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Sith Sorcerer LF a raiding guild


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Hello, I have just returned from a leave of absence to SWTOR and plan on raiding again. I am a level 50 Sith Sorcerer looking for a preferred 16 man late night raiding guild between the times of 10pm - 2am CST. I can heal or dps and do not mind either. I started playing SWTOR in the beta, and I stopped playing shortly after KP was released. Would also like for a guild where people are active even on non raiding days as I like the community.


With my previous guild we had cleared:

4/5 Nightmare mode and 5/5 Hard mode EV

5/5 Hard mode KP


I have a working mic and if you have any other questions feel free to send me a PM or in game mail. Thanks!

Edited by Kindran
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