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In which class stories do your choices matter?


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I seriously shouldn't have gone from an Agent to a Consular.


In the Agent story, things you do can and will come back to bite you later. There are multiple endings! Some of them can only be gotten by pursuing certain choices well before the final mission. You can see the fact that the game is paying attention as far back as Dromund Kaas, where Keeper will chew you out if you took Lightsided options on Hutta.


Agent story is great.


In contrast, in the Consular story, nobody cares. Kill a guy's daughter? Oh well. Save her? Well she's very glad and then is never seen again. Kill your master? Nobody cares, they'll give you the same swanky title and send you off to save the galaxy anyway despite you having proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're a psychotic maniac who shouldn't be trusted with a spanner. You kill how many people as a DS Consular? Even just at the conclusion of Act 1?


I know they did some pruning of consequences from some stories (don't know which) in beta when people complained that, for instance, killing companion characters would leave you permanently down a companion character. That's nonsense! Bioware's best selling point is story, and in a modern-day RPG, story should include choices that matter.


But yeah. I haven't played through them all, and I guess I don't want that many spoilers, but I'm looking to reroll again. Which class has stories where it feels like your choices actually affect the story?

Edited by Guancyto
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I didnt pay much attention to the affects of my choices. I do know as a BH though there is a point in the story where you can let someone go and they will attack you later. I do not know what happens if you kill or try to kill this individual though. But if what your saying is true then it's kind of silly. I think a Jedi going around killing innocents would raise a red flag some where....
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In touching on the consular story, theres at least 3 nasty plot-holes if you play a dark side character, its as if they presumed everyone was going to play a light sided character... Either way, they didn't test it too well.


Mm. I've actually started going lightside on my Consular just because that seems to be the only side that's had things written for it. It's not quite the same "redemption" as people going LS after the kid in the spaceport on Hutta... :p


But! This is less to gripe about the Consular story and more to find a better one.

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Yeah... I had the same feeling. My first character was a Shadow. I saw him as an assassin for the Jedi side. Someone has to do the dirty work right? Ofcourse, one would think eventually someone who does that would fall to the dark side, so that's what I played as.


After the 3rd time of killing someone and not even getting a slap on the wrist, I got bored. Deleted my shadow and made an assassin. The story overall was just boring as hell to begin with. -.-

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Agent is just frankly the best story out of all the classes.


Smuggler gets some interesting plot twists, but nowhere near what the agent gets. I think the best Republic equivalent is Trooper actually. Trooper has a pretty fantastic story, with lots of hard choices.

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Thats why people really like the agent story since it looks at your choices and alignment. The sith warrior story does this as well not as much as the agent but some choices do change the story somewhat. Its the reason why I personally think the SW and agent story is the best written out of the classes imo.
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Consular story is pretty much the consensus pick for worst story of them all.


People generally agree that consular and sith inquisitor (the story trailer for the SI class ARE LIES ALL LIES) story are generally the worst out of all the classes.

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I didn't think Consular was all that bad. Personally, Trooper was so incredibly boring for me that I did not get to far past the second planet. That was during beta though and have yet to even consider trying it again.


Agent did have a really good story. Also enjoyed BH a lot. Inquisitor wasn't bad. Jedi Knight I have been away from for a bit to long to recall what that story line is all about and Jug I also can not recall.

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In my honest opinion, none of the choices you make matter in this game. If they do, it is only in the most superficial manner. In a game centered around personal story, everything I do should change the game around me.


I don't play WoW anymore, but I really think phasing would do wonders in a game like TOR. The main pitfall with phasing is that it can cause problems when two people are on different parts of a quest and want to play together, but let's be honest here; the entirety of the storyline is mainly a solo experience.


NPC's don't react differently to me. Nothing I do in game has any real impact on the world or the story. I don't care if phasing is kind of "faking it" since it only really changes for me, but there is that illusion and it is a powerful one. It's a real shame, but I don't expect this type of thing to ever happen in this game, and it is something that would really make the game amazing.

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I have only done 5 of the 8 class srtories but I agree. Some allow me to make choices which I then regret (Agent) some allow me to make some choices most of which just mean murdering a few other people (SW), some make me feel like I get to control the little things and it all fits in well with the story (BH) and some have choices which dont matter, no one cares and I feel like I could have skipped the entire class story (SI), I have jet to do consular but if its as bad as everyone says I can't imagine enjoying it.


And yes I think Phasing should have been introduced with the option to jump into someone elses Phase when they group with you if your at different levels.

Edited by Izorii
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In my honest opinion, none of the choices you make matter in this game. If they do, it is only in the most superficial manner. In a game centered around personal story, everything I do should change the game around me.


This is somewhat tricky. As an MMO they really can't make your decisions have too much impact on the story and should they create an expansion they need something sufficiently general to work from. Having said that, the Agent as mentioned has multiple occasions where little things change here and there that give the impression that what you choose matters. The Jedi Knight story has this as well with your first major decision on Typhon popping up on Corellia and even before.


The Trooper is interesting IMO because of this. With their ending, it really doesn't matter what you choose to do not so much because it is bland in general but because it reminds you that you are just a soldier in an army and the big leagues up top make decisions that you most likely will hate. This is perhaps subtle but an excellent tie-in to the Act 1 story arc and really works to the overall theme of betrayal that it has going. Though again it's somewhat subtle and anti-climatic by intention so you really need to keep the whole thing in mind and not just focus on the grand ending.

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And yes I think Phasing should have been introduced with the option to jump into someone elses Phase when they group with you if your at different levels.

I'm not sure I understand entirely here, but if you mean same-class story phases, you've had the ability to enter those since before launch, you just have to enable it in your preferences.

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Mm. I've actually started going lightside on my Consular just because that seems to be the only side that's had things written for it. It's not quite the same "redemption" as people going LS after the kid in the spaceport on Hutta... :p


But! This is less to gripe about the Consular story and more to find a better one.




There's a few like that, where LS or DS doesn't seem to be written for so much as stuck on.


On the other hand there are some that LS and DS does seem to be well written for.




However I think the Agent story seems to be the only one that has any real differences (short of an NPC turning up or not to help you in a fight later on).

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