game is so pathetically bad.


And for u what MMO's have better PVP ? :rolleyes:

Argues that.

Edited by chaosmadness
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there is only one reason why this pvp sucks...


this is what you get on an Alienware M17x R4


There is nothing else left to say... fix your damn lag finally, it's been long enough and I don't care how you managed to bring it back with 1.4.


That's not lag, that is the shocking performance of the game engine. I have an Alienware M18x with enough clout to run any game with a full compliment of maxed graphical settings without problem, any game other than this one. The frame rate i get at times is diabolical, even when there is no apparent reason for it - there isn't exactly a lot of eye candy on display in what is a largely static world.


The only reason i keep playing this game is because i want a large scale Star Wars MMO to immerse myself in. There are some nice ideas in this game, but unfortunately they are surrounded by poor design decisions and half-arsed implementations.

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Seriously the pvp in this game is so pathetically bad.


To much stun, to slow gameplay.


pvp is good, but agree with stuns...


they might remove all stuns from the gamemin pvp ...


and maybe increase movement speed up 20%


would be nice

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I've played a lot of MMOs and SWTOR actually has one of the better PvP systems. It's far from the best, but it's really a breath of fresh air compared to what else is out there...


I only have 2 problems with it:


1. A bit too much CC... it's really annoying at times when I spend half a warzone stunned...


2. PvP only happens in WZs, there is practically no open world PvP except the little skirmish here and there and some random level 50 camping noobs on leveling planets. What I mean is that there is no real meaning to PvP in SWTOR, like in GW2, where you conquer stuff for your realm and everyone (even PvE players) gets some sort of bonus because some people are winning in PvP.

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Seriously the pvp in this game is so pathetically bad.


To much stun, to slow gameplay.


I love this games PVP. The only stun i have a problem with the the "bubble Stun" sorc spec as it doesn't fill up enough resolve. CC makes the the game very tactical. Good CC wins games and punishes poor play. If you run in solo and get stun/killed by a couple people, it not really the stuns fault.

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LOL there are people who think the PVP in this game is actually good?


oh my...


first off... only 4 WARZONES.. LOL they have warhammer online which does 10+scenarios and are all fun with its own little twist of everything. why they didnt take a page out of their own companies book i still am amazed today.


ILLUM.... enough said huh?


STUNS....i have never seen so much stun thrown around with my resolve bar not even filling up fast enough. this is even worse for squishy classes. if they truly want it this way then they need to have everybody in heavy armor.


I wish they would spend more time on fixing ILLUM.


as whole CC in this game needs to be toned down. Resolve needs to be fixed again.

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That's not lag, that is the shocking performance of the game engine. I have an Alienware M18x with enough clout to run any game with a full compliment of maxed graphical settings without problem, any game other than this one. The frame rate i get at times is diabolical, even when there is no apparent reason for it - there isn't exactly a lot of eye candy on display in what is a largely static world.


The only reason i keep playing this game is because i want a large scale Star Wars MMO to immerse myself in. There are some nice ideas in this game, but unfortunately they are surrounded by poor design decisions and half-arsed implementations.


The problem is not the game engine... if the engine would be so bad, nobody would play the game because everyone had it. No... the problem is that you can buy a "gaming laptop" for 3 grand and have this kind of issues. That's a freaking NO GO! and I didn't have these issues before 1.4. So whatever has been done, turn in back or freaking fix it finally!


I just had a Powerpoint Warzone... with 4fps constant. I lagged constantly down the ledges, invisible enemys... 1vs 1 :rolleyes: . I can't play melee at all, can't play a healer nor a tank because its freaking impossible with this kind of performance issues. I'm paying to enjoy pvp and I can't. My wife just asked me why am I paying for something which obviously doesn't work and brings me constantly in a seriously bad mood. Can't disagree with here there.


What graphics card are you using?


since you asked


NVIDIA System Information report created on: 11/26/2012 21:33:15


Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit (Service Pack 1)

DirectX version: 11.0

GPU processor: GeForce GTX 580M

Driver version: 306.97

DirectX support: 11.1

CUDA Cores: 384

Core clock: 620 MHz

Shader clock: 1240 MHz

Memory data rate: 3000 MHz

Memory interface: 256-bit

Total available graphics memory: 4096 MB

Dedicated video memory: 2048 MB GDDR5

System video memory: 0 MB

Shared system memory: 2048 MB

Video BIOS version: 70.24.2B.00.04

IRQ: 16

Bus: PCI Express x16 Gen2






As for the PvP itself... I do enjoy it, played over 8 Characters up only with PvP and class quest so yes.. I kinda have to like it. Stun Wars is absolutely true if your opponents know what they are doing or you don't know the opponents class. Apart from this, I had no issues with any class, the only issues are people leaving the warzone when it's not an easy win and for this they'd deserver a 1h deserter debuff or more.

Edited by Sziroten
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The problem is not the game engine... if the engine would be so bad, nobody would play the game because everyone had it. No... the problem is that you can buy a "gaming laptop" for 3 grand and have this kind of issues. That's a freaking NO GO! and I didn't have these issues before 1.4. So whatever has been done, turn in back or freaking fix it finally!


I just had a Powerpoint Warzone... with 4fps constant. I lagged constantly down the ledges, invisible enemys... 1vs 1 :rolleyes: . I can't play melee at all, can't play a healer nor a tank because its freaking impossible with this kind of performance issues. I'm paying to enjoy pvp and I can't. My wife just asked me why am I paying for something which obviously doesn't work and brings me constantly in a seriously bad mood. Can't disagree with here there.


Sziroten i completely sympathize with you, but i personally struggle to see what else other than the underlying engine or perhaps shoddy client code could be responsible. I've had a fair amount of experience with developing 3D applications, not games, but VR and visualization tools for academia, and some of the things we were trying to do were extremely calculation intensive so had to be written well. In addition there was a certain amount of auto configuration of the underlying engine depending upon the detected hardware which would certainly contribute to performance. I realize this is just speculation based upon my experiences, but i am a little perplexed as to how this game can perform so poorly on such a powerful rig.


I also am experiencing all of the problems you are and it infuriates me at times.

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