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How Not To Suck As A Mercenary


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Well arsenal mercs are pretty good in huttball and in premades. Also they are good if they have max gear since their rotation will kill a person who is without healing. So find a way to play only huttball until you are geared and you won't suck!!!! lol.


LOL, actually huttaball is the worst map for a merc/commando


Huttaball is all about movement and speed to me anyways



Force Leap




There is a reason these abilities are so useful in Huttaball and Mercs/commandos have none of those (or anything like it).


Huttaball was my least favorite map as a merc or a commando


Void Star was the map I had the most success with (depending on team of course but that can be said for all WZs) as a commando and as a merc (yup got both at late battlemaster/ early war hero valor)


Denova was also a fun map for a merc or a commando (double so for a healer merc/commando, could pull huge numbers from this map)


Civil War was a toss up. If your opponents were dumb enough to let you sit up top and aoe to your hearts content, was a AWSOME map


But on flip side, if your team raced off with no communication at speed leaving you chugging along behind, it tended to get old really fast


huttaball is the last map I wanna see as a merc/commando and the first map I wanna see as a cons/inq.

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Well at least you aren't implying I don't have the right to post anymore. What makes you think DPS mercs should be sending others to the cloner instead of vice versa? You still haven't made any argument that contains a bit of fact to back up your claim. Just unsupported platitudes. I made an argument for my position that no DPS merc ever contributes meaningfully to their own team's victory. Prove me wrong. What do you really think that Mercs have that make them able to come up on top that so many of the people who play the AC are missing?


Put up or shut up dude.



You dont know what youre talking about. And judging by what you have said, you are a commando, not a mercenary, so you must be pretty audacious to think you can tell a mercenary how to play a game for a mercenary. Thats my proof: you have no experience as one.

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You dont know what youre talking about. And judging by what you have said, you are a commando, not a mercenary, so you must be pretty audacious to think you can tell a mercenary how to play a game for a mercenary. Thats my proof: you have no experience as one.


This guy is definitely a troll, that or he's an effin ignorant kiddo that have no idea what he's talking about.

Are you on the Red Eclipse server? Would love to see how "awesome" you fare against RWZ lolmashers, or any other class to be honest players. I'm sure in these situations you are going to rock our world with your tracer Missiles...

Edited by yoomazir
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This guy is definitely a troll, that or he's an effin ignorant kiddo that have no idea what he's talking about.

Are you on the Red Eclipse server? Would love to see how "awesome" you fare against RWZ lolmashers, or any other class to be honest players. I'm sure in these situations you are going to rock our world with your tracer Missiles...


Your life must be fun, sitting back and insulting posts. I put down my experience on there as a help forum to new players to help them in PvP, and you say I am not a real player. Guess what, genius, I do have characters on the Red Eclipse server, and they do fine. I have enough knowledge to right it down, put it in terms a new player would understand.

Start your own forum, shut up and read mine, or go away, this is a help forum. New players may need help, and if you are all high and mighty, why are you even reading this?

Dont acknowledge if you understand, just stop responding unless you have a helpful suggestion, put down with no insult within it.

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So Im going to assume that you fight those lvl 10 mercs who just got dual wield and want to feel strong in PvP, so you take an easy kill.

Though Kalfear and I disagree, he is right in saying that mercs dont have a big 1 hit KO button. So what. You may be a great commando, sure, but mercs have abilities to.


BTW, again, as a commando, why are you reading a merc help forum?


mercs are comandos

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You dont know what youre talking about. And judging by what you have said, you are a commando, not a mercenary, so you must be pretty audacious to think you can tell a mercenary how to play a game for a mercenary. Thats my proof: you have no experience as one.


mercs are commandos, someone doesnt knwo the classes very well, tisk tisk :p

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Your life must be fun, sitting back and insulting posts. I put down my experience on there as a help forum to new players to help them in PvP, and you say I am not a real player. Guess what, genius, I do have characters on the Red Eclipse server, and they do fine. I have enough knowledge to right it down, put it in terms a new player would understand.

Start your own forum, shut up and read mine, or go away, this is a help forum. New players may need help, and if you are all high and mighty, why are you even reading this?

Dont acknowledge if you understand, just stop responding unless you have a helpful suggestion, put down with no insult within it.



Put names here buddy and i'll be there to spank dat nooby *** of yours.

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I told you to cut it out. Seriously, why are you harassing me?


Because you're misinforming the devs with our class, you pretend you know how to not suck with a merc and then call down anyone else telling you how wrong you are.


Am I harassing you? Big deal, maybe now you should start learing the pros & cons of this class before coming here and posting stupidities.

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You've been telling people how good you are, as a mercenary, on a PvP forum. Expect people to call you out.


PS - Are you on Shadowlands? Please be on Shadowlands. I want my free lunch.



Find one line where I say Im good. I dare you. I never compliment myself, its just personal experience.

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Because you're misinforming the devs with our class, you pretend you know how to not suck with a merc and then call down anyone else telling you how wrong you are.


Am I harassing you? Big deal, maybe now you should start learing the pros & cons of this class before coming here and posting stupidities.


You are the biggest idiot here. How many times have I told people this is not a guide, just tips and tricks that work. You dont play the whole game like this, its just to help with strategy. Also, the title was a joke! Its not saying everyone sucks, its like cooking for dummies, reading it doesnt mean youre dumb. I do not call everyone else down, just you and the other ignorant idiots who believe that if they dont like something they should run their mouths against it. This is what helps me, maybe it helps other people, but apparently the only thing that could help you is something written by your own mediocrity.

This is just for help. Anyone else reading this, take what you want, dislike it if you want to, but dont go around saying the strategies dont work, because I tested them and they are fine!

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In most warzones, the common strategy of "hugging corners" is viable. For hutball however, the additional knockback (arsenal/gunnery) was crucial. Hugging corners is not possible there, unless you stay near the centre and leave offence and defence to the rest of the team (which can't always work). With the additional knockback that has been removed in 1.4, hutball allowed arsenal/gunnery specs something that doesn't work in other warzones: To stand in a well visible spot (on a bridge) and just knock down anyone who charges them.


And I don't have to point out how important the 30m stun was in hutball ... plus, without that stun, gunslingers/snipers will always win a long range face-off due to their cover which protects well against the ranged (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) attacks (NOT the tech attacks).


But the lead designer seemed to think that it should be optimised for the most stupid players, who may not recognise when the resolve build does more harm than the knockback does good.

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You are the biggest idiot here. How many times have I told people this is not a guide, just tips and tricks that work. You dont play the whole game like this, its just to help with strategy. Also, the title was a joke! Its not saying everyone sucks, its like cooking for dummies, reading it doesnt mean youre dumb. I do not call everyone else down, just you and the other ignorant idiots who believe that if they dont like something they should run their mouths against it. This is what helps me, maybe it helps other people, but apparently the only thing that could help you is something written by your own mediocrity.

This is just for help. Anyone else reading this, take what you want, dislike it if you want to, but dont go around saying the strategies dont work, because I tested them and they are fine!





Like " always use high velocity gas cylinders", yeah right, *********** noob, you're not helping new players, basically what you're telling them is this : "to make bread, use cement !"


You're a joke buddy, btw my merc name is Atrisar on the Red Eclipse, feel free to show me your "tips & tricks" I'm sure my ranked 84 fully modded WH toon needs to explain him how to play his class.

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Find one line where I say Im good. I dare you. I never compliment myself, its just personal experience.




Sure, say you always kill them, I would in your shoes, but you would be respawning in a medcenter if you faced one who really knew what they were doing.


Oh wait, you weren't talking about yourself? So in effect you've created a thread to tell people how to be good at playing a Merc from the perspective of someone who isn't very good?




Look, I'll be nice. If you have hints and tips then by all means post them (although 'buy gear from the Cartel shop' is going to get you laughed at). But expect to be firmly questioned on what you post, and if it doesn't make sense, or you imply that you are beating the odds on what IS a terrible class, people are going to want to see you in action.


PvP is like that.


Post a vid. We like vids.

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I must be the only person who thought the 30m stun grenade nerf was a great thing.

Wait, hear me out (and yes I'm a commando).


We all complain that PvP is a stun fest then complain when they limit the stuns.

30m is sniper ranges, and having a stun that works at that range turns it into an offensive weapon and makes the game a stunfest. It's unfair the nerf was on one of the most difficult classes, but making the stun a defense instead of offensive weapon is a good thing in my opinion. I just wish they would follow through and limit the offensive stuns on other classes too.


Tl;dr - Stuns should be a short range defensive countermeasure you can use after someone initiates an attack on you. It should not be a long range offensive opener used at range to eliminate any chance to fight back (looking at you leap-smash-push-leap-smash)


edit: I think a short range offensive stun coming out of stealth should stay for operatives who's whole class revolves around sneaking and stunning.

Edited by Kerensk
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I must be the only person who thought the 30m stun grenade nerf was a great thing.


Probably yes.


It degraded our ability to fight sorcs a little (somewhat offset by the addition of an interrupt), and snipers a lot (who can't be interrupted). No real change against melee, but hey we get massacred by them anyway. In huttball it was an overall decrease in our utility, given that we don't have pulls or leaps.


So a fairly large net loss.

Edited by Jherad
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