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Best and worst names seen...


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My trooper's name is Boomstick. The most /facepalm name I've seen so far is a female bounty hunter named Boobafett. We have a lot of weird guild names on my server, but then what do you expect with a name like "Space Slug." I think the strangest one I've seen so far is "Wombats vs. Narwhals", and I rather like the Empire-side guild, "Good is Dumb."
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I've seen so many league of legends names. No imagination at all.


When I was searching for guilds I saw: Girl Scout Wookies


That one made me chuckle.


As far as server names, Nadd's Sarcophagus is a pretty terrible name. My guild had many laughs on vent when we saw that it was full.

Edited by pennitent
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Worst name so far is Cloud'Strife. I mean, he was a nice enough guy but that's a pretty bad name. I think his legacy name was also Strife, which made it somewhat even worse.


The best name is mine, Callipygous. My twi'lek indeed has beautifully proportioned buttocks.

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Best Guild name I've seen so far is Ewoking on Sunshine, Empire side on Shii-cho.


Haven't seen one truly bad yet, mostly some of the same tired old retreads like Dark Assassins, Legacy, Pull My Finger, etc...


Seen one character called Chuck Norris already, with a few inserted apostrophes to break the name up

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Honestly people give me grief for having my Legacy name be Carrick, an EU surname, but at least I'm not making a joke out of it. Some of my friends already grabbed Fett, Halcyon, and Onasi. People are taking this too seriously, the legacy system was flawed from the start.


Rant over.


PS worst one I've seen is some guy with the name ButtxMidget.

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Thunderc--t (really!!).


I've had to report about a hundred names today. Now that the EGA is over, the worst of the worst has come to the game.


I've been astonished and amazed at the lengths these people will go to create an offensive name.


I was actually whispered by somebody who cursed me out for "stealing THEIR name". They demanded I delete my character and give it to them also.

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BE ORIGINAL PEOPLE, make me sick copying from SW movies my characters:


Xabent a Bounty Hunter

Cornholio a Jedi Consular (maybe not original but at least not SW related)


I saw a Jar'Jar'Binks on my server Anchorhead, I am not kidding you

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